Chapter 923 A scene of human nature!
In other words, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts.

This is really reflected in this quiet night...

The seemingly selfishness and ugliness of human nature are also vividly reflected in this quiet night...

The cleverness of some European and American guys is also fully reflected in this quiet night...

But, in the end, it all comes down to the rucksack.

Just for that little food and water.

After the guy named Li En killed the doctor and successfully stole the rucksack, he was about to sneak away with the girl named Kelly. The foreign boyfriend Jerry suddenly got up quietly again...

This guy is also holding a stone tightly in his hand.

Afterwards, the woman from Shanghai also got up quietly in a panic, holding a stone tightly in her hand.

Look at this posture... This young couple... is going to kill the guy named Li En and the woman named Kelly...

In this quiet late night, everything seems to be silent, but it makes people feel more lively.

On such deserted islands and in the polar environment, perhaps only for a little food and water, but anything can be done.

Even at the expense of killing people.

After all, this is the only resource for survival.

Actually... one by one, they all seemed to be fast asleep beside the fire, but most of them were pretending to be asleep.

I just want to see, tonight's play... what kind of ending will it be?

That bastard, Ryder, couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes again, taking a peek at the situation...

Although the rucksack had been stolen by the guy named Li En, he was not in a hurry.

Right now, he just wanted to see if the young couple could successfully kill that guy named Li En?
At this moment, the guy named Li En was stealing the rucksack, and was about to tiptoe around the fire next to him. Unexpectedly, the guy named Jerry slipped behind him, Then he waved the stone in his hand, and a stone from '嗙' was smashed down...

"???" For a moment, the guy named Li En was confused.

When he realized something, he was already a little dizzy...

Originally, he wanted to look back to see who was secretly throwing stones behind him. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to turn around, the guy named Jerry threw a stone down again...

Immediately, there was a sudden 'poof' sound, and the guy named Li En fell sideways at once, and fell into the fire next to him, splashing sparks and ashes all over the place...

When the woman named Kelly came to her senses and hurriedly prepared to sneak over to save the guy named Li En, unexpectedly, the woman from Shanghai hit her hard on the back of the head with a "嗙" stone...

"???" In an instant, the woman named Kelly was also stunned.

I was dizzy for a while, and I didn't understand who was throwing stones behind her?

When the woman from Shanghai slammed down another stone, the corners of Ryder's eyes and mouth couldn't help but twitched: "???"

He didn't seem to have thought that the woman from Shanghai was so ruthless!
This is really a robber in a remote place!
Actually... just at this moment, that young foreign woman named Alice secretly witnessed this scene...

For this reason, she was terrified, her scalp was numb!
She didn't seem to expect that those guys... would be so ruthless!
But she saw that Li Chen and the others were fast asleep at the moment, so for a while, she didn't dare to make a sound or make a sound.

She was also afraid that if she made a sound, she would be killed by that young couple.

At this time, she was very clear in her heart that saving her life was the first priority!

However, at this moment, the one who really fell asleep in front of the fire was the blond girl named Jessie...

This girl is really asleep.

She didn't seem to care that much either.

What's more, she really trusts that Chinese man named Li Chen from the bottom of her heart.

Just when that bastard Ryder was about to sneak out his gun and was about to kill the young couple angrily, unexpectedly, a hand grabbed his wrist quietly...

"???" Ryder was suddenly confused.

It was only after he turned his head and looked for a while in a panic, that he realized that it was Brother Hua Guo who was beside him holding down his wrist...

After Li Chen panicked and quietly gave him a look, he suddenly realized——

"???" Ryder was dazed for a while, and finally understood with Li Chen.

So, next, the two of them continued to pretend to be asleep, pretending not to know anything.

In the next scene, the young foreign woman named Alice watched helplessly as the young couple successfully stole the rucksack, walked along the beach into the night, and headed east...

It wasn't until she felt that the young couple had slipped away quietly that the foreign young woman named Alice feigned panic and exclaimed: "Ah——"

Then, she yelled busyly: "Ah—Captain Li Chen—Big Hei—wake up—something happened—our rucksack was stolen—"

Li Chen pretended to be awakened by a shock: "Ah? What's the matter? What's the situation? Who...what did it do?"

But at this moment, that bastard Ryder buried his head, giggling and giggling...

Because in his opinion, everyone tonight is too good at acting, and they are all Oscar winners and actresses!

Immediately, after Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women pretended to wake up, they all screamed 'ahhh'...

Katerina even put on a pretense: "Ah—brother Li Chen—look—that, those three—who knocked on the head—ah—blood—a lot of blood— "

"???" Li Chen frowned in a dignified way...

Afterwards, he panicked and asked, "Eh? By the way...there are two more? Where are they?"

Then, the young foreign woman named Alice panicked and said, "I know! They... stole that rucksack! It's horrible! They... hit their heads with stones!"

Then, she said again: "At that time, I watched... I didn't dare to make a sound! Because I was afraid that if I made a sound... they would hit me on the head with a stone! After all slept well So dead! I’m really scared by myself! I’m scared to pee! I’m really scared to pee! Don’t believe me, look at my pants! So... I can only watch them steal the canvas Backpack!"

In fact, this young foreign woman named Alice was really terrified in the middle of the night.

From her incoherent speech at the moment, it is not difficult to see that she was indeed frightened at the time...

(End of this chapter)

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