Chapter 925 Jerry, it's dawn
After hearing what the blond girl named Jessie said, Li Chen was somewhat stunned...

In fact, he still felt that the girl named Jessie and the foreign young woman named Alice were really not that complicated.

These are two friendly, peace-loving women.

That bastard Ryder suddenly stretched out his hand in front of Li Chen's eyes: "Hey! Brother! Are you in a daze?"

Li Chen was indeed stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. After looking at a few more people, he suddenly said: "Okay. It's fine. Go on to sleep."

"???" This made Ryder suddenly confused again.

Alice and Jessie were suddenly in a daze: "???"

It seems like he didn't understand... What exactly is Captain Li Chen thinking?
All of a sudden, there is a sentence to continue to sleep, this... what rhythm is it?

In fact, right now, Li Chen couldn't express the boredom and complicated emotions in his heart.

After all, I have been surviving in the ocean for so long, and I am tired of it, and now I have to fight wits and courage with such a group of guys, just thinking about it, I think it is enough!

Seeing his gloomy demeanor, he didn't seem to want to say anything, which made them feel embarrassed to ask any more.

However, the girl named Jessie still couldn't help but said tentatively: "Hey, Captain Li Chen, you really don't have to worry... Those two will come back and attack us personally?"

This shows that she is still worried about this, and there is nothing wrong with it, so Li Chen said gloomily: "Don't worry, those two don't have the guts and the face to come back now. At least tonight... those two won't come back Here it is."

This showed that he was finally willing to speak, so the young foreign woman named Alice asked again: "Then... if those two... come back, what shall we do?"

It was such a question again, Li Chen had no choice but to frown gloomily...

Frankly speaking, at this moment, he really couldn't answer this question well.

After all, among those of them is a woman from the Hua Kingdom, so if she really comes back to beg for mercy, it seems that she won't be able to beat the killer?
Of course, he was still very angry about what happened tonight.

Just don't know what to say?
Originally, he intended to lead everyone how to survive on this deserted island, but the sneaky defection of these guys tonight... really made him angry.

Although there is nothing in the rucksack, only a few stones have been replaced, but the act of stealing the still infuriating.

After thinking about it, as the captain, he said: "Okay. Don't worry about it so much. Let's talk about it when they really come back. It's okay now, let's continue to sleep for a while. It won't be long , and it will be dawn."


After waiting for more than an hour, the sky really began to brighten...

The sky in the east has turned pale.

At the same time, there is also a hint of blush.

Looks like...the weather is turning up too.

There will be another sunrise.


Before I knew it, after the sky became brighter, sure enough, the red sun suddenly showed a smile on the eastern sea level...

"Hey, Jerry! It's dawn!"

Suddenly, such a voice came from the southeast corner of the island.

Then I saw that Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying and her foreign boyfriend appeared in the southeast corner...

However, looking at the boundless sea in front of them suddenly, the two of them were at a loss.

After all, everything that will happen next can only depend on the two of them.

At this moment, Jerry was carrying the rucksack on his back, looking at the vast sea area under the red sun, he suddenly couldn't help but said: "Jiaying, maybe we...can't go back?"

Suddenly hearing such pessimistic words, the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but frowned: "???"

After a while, she turned her head to look at him and said, "Hey, Jerry, what are you talking about?"

Jerry said: "I'm telling the truth. Here... you say... how do we go back?"

So, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying said, "Of course I'm trying to find a way."

As she spoke, she suddenly became excited: "That's right! It's dawn! Hurry up, let's write 'SOS' on the beach!"

While talking, she couldn't help turning around excitedly, and was going to pick up branches in the nearby dense forest to write 'SOS'...

However, just when she turned around, she suddenly screamed in shock: "Ah—Jerry—"

Following the scream, I saw that she was almost scared to pee.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, so Jerry also hurriedly turned around to look...

"Oh--Omega--what the hell--"

Suddenly, her foreign boyfriend also became frightened...

Next, I saw the two of them standing tremblingly on the beach, not daring to move a step.

The two subconsciously had no choice but to hold their breath in panic...

Then I just stared helplessly, at the edge of the dense forest beside the beach, there was half a python's figure exposed...

What's abominable is that the boa constrictor just lay there quietly, neither moving nor moving.

The two of them watched, but they didn't dare to go forward easily.

It's just that the more I look at it, the more hairy I feel...

"Hey, Jerry, what should I do?" the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying asked tremblingly.

Jerry frowned, then shook his head helplessly: "Oh... I think... we should change places?"

"Then...where to go?"

And Jerry said: "Hush! Keep your voice down! Don't startle this guy! Otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Then, Jerry gestured for her to turn around towards the east side...

Seeing this, the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying had no choice but to turn around cautiously in a panic, and was about to walk towards the east...

This shows that she turned around first, and then walked cautiously towards the east side, so Jerry was also ready to turn around...

However, when he just turned his back, he saw that big boa constrictor started to move.

This beast... silently, suddenly revealed a head, and then spit out two snake letters...

The two bean-like eyeballs were looking at the man and the woman suspiciously and mischievously.

Suddenly, with a 'hiss', the beast rushed out...

Jerry suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the movement behind him, and he had no choice but to stand still in a panic...

At the same time, he only felt a chill down his back, and his scalp exploded, as if his entire head of hair was about to stand on end.

Afterwards, thinking about it, he, who was trembling all over, had no choice but to be brave enough to turn his head and look back...

You have to figure out what's going on, don't you?
(End of this chapter)

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