Chapter 935 Arrived in Country G

This night, around 9:[-] p.m., country G, the international airport.

At the exit of the airport, among the crowd who were picking up the plane, there was a man with the appearance of Huaguo, who had already held up a boarding sign...

There are a few large characters written on it: Liu Caiqiong, the goddess who received Hua Guo!
From these words, it is not difficult to see that this is also a boring man...

He is Liu Caiqiong's classmate in college - Du Fei.

This product, the cowhide is blowing all the time.

He said that he was doing big business in country G, but in reality, Nima drove a taxi.

However, when I heard that my college goddess was coming to country G, I was very excited...

Arrived at the airport early, ready to pick up the plane.

Even in this guy's head, there are already all kinds of fanciful thoughts flying...

I feel that I am about to have a relationship with the goddess who used to be in college in country G...

There will even be various exciting dramas staged.

It seems that this is the virtue of a man.

Can't smell a bit of meat.


As for this moment, after more than ten hours of flying, the plane flying from country Hua to country G has finally landed safely at the international airport of country G.

At this moment, the six women who were originally very excited are about to get off the plane, but they are all listless...

Also a little dizzy.

After all, suddenly the borders are different.

This kind of adaptation to a foreign country still needs a buffer time.

The main thing is that I landed here at night, so I was a little dizzy.

Especially looking at the obviously different architectural styles, as well as those incomprehensible advertisement texts, and those posters that have never seen celebrities before, I am even more dizzy...

"Hey, Qiong'er, is your classmate here to pick you up?"

Suddenly hearing the cute girl busy asking about this, Qiong'er couldn't help but took out her phone and hurriedly called her classmate...

"Hey, Du Fei, have you come to the airport to pick up the plane?"

On the other end of the phone, Du Fei's buddy replied cheerfully, "It's here. I'm here early. You... landed?"


After hanging up the phone, Liu Caiqiong smiled somewhat smugly: "Sisters, don't worry. My classmate has arrived early. He is already waiting for us at the exit."

Taking the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan asked by the way: "By the way, Qiong'er, what kind of big business is that classmate of yours doing in Country G?"

Liu Caiqiong just smiled: "I don't know the details? But I should be a big deal? Because in China, his family's family conditions are good."

At this time, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but said: "From the fact that her classmate knows so many gossip... she should be able to get along well in country G. At least she is a figure on the scene."

However, Tan Jixia said: "Okay. Let's not discuss her classmate for now. Let's find out the direction first."

The foreign girl Lina said: "Oh... yes, don't forget, we are only here for Mr. Li. Don't forget who we are here for."


After a while, when the buddy named Du Fei at the exit of the airport saw the tall figure in the crowd at a glance, suddenly, his jelly...

"Hello——Arjun——Liu Caiqiong——I—here—"

In fact, Qiong Er is indeed quite tall.

The height... is estimated to be about 1.7 meters.

Generally speaking, it is quite tall for a woman to be so tall.

After Miao Keke took the lead to catch sight of Qiong'er's classmate, suddenly, his heart skipped a beat...

She didn't even forget to frown her beautiful eyes, thinking in her heart, it's just that little guy! ?
In fact, the buddy named Du Fei is really not tall, how can I put it... a bit like Hong Kong star Wang Zulan.

Waiting to take a look at Qiong'er next to her, Miao Keke almost burst out laughing...

Because this cute girl suddenly thought, is that short one enough to get milk?

After a snicker, Miao Keke suddenly said, "Hey, Qiong'er, I saw your classmate."

Liu Caiqiong was still a little confused, and hurriedly asked: "Where is it?"

"There, is it?"

Seeing Miao Keke's eyes beckon suddenly, the six women looked at the little man in unison, all of them almost burst out laughing...

Even Su Qian'er, the second child who never judges people by appearance, couldn't help giggling and said, "Hey, Qiong'er, is that your classmate?"

Liu Caiqiong didn't care so much, she just replied, "That's right. It's him."

However, Miao Keke still couldn't help showing Qiong'er's chest position with his eyes, and then whispered: "Uh, Qiong'er, is he alone... enough for your position?"

Hearing this suddenly, those women couldn't help but burst out laughing.

However, Liu Caiqiong hurriedly said: "You...what are you talking about? He and I...are not dating, really!"

Then, Liu Caiqiong said again: "He is tall, short, fat and thin, what does it matter to me?"

This is true.

She was thinking of the captain.

Seeing that Qiong'er was like this, thinking about it again, I was afraid it would be too impolite, so the women stopped smiling.

Afterwards, when the buddy named Du Fei suddenly saw six women walking towards him, he was a little silly: "???"

The key is...all of them are beautiful and charming.

All of them are goddess-level, and he is a little stupid...

As if he was worried that he would not be able to handle it.

Seeing that they were approaching, Du Fei had no choice but to laugh at Qiong'er: "Are they... all your sisters?"

Liu Caiqiong said: "Nonsense. Didn't I just tell you on the phone?"

Immediately, Liu Caiqiong said again: "Don't say you didn't book a room!"

And this buddy Du Fei had no choice but to be busy and said with an embarrassed smile: "I've booked it. I've booked it all."

It's just a guilty conscience...

Because he didn't book a big hotel, but a small hotel.

This... always feels that it doesn't match the identities of the goddesses.

Taking another look at Fan'er, who all seemed very cold, this buddy had no choice but to laugh awkwardly: "That's right. Let's go. Let's... go to the parking lot."

But in order to show politeness, Tan Jixia still did not forget to ask enthusiastically: "By the way, I heard from Qionger... Are you doing big business in country G?"

"...???" This buddy was sweating a little guilty.

After thinking about it, he had to laugh awkwardly and said, "It's not a big deal. Anyway... almost everyone in country G has ridden in my car. It's not a big deal."

The second child, Su Qian'er, who is more sensitive to business, asked, "Do you monopolize the car rental industry in country G? Or...are you just one of the shareholders?"

Then, she asked again: "By the way, does country G allow foreigners to monopolize their car rental industry?"


(End of this chapter)

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