Chapter 921
Next, under the night, on a deserted island, the 11 people in front of the fire finally saw food and water, and they couldn't help but burst into joy...

It's just that the doctor on the original cruise ship sitting alone in front of the fire is a bit silly.

Although he has realized that he has made a serious mistake, at this moment... is he left or right?
It's a bit like setting yourself on fire.

Especially after sneaking a glance, he felt so uncomfortable...

Looking at the 11 people in front of the fire next to them eating luncheon meat so deliciously, he could only silently swallow his saliva...

Mainly... I'm really hungry!

Think about it, since the accident on the cruise ship last night, I spent a night in the ocean, and then I went ashore this morning, and I didn’t eat or drink for another day, so can I not be hungry at night?

However, if he insisted on being so lonely, obviously no one would talk to him.

Let him silently divide Easterners and Westerners in his heart...


After a while, the young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help but pay attention to the guy in front of the fire next to her...

But seeing that guy like that, Alice didn't know what to say for a while?
I just feel in my heart... that guy... is really pitiful and hateful.

Thinking about it, it's in this situation, and he's still so out of touch. If he wants to abuse himself, let him abuse himself.


After a while, after eating and drinking, Li Chen took a rough glance...

Seeing that the guy in front of the fire next to him was still the same, he was too lazy to bother.

Besides, he was originally a guy who hated oriental people, so why bother with him?

Just let him hate it.

Anyway... I just want to live a chic and comfortable life.

It's just... Looking at the people in front of the fire again, he felt an indescribable depression in his heart...

I'm the captain again?
Everything has to start all over again?
He was so depressed that he didn't know what to say to these guys.
In desperation, he had no choice but to get up silently, then turned around and walked towards the seaside in the dark night...

Seeing this, she felt that he might be a little depressed, so Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help getting up silently, ready to walk towards him.

After Ito Chuanxiang and Katerina saw it, they were also ready to get up and walk over.

After all, staying with these guys made the two of them feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

It's just that the young foreign woman named Alice suddenly saw the four of them go aside alone again, and she was stunned: "???"

Obviously, she was still a little worried that Li Chen and the others were unwilling to take them with them.

To be honest, this young foreign woman named Alice also understands in her heart that they are all stupid now, like children who have just left their mother's arms, at a loss.

Only Li Chen and the other four had rich experience in surviving on deserted islands.

Suddenly, the blond girl named Jessie seemed to be silently worried about something...

So, she hurriedly whispered: "Hey, Elder Sister Alice, Captain Li Chen and the others..."

Before she could finish speaking, Alice hurriedly made a hand gesture: "Shh——"

It's just that the more this happened, the more those few of them were silently paying attention to all this.

Apparently, they are also concerned that they will eventually part ways.

Suddenly, the guy named Jerry couldn't help but whisper in his girlfriend's ear: "Hey, Jiaying, Captain Li Chen..."

The Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying was a little confused when she heard it: "???"

In fact, she also knew in her heart that she had been flattering that guy named Li Chen all along.

Although they are both Chinese, but in fact...the two are not familiar with each other.

They don't understand each other.

Moreover, this Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying is a bit xenophobic, so in her heart, she actually looks down on that guy named Li Chen.

It's just that in this environment now, there is no other way but to find someone to rely on.

So she had to always be called a fellow villager.

After thinking about it, she whispered in her boyfriend's ear: "Uh, Jerry, at night... we both wake up a little bit. Pay attention to that rucksack. I just peeked at it, and there are some food and food in it." Water. If we can take that rucksack away, then the two of us... can go it alone. Jerry, remember, better to rely on others than on oneself, understand?"

Just after hearing this, Jerry hurriedly said: "Hey! Jiaying! Are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

Then, Jerry said again: "Frankly speaking, I really admire Captain Li Chen. Really. Because I paid attention to him on the cruise ship. He is really capable. He should be the pride of you Chinese people .”

However, this Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying actually said in Jerry's ear: "What do you know? Just a man like him... In the Northeast dialect of our country, he is just a silly spore, understand?"


At this moment, the guy named Li En and the woman named Kelly were whispering to each other...

In fact, they didn't know each other before.

But now, only the two of them can't speak Chinese, so the relationship between the two is naturally getting closer.

After whispering to each other and getting to know each other for a while, suddenly, the guy named Li En whispered in Kelly's ear, meaning: wait until the night is a little late, we two play by ear, OK?

Kelly was a little confused, and asked him, meaning: How to play by ear?

Rean: Did you notice that rucksack?Later in the night, if the two of us can get that rucksack, then... we can go alone on this island, understand?
Kelly: Oh, no!I don't think such a thief behaves very well!

Ryan: Hey Kelly!Do you know where we are now?If you look at the [-] or [-] people who died on the beach in the south, who would know?At times like this, we have to find a way to save ourselves, OK?And...Kelly, listen to me, we must not hand over our fate to that Huaguo person, understand?

After Kelly expressed her beautiful eyes wrinkled inexplicably for a while, she said: But I think... that Huaguo person is not bad, really!

Li En: Ou Maiga!Kelly!Don't you understand what I mean?
Kelly: I understand.But... Li En, listen to me, on this desert island, even if we get that rucksack, where can we go?

Li En: After getting it, the two of us will go east alone, OK?


Only that guy Ryder didn't say a word in front of the fire...

In fact, this product is also scheming.

For the time being, he was just observing the situation calmly.

Perhaps it was because he was black that he had been ignored by them...

(End of this chapter)

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