Chapter 927 We All Listen to You
Obviously, from Alice and Jessie's point of view, after going through a series of bad and unbelievable things, it should be considered stable now, and there should be no more big ups and downs. Therefore, their mood has improved accordingly.

But in the eyes of the three women including Li Chen and Quan Hye Kyo, maybe this is just the beginning?
After breakfast, Ryder frowned a little gloomily...

"Oh! How bad! How long are we going to be stuck here?"

In fact, this guy Ryder really realized that maybe everyone will be trapped on this uninhabited island?
Seeing that the big black man suddenly became pessimistic, Alice said: "I think... everything should not be as bad as we imagined? I think... rescue should come soon?"

And Jessie suddenly became interested in the Huaguo captain in front of her...

"Hey, Captain Hua, can you tell me your story?"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice hurriedly said: "Oh, Jessie, I advise you that it's better not to listen to it.'s a terrible story."

That guy Ryder looked at Li Chen's distressed look, but he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey, brother! Let's be happier! Don't be so depressed all day long, OK?"

Then, the guy said again: "Besides, don't I also come to accompany you in this ocean now? The big deal... We have established our own tribe here, why do we have to go back?"

Then, the guy gestured again: "Look, how beautiful it all is! The sun, the island, the beauty... oh... it's all so wonderful!"

However, unexpectedly, the girl named Jessie suddenly said: "Hey, big black man, let me declare first that I have no feelings for you!"


Suddenly seeing Ryder's depressed look, Li Chen couldn't help but want to laugh...

Unexpectedly, Alice also gave him an angry look, and shrugged her shoulders: "Frankly speaking, I don't have feelings for you either."

"Oh... What...!?" Ryder was completely depressed.

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women couldn't help but want to laugh...

Obviously, from the perspective of the three women, the big black man was here to make a joke.

Seeing Ryder's embarrassing and depressed look, Li Chen couldn't help but smile, and then he said, "Okay. Let's think about what to do next."

And Ryder said: "Hey, brother, here we are now...we don't have a boat or an airplane, what else can you say?"

So, Li Chen said: "That's what I'm talking about. You also know that we don't have boats or planes? But, have you thought about the more important question? For example, how long can my food and water last?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ryder couldn't help frowning: "???"

Suddenly, Alice and Jessie also suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem...

There are not many cans of lunch meat left.

There are not many bottles of water left.

At most, it was enough for the seven of them to last for two days.

Immediately, Alice asked: "Captain Hua, rescue...should come soon, right?"

Li Chen frowned: "I don't know. I only know... We have been in this ocean for almost a year."

"What—!?" Jessie was startled in a panic.

Suddenly, Katerina finally couldn't help but said: "What what what? Don't you know that brother Li Chen is a survivor of HX714?"

"HX...714!?" Jessie was startled again.

Immediately, after she thought of something, she panicked and her eyes lit up: "The HX714 that lost contact last year!?"

"Hmm!" Katerina nodded.

"Oh... Oumaiga... God..." Jessie was completely shocked.

Next, Jeon Hye Kyo finally couldn't bear it and I said, "So next time I think about it, what should we do if the rescue doesn't come?"

And Ito Chuanxiang said: "Don't just rely on Li Chenjun alone. Besides, Li Chenjun is already tired of all this."

Then, Ito Chuanxiang said again: "All this time, Li Chenjun has been worrying about food and water. We have also been thinking about how to survive?"

After hearing this suddenly, Alice and Jessie really began to fall into deep thought...

Ryder frowned again, then turned his head to look at Li Chen, and said, "Brother, the next thing we mainly need is food and water?"

Before Li Chen could answer, Katerina said, "Of course it's more than that. you know what kind of ferocious beasts there are on this island? Do you know what kind of potential crisis there is?"

At this time, Jeon Hye Kyo said: "If my guess is correct, the couple who stole the rucksack last night will definitely come back to find us."

That bastard Ryder said in annoyance: "Hey, Mrs. Li, let's not talk about that silly couple last night, okay?"

Suddenly, Jessie was surprised again: "What? She... the wife of Captain Huaguo?"

The Ryder thing is really excited: "What, chick? You think you have no chance?"

However, Katerina said: "Who said there is no chance? We are all brother Li Chen's women, okay?"

However, Alice hurriedly said, "Oh...No! crazy!"

Then, she said again: "I think... from a physiological point of view, Captain Li Chen can't serve women like us."

Taking the opportunity, that bastard Ryder laughed: "So... girl, you should consider me, OK?"

Unexpectedly, Alice said: "Let's not discuss this now. Let's discuss our food and clothing."

Ryder: "...???"

This made Quan Hye Kyo and the other women couldn't help but want to laugh...

Li Chen couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Okay. Let's get down to business. Actually... we don't have to worry too much about food and water. We still have experience in this area. This island... There should be fresh water resources, just waiting for us to find out. Therefore... Next... Everyone must be mentally prepared, that is, we will continue to toss for food and water."

Suddenly hearing this, Alice said: "Then...we all listen to you, isn't it good? are our captain!"

Immediately, she said again: "Oh, by the way, I am your assistant! Everything, I will obey your arrangement!"

Jessie said: "It's okay, Captain Hua, I'm very good. If you say go east, I will never go west."

Ryder said: "Okay, brother. We will do what you say. In short, we are alive, and we will not starve to death on this island."


(End of this chapter)

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