Chapter 924 What Happened

Next, after realizing that it was the young couple who stole the rucksack, I saw that Ryder also started to play tricks...

The guy pretended to be extremely angry and pulled out his gun, while still yelling: "Fuck——I'm going to kill that couple——"

"Who the hell don't stop me—"

However, in order to cooperate with the completion of the play, Li Chen still did not forget to yell: "Hey, Dahei—"

Ryder rushed towards the night in anger, but when he heard such a yell, he hurriedly turned around pretending to be confused: "What...!?"

Only then did Li Chen gesture with his eyes. Some canned luncheon meat and a few bottles of water were put aside...

When the young foreign woman named Alice saw it in shock, she also panicked and asked, "What...!?"

Waiting to look at Li Chen again, she felt even more unbelievable... It felt like this guy from Huaguo could do magic tricks!
Seeing that Ryder was still standing aside in a daze, Li Chen said: "I have already taken out the things in the rucksack. Now the rucksack is only filled with a few stones."

"What—!?" At this moment, the big black man was really dumbfounded.

Because he really didn't know that Li Chen had already come and changed positions.

Immediately, Katerina couldn't help but ran up happily: "Ha——Brother Li Chen, you are really amazing! You are so awesome!"

After Ryder finally understood what was going on, he couldn't help showing his big white teeth, and laughed haha...

"Oh! Brother! You're still the best! Haha! That stupid spore couple of sons of a bitch... let them go as far as they want! Ha!"

Suddenly, Jessie, who was really woken up by the noise, suddenly looked up, she was really stupid: "???"

It seems that I didn't understand what was going on for a while?

Subconsciously, she still spoke English.

After a while, after she realized something, she hurriedly said, "Oh...I'm, sorry! I...forgot...Chinese!"

After switching over, she switched to Chinese and asked, "What happened?"

Suddenly seeing that the blond girl named Jessie was really dumbfounded, Alice said a little excitedly: "Oh... Jessie! Are you still in the dark? Our rucksack... was caught by that pair of little girls. The couple stole it! see..."

When Jessie suddenly saw three more bloody corpses, she panicked and screamed timidly: "Ah——"

Suddenly seeing that Jessie was really frightened, Alice hurriedly hugged her tightly into her arms...

"Hey, Jessie! It's okay! Don't be afraid!"

After the Ryder guy turned around and came back, he squatted down by the fire, then looked at Li Chen, and said: "Hey, brother! There is one thing I still don't understand, that is, the Hua country girl named Sun Jiaying, doesn't she always call Is it from your fellow villager? Why... she would... like this? Could it be that... a fellow villager saw a fellow villager and shot him in the back?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Li Chen's face was really a little shy for a while...

I really feel like my face is dull.

Although he had no feelings for the woman named Sun Jiaying, she really lost... the face of the Hua people.

Fortunately, at this time, Alice hurriedly said: "Hey, big black man, there are good people and bad people everywhere, and this has nothing to do with national boundaries. But maybe... it has something to do with everyone's home education?"

After Li Chen frowned again, he looked at Ryder again, and said, "By the way, do you have any cigarettes?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Ryder was surprised: "Ou Maiga! Brother, I also want to ask if you have any cigarettes?"

Li Chen: "...???"

After a while, after the blond girl named Jessie finally understood what was going on, she said with great worry and fear: "Hey, Captain Li Chen, will they...will come back? Will they come back?" No more personal attacks on us?"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice also became worried: "That's right! Captain Li two... are the extreme terrorists on this island!"

And Li Chen had no choice but to frown again...

At this moment, to be honest, he didn't know what to say?
After all... What happened tonight was actually what he didn't want.

However, there are some things that he can't control.

After all... Everyone's true inner thoughts cannot be predicted.

Furthermore, as the captain, he also felt a little dull on his face.

Fortunately, at this time, Katerina hurriedly said angrily: "Hmph! If those two dare to come back, I will be blamed for not taking care of them!"

However, in fact, Li Chen had already expected in his heart that those two would come back sooner or later.

After all, on this island, just his two... definitely won't work.

Maybe Ryder was right, it was two silly spores.

After a while, in order to calm down the matter, Li Chen, the captain, finally couldn't help but speak...

"Who else wants to leave, now you can leave openly. There is no need to be sneaky. Frankly speaking, I have never wanted to be the captain. Because I know that we are not familiar with each other, we are all strangers, and... the national border is different, The region is different, the skin color is different, the race is different, and the language is different, so it is normal for each to have their own little calculations. So... no matter who is the captain, it is not easy to be. It is also impossible to control everyone's thoughts and behaviors. Frankly speaking, I actually expected tonight's incident, but I didn't expect it to develop so seriously. From this moment, whoever wants to be the captain can come to the captain. Also, if you don't want to be together, I won't force it .”

Taking advantage of these words, Katerina said: "Brother Li Chen, it's better for the four of us to be together. It's not that much trouble. Anyway, we have been in this ocean for so long, and we are used to it."

However, Ryder was anxious: "Hey hey hey! Brother, what are you talking about? At least I am definitely with you! I don't care about the others!"

Suddenly seeing such a situation, the young foreign woman named Alice also hurriedly said: "Li Chen... now... there are only a few of us. Moreover, those who are still in front of this fire naturally recognize you. Captain's. So what are you worried about?"

That's true, because now it's just her and Jessie, plus this big black guy.

Immediately, the blond girl named Jessie couldn't help but said, "Can I call you Li Chen?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but glanced at her, then nodded and said: "Of course."

So, Jessie said: "Li Chen, I really just want us to...wait for rescue. I really hate those guys who like to make trouble. I am a simple girl. I don't have so many other ideas. Besides, I Learning Chinese is because I like Huaguo and the people of Huaguo. I hate the one-sided demonization of Huaguo by the western media, but in fact...the real Huaguo is what I like. Really!"


(End of this chapter)

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