The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 911 My name is Alice, remember?

Chapter 911 My name is Alice, remember?
However, at this moment, seeing that big tiger was dead, and then looking at that Hua country boy, it was in the eyes of the twenty or thirty people... Suddenly, that Hua country boy suddenly looked like a hero... …

In short, at this moment, their inner feelings are very complicated.

It seems that you can't express it for a while?

Originally, they were thinking about the rucksack that Huaguo kid was carrying on his back, but now, they seem embarrassed to go there and snatch it...

Perhaps they also realized that on this deserted island, there is still a common enemy of mankind hidden?
To be honest, just now, those twenty or thirty people were really scared enough by that big tiger.

Even many women, and some timid men, have been scared to pee.

Then look at that kid from Huaguo, and then look at the pistol in his hand. In an instant, I saw that the twenty or thirty people seemed to want to kneel and worship...

Because this is the hero!

This is the savior!

Thanks to him for decisively killing that big tiger just now!

At this moment, in the crowd, the former security manager Xiao Jie and another security buddy were also suddenly a little stunned——

As for their other two security brothers, they seem to have choked their farts?

Because before, one of them was dragged so far by Katerina's neck with a rope, so it's no wonder it didn't choke.

The other one before... After being tripped by Li Chen, he was hit by a stone by an oriental beauty writer. He was already dying, but just now he was in a panic and was trampled on by these twenty or thirty people. It's strange to choke farts.

At this moment, the embarrassing situation on this beach also made the twenty or thirty people have to be stunned and calm down a little.

It seems that they are all thinking suddenly. It seems that this kind of chaos is not a solution?
Now, one by one, the whole is a mess of loose sand.

There is no ruler, no leader.

The point is, this early in the morning, they all just landed from the middle of the ocean, and they are still in a daze...


But now... Li Chen looked at the twenty or thirty people, all of them were unfamiliar faces, and he didn't know what to say?
Moreover, most of them were European and American faces, so he didn't know what to say?

Besides, he hated speaking English in his bones.

Unless there is no way to communicate with the ghost, he will drag out a few awkward English sentences.

After looking at the twenty or thirty people, he felt that they would not come to grab the bag again, so he couldn't help but turned around, ready to walk back towards Ryder and the three women...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Hey——"

Hearing such a sound suddenly, he couldn't help being stunned: "???"

After walking two more steps, he couldn't help but stop, and then turned around...

I saw a very charming and sexy young foreign woman, with a fawning smile, walking a few steps towards him...

When a person is forced, it seems that any talent can be used.

The young foreign woman couldn't help but smile again: "My name is Alice. Do you remember me? We chatted on the cruise ship."

Hearing that this foreign young woman suddenly spoke fluent Chinese, Li Chen felt a little silly: "???"

However, when I think about it, it seems that I still have an impression...

It seems that on the cruise ship, this young foreign woman also communicated with him in fluent Chinese?

The young foreign woman named Alice was afraid that he would not remember, so she couldn't help but said, "I also communicated with you in Chinese on the cruise ship, remember?"

Then, she said: "My Chinese is very good. I am a Chinese teacher in our country."

Suddenly hearing that this young foreign woman is still a teacher, she seems to have some inexplicable affection for her.

But, right now, Li Chen didn't know what she wanted to do?
After thinking about it, he could only ask indifferently: "What's the matter with you?"

And the young foreign woman named Alice still has a warm smile on her face...

"Li Chen, I still remember your name. How about you being our leader from now on?"

Then, she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, don't worry about language issues. I'll be your assistant. I'll be in charge of communicating and coordinating with them."

"???" Li Chen could only frown.

Especially Chou Chou, these are more than [-] or [-] people from Tamar, shit, who is the leader?

Before Li Chen could reply, suddenly, Ryder ran over in a panic...

"No! He's just my Huaguo brother! He's not suitable to be a leader! Sorry, ma'am!"

Suddenly, Ryder came over to help and refused, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Yes, he is right, I am not suitable to be a leader."

But the young foreign woman named Alice hurriedly said, "Hey! Big black man! Can you stop making trouble?"

And Ryder saw that this foreign young woman looks good, at least 90 points, so he said happily: "Hey, girl, if you need to take care of yourself, I can consider it. But... My brother Li Chen... No, he already has three girls, he can't take care of you anymore."

Suddenly hearing this, the young foreign woman named Alice looked at Ryder with some disgust...

"Sorry, Mr. Big Black! I don't need your care!"

At this moment, suddenly, from among the group, a tall and strong ghost could not help but come forward...

The ghost also looked at Ryder in distaste, and said, "Fuck!"

Ryder was stunned for a moment: "What did you say? Say it again?"

While talking, Ryder took the pistol from Li Chen's hand...

After the ghost saw it in shock, he had no choice but to raise his hands in a panic and said in a show of admiration: "Hey! No! I'm, sorry!"

Suddenly, the young woman named Alice became a little sullen: "Hey hey! Big black man! What do you want to do?"

Suddenly seeing such a beautiful young woman talking again, there is nothing wrong with this guy, so Ryder can only smile: "Don't be nervous, girl! I'm not targeting you! Targeting you... I have a special gun, hey!"

Suddenly hearing this, the foreign young woman named Alice expressed her disgust even more: "Oh... big black man! Go to hell, you!"

Seeing that big black guy (Ryder) was in a hurry, all of a sudden, I saw that all the twenty or thirty people moved...

One by one, they all moved forward...

One of the guys said in English, which means: Hey, big black, you shoot!There are only eight bullets in your gun at most!Just now...Brother Hua Guo fired one shot, and there are only seven bullets left, can kill seven of us at most!
"...???" Ryder was indeed a little embarrassed suddenly, oh, fuck——

When he suddenly saw that the movement was wrong again, so there was no way out, Li Chen had no choice but to speak loudly in English in a hurry, meaning: Please don't forget where we are now!If you keep fighting with each other, you won't be able to get out of this deserted island, OK?They will all become food for the tigers on this island, OK?

(End of this chapter)

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