Chapter 926
When the guy named Jerry turned his head and looked back timidly, there was a "hiss" immediately, and he took a breath...

The hairs all over his body are standing upright!

It feels like the tip of my hair is standing up!
Because, a big boa constrictor about seven or eight meters long has followed closely behind him...


Following this startled cry, just when he was about to run away, unexpectedly, there was a sudden cry, and the giant python flicked its tail and wrapped itself around his legs...

Following this sudden entanglement, he suddenly couldn't move his legs, so he staggered in a panic, and then fell down with a 'poof' sound...

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the winding speed of the giant python, whoosh, bound his entire body...

Unable to break free, he suddenly coughed with a 'click'——

At the same time, with his blushing and thick neck subconsciously, he did not forget to take off the rucksack in a hurry, and hurriedly threw it towards his girlfriend...

At this moment, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying, the whole person, has already gone stupid——

Although she had already turned around and saw this scene, but at this moment, she was at a loss what to do!
Shocked and anxious, she had already forgotten to scream.

I can only just watch helplessly as my boyfriend gets wrapped up in a python...

Afterwards, when there was a 'hiss' sound, she was suddenly startled to see the giant python's bloody mouth devouring her boyfriend's head, and she shook violently all over——

Then with a bang, I pissed!


Suddenly, there was this ear-piercing, sharp, and helpless scream, it seemed that her whole body had completely collapsed!

At a loss, she began to frantically grab her hair...

After a while, she collapsed and crouched down, just crying...

In the end, when she saw the giant python about to swallow her boyfriend up bit by bit, she suddenly thought of something...

Then, she got up abruptly, turned around and ran wildly for a while, went to the side to lift a big rock, then hurriedly turned around frantically, and smashed it down at the body of the giant python... …


With such a sound, the giant python was indeed timid all over.

Because at this moment, the giant python was devouring her boyfriend, it really couldn't attack her.

It just flicked its tail awkwardly.

But at this moment, she was broken and crazy, and she didn't know what to be afraid of.

After dodging the giant python's tail flick, she ran wildly to move the stone again...

At this moment, this giant python is also a little embarrassed.

Because her boyfriend was already devoured in her mouth, she wanted to quit all at once, but she couldn't.

It's stuck in the throat.

I saw the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying slammed a stone at the giant python with another 'ah' sound...

After that, she went back and forth like this, moving the stone and smashing, smashing, and smashing wildly. In the end, the giant python was smashed into two pieces by her with the stone...

And her whole body was also splattered with blood.

But at this moment, she couldn't care so much anymore, seeing that there was room for the situation to turn around, so she hurriedly ran over and grabbed her boyfriend's legs, trying to pull him out of the python's mouth pull it out...

It was a struggle, a struggle, and exhaustion, and finally, with a 'swish' sound, she pulled her boyfriend out of the python's mouth...

It's just that she suddenly saw that her boyfriend was beyond recognition, her scalp was gone, it was a bloody, sticky head, she let out a 'hiss', took a deep breath, and sat down on the beach down...


Now, she is completely stupid!

The whole person sat there paralyzed with a pale complexion, and seemed to have no expression for a while.

Just subconsciously... She suddenly realized something.

It seems that I was wrong?
It seems that I hurt my boyfriend?

At the same time, she suddenly realized that this wild island is not as light and light as she imagined.

It's not that everything will be fine with food and water.

Although I have some cleverness, it seems... still difficult to compete with this nature?

What to do next has really become a problem for her.

At least she knew subconsciously that she had no face to go back to her fellow villager.

After a long time, she suddenly felt that she was hungry.

So, she panicked and crawled towards that rucksack like a lunatic...

However, after she crazily opened the rucksack, she was dumbfounded again: "???"

At this moment, I saw that in the rucksack, there were... a few stones!
This is really uncomfortable like a dumb man eating coptis!

Although she realized something subconsciously, she didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

She thought she was smart, but she didn't know until now that everyone is not stupid!

She's smart... After all, she's clever and wicked.

But others are...the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.

Right now, she really wants to cry but has no tears...

I feel that he is a stupid roe deer, but it seems that the current self... is more like a stupid roe deer.


At this moment, the south of the island faces the beach, on the west side.

Li Chen and other seven people were sitting together, starting the breakfast mode...

For being able to enjoy the delicious luncheon meat, Alice and the others were very grateful to the captain of Huaguo.

Suddenly, for some reason, both Alice and Jessie felt that... this Huaguo captain seemed to be getting more and more handsome.

Ryder couldn't help laughing again: "Brother, you are better than me! Last night I always thought that if the rucksack was gone, our food and water would be gone, haha!"

Taking the opportunity, Jessie couldn't help asking curiously and smilingly: "Oh, right, Captain Huaguo, how did you do it? You are simply...too amazing!"

However, Li Chen couldn't be happy at all, but he still replied: "We call it... You must not have the heart to harm others, but... You must have the heart to guard against others, understand?"

But Jessie frowned in confusion: "Oh... wait, Captain Hua, what you said... I still don't quite understand it? Sorry! It seems my Chinese is still not good enough?"

Seeing this, Alice on the side hurriedly explained: "Captain Hua Guo means... we don't want to harm others, but... the heart of a gentleman, sometimes when we should guard against others, we still have to guard against them." Hold on a little, understand?"

Then, Alice said again: "This is actually a Chinese proverb. The whole sentence must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. you understand?"

Jessie couldn't help but startled: "Oh... my God! Sister Alice, your Chinese level is really good!"

Alice said: "Of course! I am a Chinese teacher!"

Then, she said again: "If you don't understand in the future, just ask me directly. Don't bother our Captain Hua Guo all the time, OK?"


(End of this chapter)

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