Chapter 908 Grab the bag!

However, soon, the two or three security brothers beside Xiao Jie immediately noticed the rucksack left on the sand by the big black man...

Presumably, there must be something in that backpack...?
And, especially looking at that rucksack a little bulging...

Obviously, as crew members, they were suddenly in such an environment, so they naturally reacted faster than the tourists who had just landed.

At least for a while, they immediately realized the problem of resources and food.

After all, I still don't know what's going on?
Although they are still ignorant for the time being, those few of them have subconsciously realized that they are now on a deserted island...

When will rescue come, no one knows?
So right now, naturally resources and food are the focus!

After a while, sure enough, suddenly a buddy couldn't help but whispered something in Xiao Jie's ear...

It means to ask Xiao Jie to look at the rucksack.

After Xiao Jie looked in the direction indicated by the buddy, he suddenly saw the rucksack that the big black man had left in the sand, and suddenly his eyes lit up——

Just looking at the pistol in the hands of the big black man, he was still a little apprehensive, not daring to grab the backpack easily.

However, at this moment, another buddy couldn't help but whisper in Xiao Jie's ear...

This buddy means: Boss, don't be afraid.The pistol that the big black person had was soaked.Just landed, right?Even Liang didn't dare to shoot right now.Because if you shoot it, it will explode.He's dangerous himself, understand?

Suddenly listening to this, after realizing the problem, I saw that the former security manager began to miss the rucksack...


Right now, by the seaside on the west side.

The big black guy (Ryder) is squatting in the sand by the sea, cleaning up that American guy...

Looking at the American guy who was lying on his side and curled up in the sand, Ryder asked a few questions in English in confusion...

Means: Fuck, do we have a grudge against you?Where the hell are you a stupid bastard?Why did you want to attack my Hua Guo brother from the very beginning?Are you fucking mad cow disease?
The shriveled American guy, it's embarrassing to curl up there at the moment, and I don't know what to say for a while?
It's just that I'm still very angry in my heart, and at the same time feel that it's too damn unlucky.

In the end, he made himself look like a clown at the moment.

Originally on the cruise ship, he was very annoyed when Li Chen made a fool of him.

Therefore, he thought that this kid from Hua country was sure to be eaten at this moment, but who knew that he was the one who was beaten to the ground in the end.

To be honest, just at this moment, Li Chen looked at the American guy curled up in the sand and wondered...

Because after all, they have never met each other, and for a while, they don't know who this idiot is?What's the background?
But, at this moment, looking at the beach facing the south, after all, there are a bunch of people sitting paralyzed, and they are all looking suspiciously at this direction, so for a while, they are also embarrassed to strike too hard.

Now, at the side, Quan Hye Kyo waited for the three women to untie the rope made of the sheet that was connected to their arms, and couldn't help but stare at the American guy curled up in the sand... …

Because the three women were also thinking, did we offend this guy on the cruise?


However, at this moment, Xiao Jie, the former security manager, and the three security brothers were about to make a change...

The four of them got up suddenly, and were about to rush towards the beach on the west side...

The target was the rucksack left on the sand to the west.

The four of them were going to sneak over quickly, and after snatching the rucksack, they ran back.


Suddenly, living on such a wild island is obviously another manifestation of humanity.

First of all, nature is still a war between resources and food.


At this moment, on the beach facing south, the [-] or [-] people sitting paralyzed suddenly realized what the purpose of Xiao Jie and the other four people was. Ryo stared at that rucksack...

After the twenty or thirty people were stunned for a while, they suddenly realized something.

They were originally the so-called upper-class people, but they seem to have suddenly realized the importance of resources and food...

As a result, one by one, they also began to reveal their human nature.

It seems that I have to play the wolf side...

Otherwise, would it be possible to die on this deserted island?

However, the girl from the fighting nation (Katerina) has sharp eyes. When this girl saw Xiao Jie and the other four sneaking over without making a sound, she was furious and at the same time she was already standing still. Sensually, he tightened the rope made of the bed sheet at hand...

At the same time, she panicked and reminded in a very low voice: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, pay attention, our rucksack!"

As soon as the words were finished, I saw one of the guys sprinting over at a high speed, reaching out to snatch the rucksack in the sand...

However, what I didn't expect was that Katerina passed by with a whoosh, and strangled the guy's neck with a rope twisted from the sheet at hand...

"Ah... Ka..."

The guy was suddenly strangled by the neck, and after a while, he blushed in panic and wanted to make a sound, but he was almost suffocated.

Originally he wanted to rush back with brute force, but unexpectedly, Katerina turned her back in a panic, pulled the rope made of twisted sheets with her shoulders, and dragged forward abruptly...

"???" Xiao Jie waited for the three of them, suddenly dumbfounded.

Because the three of them never expected that that actually as tough as Nima!Grass!

At this moment, the [-] or [-] people on the beach facing the south were suddenly dumbfounded with fear: "???"

Taking advantage of this moment, Quan Hye Kyo, who suddenly saw the situation and reacted suddenly, rushed over in a panic, snatched the rucksack back from the guy's hand...

Suddenly seeing such a situation, Ryder, who was squatting there to deal with the American guys, suddenly became impatient...

Seeing this guy, he suddenly picked up a stone, angrily slapped it on the forehead of the American guy, said "Fuck" angrily, and then stood up...

This made the [-] or [-] people on the sandy beach in Zhengnan look at each other in panic and trepidation: "???"

Especially seeing that the big black man (Ryder) had a gun in his hand, the [-] or [-] of them dared not move.

Suddenly seeing the Russian girl pulling the rope with her shoulders, dragging the guy who was about to snatch the bag all the way, Ryder couldn't help laughing: "Haha! Brother Li Chen, that is indeed your woman , is sturdy, ha!"

At this time, Li Chen said something next to Ryder's ear: "Pay attention to the other three guys, they seem to be in the same group."

(End of this chapter)

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