Chapter 912 Emergencies
Suddenly I heard that Li Chen was already warning everyone, reminding everyone of the current environment, continue to fight...maybe in the end, both sides will suffer, in the end...or just provide food for the ferocious beasts on this island, so, suddenly Suddenly, the young foreign woman named Alice turned around in a panic, and yelled at the twenty or thirty people...

It seems that she has taken out the attitude she usually used to educate children.

What she meant was to ask everyone to calm down first.

After hearing her earnest words for a while, the twenty or thirty people finally calmed down gradually.

Then, one of the guys said something in Alice's ear, meaning that I have no objection to choosing that Hua country boy as our temporary leader.

In other words... the eyes of the masses are discerning.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that in the eyes of everyone, that Hua country boy is still considered to be quite capable, and he is also a decent person.

Moreover, the hostility is not that heavy.

Although he has a temper, he still has a sense of propriety.

It's almost here... After listening to the ideas of a few guys, Alice yelled, asking them to back off...

Of course, they still realized that they all rushed forward, and it really didn't look like a situation of peace talks.

Therefore, next, gradually, the twenty or thirty people of them began to retreat back...

After finally getting rid of this group of rabble for the time being, Alice couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief——

The current situation is really helpless!


The main thing is that I don't know when rescue will come?
In fact, Alice also realized that with such a large group of people who need food and drink, no one would be willing to be the temporary leader?
After Alice thought about it again and calmed down her emotions, she suddenly turned towards Li Chen with a smile on her face as if she was a different person...

"Hey, Li Chen, how are you? My communication skills are okay? Can I be your assistant?"

Suddenly I heard her say that directly, not to mention Li Chen was dumbfounded, even Ryder was also dumbfounded: "???"

Immediately, Ryder hurriedly whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Have you agreed to be their leader?"

Li Chen panicked and whispered in Ryder's ear: "Master Ni! When the hell did you hear that I agreed?"

So, Ryder whispered in his ear: "Then let's have a good talk with this girl. But... she is still good-looking. She looks quite charming, I guess... her bed Kung fu, it should be okay."

Li Chen said: "Can you stop talking so much?"

Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey! Brother! You three women! I don't have any, can you not talk about it?"

Li Chen: "..."

At this time, Alice smiled slightly and said, "Li Chen, have you discussed it?"

Li Chen: "..."

However, at this moment, I don't know what happened, and I was caught off guard, only to see three or four shells roaring towards the island...

Li Chen's pupils suddenly panicked, and in the next second, they panicked subconsciously and shouted: "Run—"

It's just that it was too late, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion...

Before the crowd on the beach could react, a dozen or so were blown away...

Until the next second, after reacting, someone suddenly screamed "Ah"——

Subconsciously, Li Chen, who had squatted down, suddenly saw such a scene, and the whole person was already stupid: "???"

Ryder, who was squatting beside him, was also dumbfounded at this moment: "???"

It's just that subconsciously, I feel that someone is deliberately murdering...


Another shell exploded suddenly in the jungle above the beach.

Earth and rocks are splashed all at once...


With such a scream again, I saw that the crowd on the beach was in chaos.

Suddenly, Alice approached Li Chen subconsciously in a panic, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another explosion in the jungle above them...

When he was surprised to see that the earth and rocks had been splashed, Li Chen had no choice but to say in a panic: "Run—"

When he suddenly saw Li Chen turning around and running towards the west side, suddenly, he saw Ryder and that Alice also rushing away with Li Chen...

While running, Li Chen hurriedly yelled at Quan Huiqiao and the three women: "Jump down! Jump into the water at the mouth of the mountain!"

Fortunately, those three women had already experienced strong winds and waves. Suddenly hearing Li Chen's yell, the three of them turned around and jumped into the water of the mountain pass on the side.

After Li Chen ran over, he panicked and jumped down with a 'poof'.

Ryder and that Alice also panicked and jumped down with a 'poof'.

Now, all of a sudden, there are six people together.

Li Chen didn't care so much, he just said in a hurry: "Hurry up! Everyone follow! Let's swim into the mountain depression!"

While yelling, he led them together in a panic and swam towards the valley...

Right now, I don't know what's going on?
It wasn't until the six of them had swam into the mountain depression that they heard the roar of an airplane in the sky...

Suddenly, Ryder was startled and hurriedly said: "Hey, brother Li Chen, the plane!"

Li Chen said: "Go to Mrs. Ni! Why are you still managing the plane? Do you want to die?"

Then, he hurriedly said: "The shells just now were naturally fired from the plane, understand? Do you still expect them to save you?"

After she suddenly came to her senses, Alice couldn't help but ask, "Why did they fire shells to bomb us?"

Li Chen could only reply honestly: "I don't know either?"

Then, he said again: "Who the hell can know what's going on in this period of time?"

Suddenly, Ryder wondered again: "Fuck! Did we provoke anyone?"

However, after Li Chen took a look at Ryder, he couldn't help but say a secret word: "Don't you have any tricks in your heart?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Ryder stopped talking, and then suddenly fell into a deep thought...

It seems that he just realized that maybe it was aimed at him?

Because, after all, he has an invisible identity.

Maybe...this time...and the fuck is being targeted by the Americans again?

Others don't know about this, but Li Chen knows it in his heart.

It's just that this is an international top secret, so it's naturally inconvenient to say it publicly here.

After a while, Ryder finally couldn't help but secretly gave Li Chen a look, meaning to ask Li Chen to follow him...

After Li Chen understood his meaning, he silently swam towards him...

Then, Ryder whispered in his ear: "My whereabouts this time... are top secret, how could..."

And Li Chen whispered in his ear: "Uncle Ni! I've been in this ocean for almost a fucking year. If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Then, he whispered in his ear: "Furthermore, I have retired from the military early, so I don't care about these things! Besides, this is also a matter of your country, how can I know?"


(End of this chapter)

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