Chapter 938 Big Air Lease!

The next day, early in the morning, country G.

After breakfast, Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women were ready to set off from the Hilton Hotel and head to Dakong for rental.

Obviously, the six women couldn't wait to fly to those islands in the ocean...

After all, their souls are already there.

Although it has been so long, what they think about day and night is still those islands that have never left the ocean.

Of course, there is only one reason, that is, their captain did not come back!


Because they felt that Qiong'er's classmate was not too reliable, the six women also decided not to bother Qiong'er's classmate anymore.

In fact, before setting off from Huaguo, the six women had already made plans.

Now it's just a matter of going to Air Charter and going with them to finalize the flight plan.


Regarding Dakong Leasing, although it is a small aircraft leasing company in country G, its services are still good.

Pay more attention to reputation.

The main reason is to rely on word of mouth to accumulate customers.


In the morning, Dakong leased.

It was an old guy named Jiao En who was in charge of receiving the six women from Huaguo...

This old guy... Chinese is so-so.

But for airplanes, this old guy is quite good at it.

It can be seen that this old guy is not bad in dealing with people and receiving people and things.

First of all, he led the six women to briefly visit some aircraft models, and gave a general introduction to the performance of various aircraft, etc.

After patiently understanding some of the situation, the six women were anxious to talk about the flight plan...

After hearing this, the old man Jiao En said: "Oh... six beautiful ladies, don't be impatient. As for where you are going, we can do it. It's just... we have to wait according to the weather. To determine the specific flight plan. Also, we all know about the islands in the ocean you mentioned. It’s just that the situation is worse recently.”

Next, the old man also said something about John's family...

At the same time, it also talked about some recent plans and actions of the military of country G.

It wasn't until after hearing what the old man said that the six women realized that although Qiong'er's classmate was unreliable, the information he provided...was still accurate.

Afterwards, looking at the old man named Jiao En, Su Qian'er couldn't help but ask, "You mean... the planes of the recent leasing company... can't fly to those airspaces yet?"

The old man frowned: "Oh... I'm so sorry! It's terrible! We also want to finish your flight plan as soon as possible, but in the recent period... it's better for us to avoid it! After all... we are also afraid Any conflict of interest, understand?"

Then, the old man said again: "Of course, we are also considering your personal safety! Frankly speaking... our plane can fly at any time, but... oh... sorry, six beautiful ladies, with all due respect, The strength of our leasing company is still not strong enough, so...we still have to be careful everywhere, you...understand?"

Hearing what the old man said, the six women could only express their understanding.

It's just that the six of them had to look at each other...

After a while, Su Qian'er asked: "Then can you give us an approximate time? In other words... When will we be able to fly?"

The old man frowned embarrassingly and thought for a while: "I think... next week, there should be no problem?"

Then, the old man said again: "Don't worry, we will implement these situations as soon as possible! After all, this is what we should do!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the six women again, and the old man couldn't help but said curiously: "Sorry, six beautiful ladies, there is one thing that I still don't quite understand? That is...why do you insist on flying?" To those ghost islands in the middle of the ocean?"

Then, the old man said again: "Frankly speaking, those islands...the scenery is very beautiful, the same time, it is also accompanied by great danger. After all, they are uninhabited islands in the middle of the ocean. The islands...what There are ghost things, very dangerous! And... some of these islands, there are pirates all year round! Sorry, six beautiful ladies, I am not scaremongering, but the truth! Because... I know those places, really !"

Next, the old man roughly told them about some of his experiences...

In other words, when he was young, he was also a very good pilot.

And was a soldier.

He also talked about his missions on those islands in the ocean...

It is said that some of his comrades were eaten alive by tigers on those islands.

Next, the old man roughly talked to them about the current complicated situation in country G...

That is to say, some politicians nowadays are extremely shameless.

And roughly talked about the powerful power of the John family in country G...

In fact, this old man is relatively low-key.

Because he didn't mention that he was also a member of the Congress of country G.

He also didn't mention that he was a hero of country G.

However, the six women still feel that this old man is not a lunatic, he looks more honest and kind...

Therefore, next, Tan Jixia revealed some information to the old man...

It roughly tells about some of their experiences in the ocean.

After the old man heard this, he was also very surprised: "Oh...God...your Captain Li Chen...he is really great!"

Immediately, the old man said again: "Oh, of are also great! You are also very kind and righteous!"

But, next, the old man couldn't help frowning again...

"But...sorry, six beautiful ladies, with all due respect...I feel...your Captain Li Chen...maybe...maybe he's not on the island anymore?"

Suddenly hearing this, the six women couldn't help but startled: "???"

Then, the old man said again: "Because as far as I know, there are still many fishermen in our G country who are willing to go fishing in those ghost places. So... If your Captain Li Chen is really on those islands, how long will it be?" He should have been rescued?"

Then, the old man said again: "Also, from country Y to country P, there is a cruise ship passing through Hukou Island. If according to your guess, your captain Li Chen has already arrived on Hukou Island, then maybe... he Already saved by that cruise ship?"

After hearing what the old man said again, the six women became a little confused again: "???"

Next, I saw them staring at each other...

Seeing this, the old man hurriedly said again: "Oh...Of course, if you still stick to your flight plan, we will still fulfill your wish!"


(End of this chapter)

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