Jump together 910
Suddenly I heard Li Chen talking about which way the tiger will run, and Ryder couldn't help trembling in Li Chen's ear: "Oh, I feel... it should run towards us ?”

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Uncle Ni!"

Ryder said: "Hey, brother Li Chen, don't keep talking about my uncle. I've already told you, I really don't have an uncle. And... I feel... Dumb should pick soft persimmons, After all, we have few people here.”

Originally, Quan Huiqiao and the other three women were terrified of the big tiger, but when they suddenly heard the conversation between the big black man and Li Chen, the three of them couldn't help but want to laugh...

It seems that no matter when, where, or under what circumstances, this big black man is like a joke.

It felt like Dumb was about to run towards them, so Li Chen looked back at the waters at the mouth of the mountain behind him...

"I'll count one, two, three, let's jump together."

"OK." Ryder replied immediately.

Because there is nothing to do now, the five of them have been forced to the waters in front of the mountain pass.

If you don't jump down, there is really no way out.

Just when Li Chen was about to count one, two, three, suddenly, Ryder looked at the three women and said, "Hey, brother Li Chen, wait!"

Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Ryder said: "The two of us can jump, but... can your three women do?"

Katerina was the first to reply: "Don't worry, I can do it. I'm fine."

Quan Hye Kyo said: "It's okay. I'm still wearing a life jacket."

Ito Chuanxiang replied: "I am still wearing a life jacket."

This shows that the three women are all right, so Li Chen said: "That's all right. Get ready. I'm going to count one, two, three."



Unexpectedly, when Li Chen had just counted to two, the opponent's mob, who didn't know who they were, suddenly threw a stone at Dumb...

Dumb turned his head and looked, angry!

Immediately, with a yell of 'Aw', the tiger turned around and rushed towards the twenty or thirty people fiercely...


With such a scream, the twenty or thirty people on the other side suddenly jumped up and down, turned around and ran like crazy...

Originally, Li Chen hadn't counted to three, but Ryder felt that it was three soon, so he was the first to jump into the water at the mouth of the mountain with a "poof"...

Suddenly seeing that the big black guy had already jumped down, Li Chen and the other four were in a daze: "???"

Ryder, who had already entered the water, turned around to look, and was also confused for a while: "???"

Looking up again, he suddenly saw that the four people were still standing on the shore, and he was stunned again: "???"

"Hey, Brother Li Chen, you..."


The three women couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Seeing that guy like Ryder suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help laughing: "I haven't counted to three yet."



The three women burst out laughing again.

After Li Chen smiled again, he didn't care about Ryder, and just turned his head to watch the excitement...

At this moment, the twenty or thirty people on the other side were being chased by a big tiger fiercely for a while, and it was very lively.

It's just that Li Chen felt a little puzzled... Fuck, what the hell is going on?

Early in the morning, just coming ashore from the middle of the ocean, why is Nima fighting so fiercely?
It's depressing enough to think about it... because I still haven't figured out who belongs to Tamar?
Just a general look, most of them are a group of guys with European and American faces.

Among them, there are quite a few good-looking blonde women.

Afterwards, after Ryder swam ashore again, he suddenly saw the big tiger chasing the twenty or thirty people fiercely, and he frowned in confusion again: "???"

It's like feeling like you've been slapped in the face.

That big bastard doesn't pick soft persimmons?

In the end, the big tiger chased and chased, and suddenly stopped again...

However, Li Chen and the others could see clearly, it seemed that the American guy was out of luck?
Because the American guy after being cleaned up by them is still lying in the sand.

Sure enough, when Dug stepped forward, he barked his teeth and clawed his way down...

As if hearing a 'click', one of the American guy's arms was already in the tiger's mouth...

When those twenty or thirty people turned their heads to look back, each of them was stunned again...


The screams of the women rose again.

But at this moment, Li Chen was watching, thinking to himself, maybe the common enemy now is that big tiger?
It's just that now, there is a mess, and no one dares to attack that big tiger.

Thinking about it, Li Chen suddenly turned his head to look at Ryder beside him, and said, "Where's the pistol?"

"What...!?" Ryder was in a daze again.

Li Chen said: "I said...give me the pistol!"

Ryder hurriedly said: "Oh... Brother Li Chen, are you crazy? It will explode!"

Li Chen still just said: "Just give it to me!"

Seeing the situation, there was nothing to do, so Ryder had no choice but to take out the pistol and hand it to Li Chen...

After Li Chen took the pistol, he turned his head to look at Katerina, and said, "Linna, give me the rope made from the bed sheet."

Katerina was also a little confused for a moment: "???"

Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang are also confused...

Then, after Li Chen took the sheet and twisted it into a rope, he quickly wringed out the water...

Next, he squatted down and disassembled the pistol with a click...

Not to mention the three women were confused, even Ryder was also a little confused: "???"

After wiping off the moisture in the gun chamber with a bed sheet that has been wrung out, clean it up again, and then I saw him put the whole pistol back with a click...

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help being overjoyed: "Wow! Brother Li Chen, you are really awesome!"

After Ryder came to his senses, he was overjoyed: "Oh... oh my god... I actually forgot what Brother Li Chen did before!"

As for Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang, they once again admired this Huaguo man!
Next, seeing Li Chen holding a finished pistol, he couldn't help walking forward...

At this moment, that big tiger has eaten more than half of that American guy by the sea.

Seeing that the big tiger was still eating vigorously, suddenly, Li Chen shot decisively...


On the deserted island, which was originally silent, the sudden gunshot seemed to frighten everything in an instant!
Seeing those [-] or [-] people, there was a burst of heart trembling in an instant: "???"

It wasn't until the big tiger fell down with a 'poof' sound that the twenty or thirty people were shocked to realize that it was the Hua countryman who fired the shot...

(End of this chapter)

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