The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 907 Whoever has the weapon is the king

Chapter 907 Whoever has the weapon is the king

As for the huge ship, it is naturally gone now, and has sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

The super luxury cruise ship that was once prosperous and prosperous, but in the end, it was a mess.

Those so-called upper-class people who were active on this cruise ship finally disappeared overnight, in a panic...

Suddenly, I saw one of the guys yelling in panic and excitement, meaning: Hey—look—there—the island—

Following such a yell, dozens of people panicked, as if they were alive again.

Next, I saw dozens of people rushing towards the island in a panic...

However, a few of them are still in the center of the ocean at the moment.

Maybe it was a blind swim last night, did you swim there?

But at this moment, I suddenly saw the island, and I saw those guys turned around and swam back in a panic.


Ryder suddenly saw that everyone was swimming towards the island, and he stretched out his hand in front of Li Chen's eyes in a panic: "Hey, brother Li Chen, what are you still doing? Hurry up! Let's swim over too! Seize the island resources!"

However, Li Chen looked at him inexplicably, and said, "Snatch it up? With the food on hand, is it enough?"

Thinking about it, the little food that Ryder had on hand, if those people found it after landing, wouldn't they tear him up?

Unexpectedly, Ryder smiled and took out a pistol, saying: "Don't be afraid, Brother Li Chen, I have this."

Immediately, he said again: "You should know that at this moment, whoever has the weapon is the king."

Fooling others is fine, but not Li Chen.

Therefore, Li Chen also said: "You have this now, is there a use for it? It's been soaked in water, do you dare to shoot?"

Ryder laughed: "Brother Li Chen, do you think those guys are the same as you, know about guns?"

Immediately, the guy said happily again: "Why don't we make a bet and see who among them is not afraid of this after we go ashore?"

This is true.

Ordinary people really don't understand the performance of guns.

After thinking about it, Li Chen looked at Ryder again, and said, "Okay. Let's swim over quickly."

Then, he hastily added: "Ma's, if you leave it here to feed the sharks for a while, it will be a fool."


At this moment, among the dozens of people, some of them were swimming towards the island, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.

As for the specific situation, Li Chen is not very clear?
He wanted to swim over to find out, but right now he really had more energy than he wanted.

Ryder also didn't care so much, he only cared about leading the tour ahead.

Li Chen followed behind him with three women.

However, this time, for Li Chen, thinking about the sudden addition of Ryder, his heart is not so sad.

At least you have a brother now, don't you?
Moreover, as far as Ryder is concerned, he knows him very well, and his various skills are quite powerful.

But this guy... Maybe it's because of his personality, no matter where he is, he always smiles, as if he has no heart.

But in reality, it's not that simple.


When I was about to swim to the small island on the south side of the ocean, I saw that some guys had already landed first, there were men and women.

They who had already landed first, suddenly looked weak, turned around and sat down on the beach.

Then, one after another, many men and women went ashore wet and dripping water along the way.

But at this moment, I can't tell who is who?
All of them are dizzy and confused.

The only thing that is certain is that those who can still go ashore here are the lucky ones.

It's just that the men and women who have already landed seem to be unfamiliar with each other, and they don't know each other.

Therefore, I saw one by one, on the beach, they were all scattered and looking for places to sit paralyzed...

Fortunately, the beach is quite big.

They can also act independently.


In order not to get together with them, Li Chen and Ryder, with the three women, also swam to the beach on the west side, preparing to dock here.

The only good thing is that this journey in the ocean went smoothly, and I didn't encounter any ferocious marine beasts such as sharks.


Suddenly, among the crowd, several familiar faces suddenly appeared...

One of them is the American guy.

Also, Xiao Jie, the former security manager on the cruise ship...

Beside Xiao Jie, sat two or three security brothers.

When they turned their heads and looked around, they were surprised to see that the Hua country boy and the three women were still alive and well. Suddenly, they looked surprised: "???"

Suddenly, a buddy couldn't help whispering in Xiao Jie's ear, meaning: Boss, that kid is still alive?How could it be so fateful?
Suddenly hearing this, I saw that the former security manager suddenly showed some inexplicable anger...

Especially for that boy from Huaguo, who was still with those three women, he felt even more uncomfortable.

However, he had just landed at this moment and hadn't calmed down yet, so he didn't have a strong fighting spirit yet.


After a while, when the American guy suddenly saw that Huaguo kid and those three women, he also suddenly showed some inexplicable anger...


ChinaBoy! ?

After a while, when Li Chen and the others had just disembarked from the beach on the west side, they saw that American guy walking over...

Apparently, the American guy who went ashore first had recovered.

Therefore, seeing Li Chen come ashore, the American guy was so angry that he wanted to kick him suddenly...

Unexpectedly, the big black man (Ryder) directly took out his pistol and pointed it at the American guy...


Hearing such a sound suddenly, the American guy who was about to raise his leg turned his head to look at it, but he was instantly dumbfounded...

I saw that he raised his hands in a panic and embarrassment, expressing a gesture of surrender.

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen untied the rope made by the bed sheet on his arm, and punched the American guy K...

'Tom! '

With such a bang, the American guy staggered and fell sideways in the sand with a 'poof'.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ryder hurried forward and kicked the American guy in the stomach...

'pon! '

The Yankee immediately lay on his side, bent into the shape of a shrimp.

In fact, at this moment, both Li Chen and Ryder were puzzled, thinking who is this stupid?

Damn, he's about to launch an attack as soon as we land?

At this moment, Xiao Jie, who was sitting in the crowd facing the beach in the south, suddenly saw the Miguel go up and got tricked, he was still a little apprehensive and startled——

Especially when he saw that big black man with a gun in his hand, he became even more afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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