Chapter 920
In fact, these guys are like a mirror in their hearts. Now that they are on this desert island, they don’t necessarily have to be very good at fighting, or they don’t necessarily have to have high kung fu, but there is one thing that they must have. That is... desert island survival skills!
So just from a technique of drilling wood to make fire, these guys have already seen it clearly, and it is this Huaguo boy who has various survival skills.

So their intuition told them that following this Huaguo kid, they couldn't go wrong!

Next, in order to better please the Chinese man and better integrate into the team, suddenly, that guy named Li En couldn't help but started to act...

I saw him turn around and said at the same time, meaning: I will go and carry the firewood we picked up.

Suddenly seeing this guy like this, Li Chen and others were a little dazed at first: "???"

But then I thought about it, and I thought it was right, such a big pile of firewood was credited to everyone, so why let such a guy stand in front of the fire and roast it?

The big deal... Take your own share and start a fire again.

Besides, in this big night, just standing in the dark is indeed a bit difficult.

Suddenly, Li En went to carry firewood, so... I saw the foreign boyfriend of Shanghai girl, Jerry, hurriedly turned around and went to hold firewood...

Then, the young foreign woman named Alice hurriedly turned around, ready to carry the firewood.

Immediately, the blond girl named Jessie, the woman named Kelly, and the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying all turned around and followed...

After seeing this in shock, Li Chen was a little stunned: "???"

Because no matter what, these guys... are still relatively strong, at least they are united towards the team.

So for a while... if they insist on asking him to be the captain... it seems that it is not easy to refuse again and again?

After all, everything has a degree.

Furthermore, even though he is not the savior, under such circumstances, if he can work wouldn't be a bad thing.

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help but whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Hey, brother... I think... you'd better be the captain!"

And suddenly hearing what this guy said, Li Chen was extremely depressed...

"Crap! Uncle Ni's!"


Next, the doctor on the original cruise ship in front of the fire suddenly became even more stupid: "???"

Especially when he saw the huge pile of firewood next to the fire, which was about to be emptied in a short while, he was even more stupid.

After Li En and the others hugged the firewood, the guy named Li En hurriedly tied a torch and came out...

Immediately, I saw him turning around with the tied torch, and said to the doctor on the original cruise ship, meaning: Hey, buddy, borrow a fire.But... this fire was also lit by our Captain Li Chen, so it should also belong to us.

"???" The doctor on the original cruise ship was dumbfounded again.

Especially when he looked at the pile of firewood next to the fire, he didn't know what to do?
At first, he was still thinking that it would not be so difficult for him to guard the fire tonight.

But now... that pile of firewood has been completely emptied, and there is no more firewood to add, so how long this pile of fire will last, who knows?

Although no one targeted him consciously, but he had to do this himself, so no one could help him.

In fact, he himself realized that, now and then, talking about hating orientals... obviously shows his clumsiness and stupidity.

But it seems that he can't do it now if he wants to curry favor with that oriental man.

Therefore, next, he had no choice but to sit in front of the original fire in embarrassment.


Soon, when Li En and the others lit a fire on the west side again, the young foreign woman named Alice hurried over to make a fuss...

It means to stay in front of the fire.

Li Chen thought about it, in the current situation, no matter what, he couldn't get rid of these followers, so he had no choice but to turn around and walk towards the fire...

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women had no choice but to turn around sullenly and follow.

Now that the 11 of them sat down in front of the new fire again, Ryder smiled and handed the rucksack to Li Chen...

"Hey, brother, this is still up to you. You are the captain, and you will distribute the food and water."

Li Chen: "...???"

And Ryder said again: "Don't do this, brother!"

Seeing this, Katerina suddenly couldn't help but said: "I think... sister Alice is suitable to be the captain."

Suddenly hearing this, Alice hurriedly said: "Oh, No!"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "Then let's vote with a show of hands. A show of hand that agrees with Ms. Alice as the captain."

As soon as the words fell, she was the first to raise her hand...

Jeon Hye Kyo and Lena hurriedly raised their hands...

But this time, Li Chen didn't bother to raise his hand.

Because he knew what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, next, only the three of them raised their hands.

All of a sudden, seeing the three of them was embarrassing again...

Seeing this, Li Chen stared blankly again, and then said: "Okay. I'll be the captain, so let me be the captain. But, you have to say something first, you must listen to me. Otherwise, you can go over now, go That fire over there, with that guy."

Hearing what he said suddenly, I didn't expect the blond girl named Jessie to be the first to run happily: "Yeah—Captain Li Chen—ox—"

Immediately, the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying hurriedly said happily: "Don't worry, fellow! I will absolutely listen to you! I absolutely support you!"

Her foreign boyfriend Jerry also smiled hurriedly: "Captain Li Chen, don't worry, since we are a team now, we will definitely listen to the captain! We also know that this kind of survival in the not a joke!"

Alice smiled and said, "Don't worry, Captain Li Chen. If you want, I'd still like to be your assistant."

Therefore, Li Chen handed her the rucksack directly, and said, "That's fine. Then it's up to you to distribute the food and water now."

Alice was a little stunned: "???"

But then, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Am I going to work now?"

"Yes." Li Chen replied.

Seeing the situation, there was nothing to do, so Alice had to say in a hurry: "OK! Then I will do it! Captain, how do you distribute it?"

Li Chen quickly said: "Bring out two bottles of water, each has a sip, and everyone passes it on. In addition, take out two cans of luncheon meat, and everyone eats it equally. There are too many people and little food, so... pad your stomach just have to."


(End of this chapter)

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