The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 929 Captain Hua Guo Is Thinking

Chapter 929 Captain Hua Guo Is Thinking

At this moment in the morning, in the middle of the ocean, on that unnamed island.

Or on the sandy beach facing south...

Suddenly got up and took a look, and saw that the beach was still a mess, with bloody corpses everywhere, so Li Chen, the captain, could only frown inexplicably...

To be honest, facing so many blood corpses, he also had a headache.

Don't know what to do?

If you bury them all... that's enough.

After all, manpower is limited.

Besides, I don't have the mind to toss about these now.

If possible, he really just wanted to find a quieter place and be alone for a while.

Going on like this endlessly, my mentality really broke down.

When is the head... I don't know?
All I know is that the team is getting stronger now.

A group of people are on this deserted island, like babies waiting to be fed, they are still waiting for food and drink.

He has long been unwilling to be the captain, and now he is a captain of Tamar again.

This depression... really beyond words!

After a while, Ryder and others couldn't help but came to his side.

They looked at the mess on the beach, and for a while, they didn't know what to say?
It's just that one by one...they all have wrinkled brows.

After waiting for a while, Alice couldn't help but said, "Hey, Captain Hua, are we... ready to stay here forever?"

Before Li Chen could answer, that bastard Ryder hurriedly said, "Oh... girl, of course this is wrong. If we can't clean up these bloody corpses in time, of course this beach is not suitable for staying for a long time."

Immediately, Ryder said again: " careful, don't be impatient, girls. Didn't you see Captain Huaguo thinking? Are you thinking?"

Alice: "...???"

Seeing this suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women couldn't help but want to laugh...

I always feel that this big black man... is here to make a joke.

The girl named Jessie suddenly couldn't help but revived with full blood and said: "Hey! Captain Hua Guo, tell us what we should do next, let's act now!"

However, Li Chen still didn't say anything.

However, after a while, he turned around suddenly, and couldn't help but walked towards the dense forest beside the beach...

Seeing it suddenly, they were all stunned for a while: "???"

It seems that he doesn't quite understand what this Hua Guo captain wants to do?

Li Chen didn't say anything, he just walked over there and picked up a branch...

Immediately, I saw him plucking off the branch with bare hands and breaking off some branches and leaves.

Because right now, there are no tools.

If possible, he would like to turn back to the last island.

At least there, they still have a few submachine guns there, don't they?

There are still a lot of spare bullets, right?

Moreover, there is also the hatchet that he made himself, isn't it?

Now that I am on this ruined island with nothing, I am really worried.

Now that the branch was almost tidied up with his bare hands, he was just waving the branch and beating it at the edge of the dense forest...

He didn't go forward until he was sure it was safe, and then pulled out a few canes with his bare hands.

It's just that Ryder and the others watched, still in a daze, and still didn't know what the captain of Huaguo wanted to do?
But immediately, Quan Hye Kyo and the three women couldn't help but rushed forward, ready to help.

Because the three of them naturally understood what he wanted to do.

After waiting for a while, after watching the Hua Guo captain weave a rattan back pocket, Ryder and the others were suddenly shocked——

", you are so ingenious!"

Suddenly hearing the astonishment from the big black man, Alice and Jessie were even more astonished and didn't know what to say?

It's just that the two of them immediately realized that this might be Hua Guo's wisdom.

The Chinese people who have always been hardworking and brave are full of wisdom.

Afterwards, I saw the Hua Guo captain turning back with the rattan back pocket, and went to put the remaining cans of luncheon meat into the rattan back pocket, as well as the bottles of water. go in...

After finally understanding it, Jessie hurriedly volunteered and rushed over happily: "Leave it to me! I'll carry it!"

At this time, Alice finally couldn't help but sincerely praised: "Oh... Mr. Li, you are really the best captain I have ever seen!"

It's just that Ryder was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Hey hey hey! Ladies, there's me too!"

It could be seen that Ryder fell in love with this young foreign woman.

To be honest, this young foreign woman named Alice really makes a man look at him with that kind of primitive impulse.

But she gave Hei Da a blank stare inexplicably: "Are you the captain?"

Ryder couldn't help laughing awkwardly...

And at this time, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Okay. Let's... let's go west first."

Hearing this, Ryder was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly said: "Hey, brother, isn't there no way to go west?"

Immediately, Alice couldn't help but hurriedly said: "That's right, Captain Hua, go west... isn't there a mountain pass?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen said: "Then go to the mountain pass and stay there first. Let's stay away from these corpses first."

Suddenly hearing this, Jessie hurriedly asked: "Hey, Captain Hua, why don't we try to go east?"

It's just that this made Captain Hua feel depressed again...

After frowning, he said, "Do you still want to see the couple who stole the rucksack?"

It's just that as soon as the words fell, the sharp-eyed Katerina hurriedly reminded her in a low voice: "Hey, Brother Li Chen, look, over there..."

Hearing this sentence suddenly, they couldn't help but curiously looked at the direction Katerina showed...

When they suddenly saw that Hua Country woman came back in a dazed state with blood all over her body, they were all very astonished: "???"

Immediately, Ryder couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Oh, fuck... this little bitch... she still has the face to come back?"

Alice couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "It seems that she is not doing well? Does she look very down?"

But Jessie couldn't help asking in surprise: "By the way, where is her...boyfriend?"

Katerina said: "It is estimated that her boyfriend has been eaten by some ferocious beast?"

Quan Hye Kyo said, "How is it? I just said...she must come back, right?"

Ito Chuanxiang didn't say anything, but she was a little inexplicably disgusted, her beautiful eyes frowning...

Just at this moment, looking at that Shanghai woman, for a while, Li Chen didn't know what to say?
It's just that there is an indescribable resentment in my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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