The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 928 Six Women's G Country Tour

Chapter 928 Six Women's Trip to G Country
Today, Huaguo Yanjing, International Airport.

After finally boarding the plane, I saw Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other six women, and they seemed to feel better all of a sudden...

"Yay! We can finally go to the captain!"

Suddenly hearing what the cute girls said, one by one, I was even more inexplicably excited.

It feels like... I will meet the captain soon.

But, in fact, where is the captain now?Is it dead or alive?Is it still an unknown?
The six women only relied on imagination and intuition, and felt that the captain must still be alive.

Must still be on some island.

Suddenly, Liu Caiqiong couldn't help but said excitedly: "Uh, tell me... how will the captain feel when he sees us?"

Lina said: "Oh...I think...he will be so happy!"

However, Qin Xiaowan looked at them one by one, but she was thinking in her heart, if she really met the captain, the captain would be very worried, right?

Because what she thought in her heart was that the captain can only marry one in the end, right?
This...they...all of them want to marry the captain, it would be strange if the captain didn't have difficulty choosing!

After a while, suddenly, unexpectedly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "Uh, sisters, anyway, now that we have reached this point, then we...should we be more frank with each other? To be honest...we were on the island at that time. Did the captain have that kind of relationship with any of you when you were on the scene?"

Just hearing this suddenly, all of them blushed with embarrassment...

Immediately, Miao Keke curled her lips gloomily, and said, "Hmph! I think... the second child must have had an affair with the captain!"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er blushed suddenly...

However, she said: "Oh, you...are you all bored? Is it interesting to say this now?"

Immediately, she changed the topic: "Okay. Let's think about it, this time... on our trip to country G, can we find the captain?"

Then, she continued: "If you can't find the captain, then everything is just nonsense, okay?"

It's just that the more she behaves like this, the more they feel... When the second child was on the island, maybe he really had some ambiguous relationship with the captain?

Sure enough, Miao Keke pouted her lips suddenly with strong jealousy, and said, "Huh! I knew that dead Li must like the second child!"

But think about it, it's normal for her to be so jealous.

After all, she already claimed to be the daughter-in-law of the Li family, didn't she?

Moreover, I still don't forget to make a phone call every day to make the captain's parents happy.

At this moment, Tan Jixia was stunned when she suddenly saw Ke Ke like that——

Because she was thinking, if that guy Li Chen chooses to marry his second child in the end...then this cute girl...would probably be pissed off?
And Qin Xiaowan looked at...the captain hadn't been found yet, and each one of them began to feel jealous. If they really found the captain...would it be a troublesome matter?
At that time, if these little girls compete for favor...won't they fight each other?

Thinking about it, she simply kept silent.

Because she knew in her heart that these women...maybe she was the only one who really slept with the captain.

After a while, Liu Caiqiong couldn't help but smiled optimistically and said: "Uh, you said... at that time...if we just go to live on the island, then...the captain can justify us Are you all married?"

It's just that her words suddenly made them all surprised: "???"

Afterwards, Tan Jixia said: "Look at you...all of you, you look so small. Do you really think...that guy surnamed Li can really serve women like us?"

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Because she was thinking, if this is the case, it would be strange not to suck the captain dry by then, heh!

Afterwards, Lina, the foreign girl, said very positively: "Oh... I think... it's too early for us to think about these messy things. I think Qian'er is right, let's think about it first. The next trip to country G... can you really find the captain?"

Then, the foreign girl said again: "Besides, doesn't Huaguo have a method of drawing lots? So... when the time comes... the captain decides who to marry among us. If it is really difficult, why not let the captain draw lots and whoever is caught , who is it, willing to bet and admit defeat, how about it? In this way... there won't be such a big opinion among us sisters, right?"

Suddenly hearing this, Liu Caiqiong couldn't help being happy: "I also think this is better, heh! Anyway... we are all fair competition, heh!"

Afterwards, Miao Keke also said: "Okay. Then it's settled. When the time comes...then let that dead surnamed Li draw lots."

However, suddenly, Qin Xiaowan said: "I'll quit. I'd better leave the opportunity to you guys. I... a divorced woman with a baby, it's not suitable."

Immediately, Tan Jixia also said: "I also quit. Because I am also a divorced woman. Besides... I am his sister."

Su Qian'er suddenly frowned: "You... all... what is this mess? The captain hasn't found it yet!"


Then, after the plane finally started to take off, the six women began to talk about the topic.

Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "Uh, Qiong'er, is that classmate of yours...reliable?"

Suddenly hearing this, Liu Caiqiong smiled rather smugly: "Don't worry. It should be quite reliable. After all... I was his goddess, heh!"

This is also true.

Back then, when Zeng was in college, she was one of the ten school beauties, wasn't she?

Indeed, there were many boys who admired her very much.

It's just... At that time, she wasn't stupid or arrogant, but at that time, she hadn't enlightened at all, and her mind was all on her studies.

Thinking back suddenly now, she also felt a little regretful.

What a beautiful campus life, but there has never been a campus romance.

Seeing that Qiong'er felt good about herself, the few of them didn't doubt it.

Because in fact, right now, she is indeed an urban beauty.

However, the second child Su Qian'er was still a little worried, so she said again: "By the way, Qiong'er, are you really sure that your classmate has already booked a hotel for us?"

Liu Caiqiong said: "Don't worry. If he dares to fool me, it's no wonder I don't scold him to death."

Miao Keke said: "It's not just scolding, when the time comes...our sisters will beat him up until he can't find his way back home, hmph!"

Immediately, Tan Jixia also said: "Exactly! Our sisters... are not so easy to fool!"


(End of this chapter)

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