Chapter 933

After the eight people worked together for a while, I saw that there was a lot of firewood piled up on the beach near the mouth of the mountain soon...

There is also a pile of rattan and the like.

Next, under the guidance of Captain Hua, they went to get a bunch of Joan palm branches and leaves together.

It's just that for them, they still don't quite understand what Captain Hua's next plan is?
All of them were just in a daze, they would do whatever Captain Hua asked them to do.

It's almost the end of the day, and seeing that some things that should be prepared have already been prepared, so ... Captain Hua Guo also said: "Okay, let's rest for a while and eat something."

Suddenly I heard that I could finally have something to eat, and I saw the eyes of the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying suddenly brightened...

Frankly speaking, it was already noon, and she was really hungry.

It's just that in this situation, she doesn't get special care in this international team.

In fact, as far as she is concerned, Captain Hua still has some complaints in his heart...

It's just that he doesn't want to say more.

Of course, in such a situation, Captain Hua still has a sense of the overall situation.

After the eight people sat around in the sand and opened two cans of luncheon meat and two bottles of water, everyone seemed to have realized that there was really not enough food and water.

Now there are only four cans of luncheon meat and three bottles of water left...

Now it's an international team of eight people, just this little's really choking.

In fact, it was Ryder who was most puzzled.

After all, he brought the food and water ashore.

How could he have thought that there are more wolves but less meat?

After a while, looking at the remaining food and water, and then Captain Huaguo, the foreign young woman named Alice finally couldn't help but worry and said: "Hey, Captain Huaguo, now... we... …food and water…”

Hearing her say that suddenly, Li Chen glanced at her roughly, and didn't rush to answer, but also frowned in worry...

Now in this polar environment, it is really a big test!
After all, there is nothing.

Everything can only be solved with bare hands.

After thinking about it, the captain of the Hua Kingdom said: "Don't worry. It's okay. There is a saying in our Hua Kingdom...the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge."

It's just that after hearing what he said, a group of people felt unfathomable, but at the same time they were very stupid...

Because having said that, the boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridgehead, but the problem can it be straight in the current situation?

After sharing two or three slices of luncheon meat with each other, they were hungry, and after resting for a while, the Hua Guo captain suddenly stood up and said, "Okay. Continue to work. You... Now tie some torches."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, took a dry log over, and began to drill wood to make fire.

Now it seems that we can only find a way from the fire.

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help turning around and squatting over, asking: "Hey, brother, can you tell us what kind of big plan we have next?"

It can be seen that the women are all busy tying torches, and it hurts to be idle, so Li Chen said: "Go and move some stones first and then talk about it. I will tell you later what the big plan is. "

"???" Ryder couldn't help frowning gloomyly.

But, next, he had nothing to do, so he had to do as he did, and hurriedly got up to prepare to move the stone.

After a while, when drilling wood to make fire successfully, Li Chen will start the fire first...

Now, the fire can no longer be extinguished.

Then he saw that the women were almost done tying the torches, so he said, "Okay. The torches are fine."

Then, he said: "Now each of you has a torch, come over and light the torch."

Hearing what he said, Quan Hye Kyo and the three women understood what he wanted to do.

Sure enough, next, under the leadership of the Hua Guo captain, everyone held a burning torch in their hands, and they were going to burn the mountain...

Ryder, who was still moving the stone, suddenly saw that Captain Hua led a group of girls, and actually set the dense forest on the beach on fire, but he was a little surprised for a moment: "???"

"Hey bro, are you going to burn this jungle down?"

Li Chen turned his head to look at him, and then said: "Nonsense. If we don't burn it, how can we broaden our horizons?"

Then, he said again: "If such a lush jungle is not burned to the ground, do you know what kind of ferocious beasts will be hiding here?"

Suddenly listening to what Captain Hua Guo said, a group of people finally began to become enlightened...

All of a sudden, one by one, they all began to admire the Hua Guo captain again.

In fact, the decision to burn the jungle of the col had more than a single purpose.

Another purpose is to prepare to open a road, and then go into this valley to find fresh water sources.

What's more, as the fire spreads and the thick smoke billows, it is also hoped that a signal for help can be sent.

To be honest, the Hua Guo captain didn't want to spend endless time on this ruined island.

Seeing that after the arson was successful, the flames of the fire were already spreading into the valley, the captain of the Hua Kingdom finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh of joy——

All of a sudden, the women couldn't help getting a little excited...

"Wow--this fire is so hot--couldn't it be a good sign--"

The woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but speak.

Just listening to her talk, the big guys look at her again, but don't know what to say?
It's just that in their hearts, they still have some inexplicable rejection of her...

After all, she had defected once.

This day without smoking is also a great torture for Captain Hua.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hold a small wooden stick to his mouth, frowning inexplicably...

But at the same time, I saw him looking around again, as if looking for something useful.

After seeing a bluestone slab, his eyes could not help but brighten up——

Immediately, he turned around and immediately went to move the bluestone slab over.

After seeing each of them in surprise, they were stunned again: "???"

It seemed that they could never figure out what Captain Hua would do next?
In fact, admittedly, he had no idea what he was going to do next?
Because in this case, we can only use local materials, and use what is available.

If not, there is no way.

After moving the bluestone slab, looking at Ryder, Captain Hua Guo said: "Hey, come here. Help. Hurry up."


(End of this chapter)

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