The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 930 Are You Really The King Of The Mountain?

Chapter 930 Are You Really The King Of The Mountain?
At this very moment, Sun Jiaying, a girl from Shanghai who was walking back along the sandy promenade by the sea, naturally had mixed feelings in her heart...

However, there are still more regrets than unwillingness.

Judging from the facial expression, what he showed was a dazed look, as if he didn't know what to do?
Can only turn back to find the team.

In fact, when she decided to go back, it was only subconsciously, and she didn't think about it that much for a while.

It's just that she understands that on this deserted island, she still can't do it alone, and she still needs a team and organization.

But in her bones, she wanted to be alone if she could.

It's just not the same now.

She who has collapsed, despaired, and cried bitterly, actually doesn't have much other expressions at this moment.

Even, she no longer cares about being ashamed.

Because as the saying is better to live than to die.

So if you are ashamed, you are ashamed.

After all, if you do something wrong, you have to bear it yourself.

It's just the eyes, I haven't dared to look at the group of people.

After all, I still have a guilty conscience, I still regret it, and I still know what I did wrong.

But now that her boyfriend is gone, what can she do?
To put it bluntly, in this situation, as long as she can live, she is willing to do anything.

Even if you challenge her now, if you say you want to sleep with her, she will immediately take off her clothes.

There is no way, this is the natural desire to survive.

Because as long as you can live, as long as you can get out of this desert island, you will be stronger than anything else.


After a while, looking at the Chinese girl named Sun Jiaying, she lowered her head and got closer and closer, that bastard Ryder couldn't help but whispered in Li Chen's ear: "Hey, Captain, what should we do now?" ? How should I deal with this little girl?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen was startled for a moment——

It felt like some tribe was going to deal with defectors.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that under such circumstances, on this deserted island, if they insisted on making trouble and insisting on dealing with it, then he would have nothing to do.

After all, the defection of this Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying and her boyfriend is indeed quite hated.

But think about it, no matter what you say, they are all Chinese people after all, so...

Therefore, in order to downplay this matter, Li Chen couldn't help but whisper in Ryder's ear: "What are you doing with you? Are you really treating us as kings of the mountain? Or are you treating yourself as a policeman in the United States?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Ryder was a little stunned: "???"

Immediately, this guy turned his head and looked at Li Chen in a daze...

It seems that you don't quite understand what Captain Hua means?
Seeing that he was staring blankly again, Li Chen said again: "Why are you looking at us? Is what we said wrong?"

After Ryder frowned again, he had no choice but to say: "Hey, brother, although you are the captain, you can't do this, right?"

Li Chen said: "How are we doing?"

Ryder said, "She... this little girl... After all, she defected from our team, didn't she?"

However, Li Chen said: "Go to Mrs. Ni! What kind of defection is this called? We are just surviving on a deserted island. Isn't it normal that we each have our own ideas?"

Then, he said again: "Could it be that you suddenly said that you don't want to be with the team anymore, what else can I do to stop you?"

"???" Ryder suddenly choked.

It's just that the eyes are stunned again...

As for those women, although they felt uncomfortable, they didn't have such big opinions.

And that girl from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying...had a stern face all the time, and she was too embarrassed to look up at everyone.

She just kept her head down, and when she approached, she didn't say anything, but suddenly there was a 'plop', and her knees fell down...

She, who had knelt down to everyone, suddenly burst into tears and said, "I'm sorry..."

Then, she said with a shy face: "I... I was wrong..."

Seeing her like that suddenly, the women naturally softened their hearts and couldn't bear it.

So...they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Captain Hua...

It means that you want to see what Captain Hua Guo means?
To readmit or not to admit?

However, seeing the look in their eyes, Li Chen said: "What do you all look at me for? You can do whatever you want. Although we are a temporary captain, we are still very democratic."

Seeing what Captain Hua Guo said, they were a little confused for a moment: "???"

It seems that he didn't expect the captain of Huaguo to be so democratic.

Although Ryder was a little upset, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything in the end.

However, Ryder still understood in his heart that this Hua Guo brother was obviously protecting the calf.

This is also a typical way of protecting the calf in Huaguo.

Although he didn't say it on his lips, he still wanted to protect this Hua country woman in his heart.

In the end, seeing the Chinese woman named Sun Jiaying knelt down all the time, so... Alice, who couldn't bear it, couldn't help but took a step forward: "Oh... Ms. Sun, you'd better get up."

Immediately, Jessie couldn't help but stepped forward: "Sister Jiaying, let's get up first."

However, Katerina, who has always had a clear hatred, still expressed her emotions with a bit of annoyance...

But she didn't say anything.

Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang remained silent.

After a while, seeing the woman named Sun Jiaying get up, Ryder still couldn't help asking: "Hey, girl named Sun, where is your...boyfriend?"

Hearing this suddenly, her face became even more astringent...

But after thinking about it, she simply said: "I was swallowed by a python."

"???" The women were startled in panic.

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo said: "How is it? Let me say that this desert island is not as easy as imagined, right?"

Taking the opportunity, Katerina said, "Exactly! It seems like who wants to be the captain! It seems that there are some benefits to be the captain!"

Then, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "Frankly speaking...if it wasn't for Li Chenjun, I would have died long ago. At that time...when I fell from the plane, I almost died, but I was still alive...of course Because Li Chenjun saved me. Don’t think that Li Chenjun really wants to be the captain, because the captain is also responsible. It’s been... Li Chenjun is protecting us three women, and it’s Li Chenjun who has been looking for food and water for us. That’s why we can live well and live forever.”

Then, she said again: "If there is no Li Chenjun... maybe the three of us have already been captured by pirates? We have already become the sexual slaves of pirates! So you think... Li Chenjun is trying to harm you?"

Then, she said again: "We have been surviving on a deserted island for so long, and we are already tired, exhausted! So... Li Chenjun doesn't want to be the captain of some shit at all! He suddenly wants to be the captain, just want to protect everyone better, Let everyone live on this island, that's all! Do you think he can get any benefit from it? Of course, I admit, the only benefit...maybe that we have fallen in love with him deeply! So, at this moment, I want to say, if there are still people who want to leave the team, they can leave now!"

(End of this chapter)

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