Chapter 934 Is this sea salt?
After that fellow Ryder moved a few more stones and turned around, he was a little dazed and didn't know what the Hua Guo captain wanted to do, so he said helplessly: "Oh... ...Captain Hua Guo, tell me, what do you want me to do again? I will obey."

But at this moment, Li Chen just squatted in the sand, using the bluestone slab to make gestures, and then used a small wooden stick to make gestures in the sand...

When it was almost done, he said to Ryder: "Okay, you can build a fire enclosure with stones according to the size I drew."

Ryder didn't even know what to do, so he had no choice but to reply: "Okay, I will obey my orders, my Captain Huaguo!"


Next, as for Captain Hua...he carried the bluestone slab to the beach to clean it.

Constantly grabbing the sand, wiping the bluestone slab back and forth, thoroughly cleaning the dirt on it...


As for this moment, those women are still watching the fire burning the forest...

Along the pass along the mountain pass, the entire jungle and everything on this trip have been burned to the ground...

Those trees, although they are still standing, have been burned bare and black...

In the jungle, those firewood and rattan thorns have all been burned away.

Looking at the past now, it is indeed much clearer.

At least it can be ensured that there is no possibility of any ferocious animals hiding in the jungle next to the beach.

Just watching the fire continue to spread into the valley, thick smoke billowing, and fire ash flying all over the sky, the women suddenly became inexplicably worried...

"Hey, sister Alice, are we going to burn this place down?"

Suddenly hearing Jessie's question, Alice had no choice but to turn her head to look at the Huaguo captain...

At this moment, Katerina finally couldn't help but said: "It's better to keep burning. That's exactly what Brother Li Chen wanted. Because of this, it's like sending a distress signal to the outside world, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, the three women suddenly realized...

Only then did I turns out that Captain Hua didn't just burn the mountain for the sake of burning the mountain. There were actually many mysteries here.

At this moment, when the women suddenly saw Captain Hua Guo squatting by the seaside cleaning the bluestone slab, they suddenly became a little confused again: "???"

"Sister Alice, what is Captain Hua doing?"

Alice was also in a daze at the moment, after thinking about it, she had no choice but to reply: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

However, as soon as the women came to the beach, Captain Hua Guo immediately said, "By the way, you guys came just in time. So what... did you see, are there a few mineral water bottles on the beach? "

Suddenly hearing this, Alice was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Let's go pick those up, shall we?"

"Yes." Captain Hua nodded, and then said, "Pick it up. Wash it. Then fill it with sea water and bring it back to the fire."

Although they didn't know what to do, Alice still hurriedly replied: "OK!"


Afterwards, the captain of Huaguo carried back the cleaned bluestone slab, and then put it on the fence around the fire...

It's just that Ryder was a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "Hey, brother, do you want to grill the slate?"

Li Chen almost burst out laughing, and then said: "Uncle Ni! BBQ stone slabs, do you want to eat?"

"That's..." Ryder was still puzzled.

Only then did Li Chen reveal: "Of course I want to find a way to see if I can make some sea salt, understand?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Okay. Hurry up and add more firewood to it. First heat this stone slab and make it red."


Wait for a while, after the women brought back the sea water in mineral water bottles, I saw the captain of the Hua Kingdom open a bottle...

Then I saw him slowly pouring seawater onto the red-hot bluestone slab.

Hearing the sound of the water pouring down and smoking, they were all dumbfounded...

I don't know what new gadget this Hua Guo captain is going to develop?
In this way, the seawater was continuously and slowly poured down, and the water was continuously evaporated. Finally, when finally seeing a layer of white stuff appearing on the bluestone board, that bastard Ryder couldn't help laughing. ...

"Oh—brother—or you're awesome—"

However, several women seem to understand.

Immediately, the young foreign woman named Alice was very excited: "Oh... my God... is this sea salt!?"

Captain Hua Guo smiled happily: "Of course."

Ever since... the blonde girl named Jessie couldn't help but jumped up in surprise...

"Oye—Captain of China—OX—"

Suddenly, I saw that woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying, and began to completely admire her fellow countryman...

Because she really didn't expect that he was so awesome!

However, the captain's daughter-in-law has eyesight, and she is busy picking up one of the empty mineral water bottles, drying the water in the bottle, and preparing to use it to hold the sea salt...

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but said: "Hey, Brother Li Chen, now that we have salt, can we catch a hare or something to barbecue?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "Silly girl, we have burned this mountain and forest, where are we going to catch wild rabbits?"

But Captain Hua couldn't help but said: "Don't worry. You won't die of starvation on this island. There will be wolf meat to eat at the last time, right?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina was overjoyed again: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that! Why don't we... let's hunt a wolf and roast it, ha!"

And the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying hurriedly asked: "Can wolf meat be eaten?"

However, the embarrassing thing was that no one wanted to say anything as soon as she said it.

Seeing it, Li Chen glanced at it roughly, and then said: "I'm really hungry, why can't I eat it? Isn't snake meat and the like all edible?"

Suddenly he was the only one answering, and suddenly, that woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying felt even more guilty...

At the same time, she also realized that Captain Li Chen really shined and won applause for Hua Guo.

Afterwards, looking at them one by one, Captain Hua couldn't help but said: "No hurry. Let's take it step by step. As long as we work together, we can survive on this island. But... we now You can only have the minimum requirement, that is... to live!"

Hearing these words suddenly, the young foreign woman named Alice suddenly resonated excitedly and said: "Yes! That's right! Captain Hua Guo is right! Alive! We can only have hope if we are alive!"


(End of this chapter)

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