Chapter 909 Sudden Chaos
Hearing what Li Chen said next to his ear, Ryder gloomily looked at Xiao Jie and the other three...

Seeing these three guys suddenly, their eyes were very strange. While watching their words with fear, they were also a little bit covetous. Ryder frowned very depressed...

"Oh! Fuck! Brother Li Chen, can you tell me... this morning... we just landed... what kind of mess is this all about?"

Suddenly hearing Dahei's melancholy rant, Li Chen replied: "It's not because of your rucksack."

Immediately, he added another sentence: "Didn't I say it before, isn't your little food not enough?"


Ryder, who suddenly realized, was depressed again.

After the depression was over, this guy used the pistol in his hand to gesture imposingly to Xiao Jie and the other three...

The meaning is asking: Fuck!Aren't you tricolors afraid of death?
However, Li Chen panicked and whispered in this guy's ear: "Master Ni, stop gesticulating! If you gesticulate again, you will reveal yourself!"

Sure enough, Xiao Jie suddenly said something, meaning: You shoot!

"...???" Ryder was stunned for a moment!

Oh fuck...

And at this moment, the [-] or [-] people on the beach facing south seemed to have suddenly sensed something...

As a result, all of a sudden, in the next second, those twenty or thirty people were staring at him again.

After Li Chen paid attention to those eyes, he secretly felt something was wrong in his heart, and at the same time couldn't help but whisper in Ryder's ear: "Fuck you, Mr. Ni! Did you reveal your secrets? You're still embarrassed!"

The two of them were whispering, when suddenly, one of the security guards changed again...

I saw that guy rushing suddenly, ready to rescue the buddy who was being dragged by the neck by Katerina...

Suddenly seeing the momentum, suddenly, Li Chen also started to get ruthless!

I saw him abruptly and abruptly intercepting him, stretching his legs and tripping over that security buddy...

That security buddy just fell down in the sand with a 'poof' sound like a dog chewing shit.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, this time, the writer of Oriental beauty is very powerful...

Seeing that security buddy suddenly fell down, I saw the oriental beauty writer suddenly lifted a rock and slammed it down on the back of that security buddy...

'pon! '

With such a bang, the security buddy coughed for a while, and then fell silent all of a sudden.

Seeing this in shock, the rest of Xiao Jie and another security buddy were dumbfounded again: "???"

At this moment, Ryder also looked stunned and stunned: "???"

He didn't seem to have imagined that the three girls following Brother Li Chen were all so tough?

Such a shrew?
After another sudden and amazing scene, I saw the twenty or thirty people on the beach facing the south, and they were a little stupid again...

They seemed to realize that the Hua country boy and the three women were really not easy to mess with!

But, in the next second, when the twenty or thirty people reacted, they were all startled suddenly thoughtfully: "???"

Monkeys can learn from others, let alone humans?

So, all of a sudden, those [-] or [-] people also started looking for stones on the beach...

After seeing the abnormal behavior of those twenty or thirty people suddenly, the next second, Li Chen yelled in shock: "Run—"

"???" Ryder was still a little confused.

When he suddenly saw that twenty or thirty people were rushing towards the stones, he panicked and panicked...

Oh - Fuck -

And at this moment, Li Chen and the three women had already run west along the beach...

After Ryder reacted, he panicked and turned around to catch up...

"Hey—wait I—"

As for the next scene, it was a bit messy, and I couldn't figure out what the situation was?

More than [-] or [-] people, each with a piece of stone in hand, rushed all the way to the two men and three women in front of them...

Xiao Jie and the remaining security brother were also suddenly confused: "???"

When it became clear that they were both fighting for the rucksack, Xiao Jie also panicked and picked up a stone from the beach, saying: We will chase it too!
When that Anbao brother understood that he wanted to fish in troubled waters, he also picked up a stone in a panic...

Next, this beach will be lively!
For a rucksack, a group of people seemed to die.

This morning, when everyone was still stupid, such a ridiculous farce was staged...


At this moment, in front of him, while running, Li Chen stretched out his hand in a panic to take the rucksack from Quan Hye Kyo's hand...

"Give me the backpack! Run!"

While yelling, he took the backpack, and then he ran desperately while carrying the backpack on his back.

After that bastard Ryder caught up, he still didn't forget to smile and said: "Hey, brother Li Chen, you and your three girls are fine! Awesome!"

But after Li Chen looked back, he hurriedly said: "Uncle Ni! Stop talking nonsense! Run quickly!"

However, unexpectedly, Katerina who was running in the front suddenly yelled: "Hey, brother Li Chen, there is no way, what should I do?"

Ahead, at the end of the sandy corridor, there is indeed no road.

Because a mountain col suddenly appeared, and the mouth of the mountain col was a stream of water...

Moreover, the span between this mountain pass and the opposite bank is not small, at least a hundred meters away.

"Fuck!?" Ryder also panicked suddenly.

Li Chen is taking care of the situation behind him...

Looking at the twenty or thirty people behind him, who were still chasing after him, they were about to rush in, and there was no way out. Li Chen just wanted to yell and jump down and swim to the other side, but unexpectedly, at this moment, suddenly With a bang, a big tiger sprang out from the jungle nearby...


Following the sudden scream, the twenty or thirty people suddenly became confused.

That's when it suddenly became chaotic...

Although the big tiger that suddenly jumped out blocked the people on both sides at once, but Li Chen and his side suddenly panicked when they saw such a big tiger: "???"

Oh - Fuck -

After a shock, Ryder asked tremblingly like a woman, "Hey, Brother Li should I do?"

Li Chen was also in a panic, because right now, he didn't have any weapons.

Not to mention tree branches, not even a hatchet.

Unarmed, how dare you easily challenge a big tiger?
Waiting to look at the big tiger, standing horizontally on the sandy corridor, looking here and there for a while, Li Chen said: "It's okay. Don't worry. Don't panic. Let's see where the tiger will go Fang ran?"

(End of this chapter)

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