The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 922 There will be stories in the second half of the night

Chapter 922 There will be stories in the second half of the night
In fact, at this moment, Li Chen, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women did not talk about anything at the beach.

The four of them under the night were just standing helplessly by the seaside.

Looking at the vast waters under the night sky, the four of them felt all kinds of troubles in their hearts...

The road home... was actually so bumpy!

I thought everything would be fine once I got on the cruise ship, but... who the hell would have thought that something would happen to the cruise ship in the end, idiot.

Especially when I think back to the vivid faces that appeared on the cruise ship, I can only sigh...

Captain Rochester... gone!
That guy named Kerry... is gone too!

And that front office manager, Laura... is f*cking gone too!
Some guys that I don't want to see again in this life are still there...

For example: the doctor on the cruise ship.

This world... really has many unexpected things.

As for this moment, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women have all kinds of troubles in their hearts...

Originally, the four of them were fine, but now that there are so many more guys, many things are inconvenient.

For example: women want to wash, dry clothes and so on, these are inconvenient.

Originally, it was just the four of them, but they were all familiar with each other anyway, so the three women didn't care about Li Chen's reading, so it didn't matter if they had to wash up.

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help curling her lips and said: "Huh! It's really annoying now! People want to wash but dare not wash, there are so many animals! Even if you want to pee... I'm too embarrassed to pee. !"

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang was also deeply moved: "That's right! There are so many people, it's really annoying! And... I'm not familiar with it yet, and I have to get to know it all over again, it's so annoying!"

Only Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Uh, Li we have to start all over again?"

"???" Li Chen didn't know how to answer her, so he could only frown...

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he doesn't want to start all over again.

Enough is really enough!
However, afterward, after he turned his head back and glanced roughly at the guys in front of the fire, he secretly thought, maybe after tonight... there will be a few less guys?

Thinking about it, I turned my head to look at the three women beside me, it really felt like I was looking at my relatives...

Because now with these three women, he really feels like a family.

Therefore, next, he couldn't help but whispered: "Uh, you three... listen up."

Suddenly hearing this, Quan Hye Kyo and the three women panicked and their eyes lit up...

Katerina hurriedly whispered: "Brother Li Chen, tell me, we are listening."

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whispered hurriedly: "You said it. We are all listening."

Therefore, Li Chen whispered: "You three remember, tonight... just wake up a little. In the second half of the night... there should be all kinds of bizarre stories happening. But, remember one thing, as long as there is no threat For our personal safety, just pretend to be asleep and keep silent. If some guys want to do something alone, just let them go."

Then, he said again: "In this world... there will always be some people who don't know good and bad, understand? We don't need to talk too much about those guys who don't know good and bad. There is no need to waste those words... .Besides, we don't expect anything from them. you three understand what I mean?"


Obviously, in this environment, what will happen in the second half of the night can be imagined in the heart of Captain Li Chen.

After all, they are still strangers to each other, and it is not surprising that each has their own little calculations.

Besides, with different national borders, different regions, different races, and different languages, it is still very difficult to fully integrate them all at once.

So this was the reason why he didn't want to be the captain of the bird at the beginning.

After all, if you agree to be the captain, you still have a responsibility to some extent.

However, the current situation is such that he still has to have his own plans.


After waiting for a while, he and the three women returned silently to the fire.

Next, the four of them sat next to each other.

For a while, Li Chen didn't want to say anything more, so he pretended to be sleepy and was about to doze off...

Seeing this, Quan Huiqiao and the other three women also imitated him, hugging her knees, buried her head between her knees, and pretended to be asleep in silence.

At this moment, Alice and Jessie in front of the fire suddenly saw the four of them like this, and they were stunned again: "???"

It seems that I don't quite understand, what kind of rhythm is this all of a sudden?
Ryder, who was originally very funny, is also silent now.

He seemed to have a tacit understanding with this Hua Guo brother, so he suddenly pretended to be asleep in a low-key manner...

Next, I saw those guys in front of the fire, and they really started watching and listening...

However, for a while, he was not fully asleep, so it was not convenient to move.

So, next, one by one, they all started to pretend to be asleep.

Only the guy in front of the fire next to him was still staring at their rucksack...

That is, the doctor on the original cruise ship.

As for the rucksack, it was placed beside Ryder at the moment...

And Ryder has already noticed the doctor...

As the night got darker and quieter, I felt that the 11 people in front of the fire next to me should have fallen asleep, so...the doctor began to prepare for action.

I saw that guy... suddenly got up quietly...

Just as he tiptoed and was about to sneak towards the rucksack, Ryder opened his eyes slightly...

However, when he noticed that there were still people waiting in front of the fire, he immediately pretended to be asleep again.

Sure enough, when the doctor tiptoed to the position of the backpack and was about to reach out, unexpectedly, suddenly, there was a sound of '嗙'...

I don't know who suddenly threw a stone on the doctor's head?

When the doctor came to his senses, he was already a little dizzy...

'Hey! '

It was another stone, and the doctor suddenly fell down with a 'poof'.

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen had secretly seen clearly that the guy who was throwing stones behind his back was the guy named Li En...

It can be seen that after the doctor was knocked down, the guy named Li En immediately reached out to take the backpack...

Suddenly, Li Chen secretly noticed that the woman named Kelly was about to get up.

It seems...these two...should have colluded in advance?
Apparently planning to steal the rucksack, and then the two of them go it alone...

(End of this chapter)

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