Chapter 939 Capable Linna

At this moment in the morning, in the middle of the ocean, on that uninhabited island.

Or in the sandy beach near the mouth of the mountain...

At this moment, Captain Hua, with a gloomy expression, was sitting in the sand weaving a rattan back...

This kind of work... For him, although practice makes perfect, his mood is not beautiful.

Because of repeating the same mistakes again and again, I am really tired of it!
He never imagined that the way home would be as difficult and bumpy as Nima!

Not to mention tossing for so long, the key is that he is still struggling and going round and round to stay alive.

When is the head?

Now, he is also at a loss.

Just a few words floating in my heart: Grass, what the hell!
But at this moment, the girl named Jessie, like a curious baby, has been squatting beside Captain Hua, staring at how he weaves this kind of rattan back pocket...

It looks like she's eager to learn.

Just looking at it, she was confused again...

Forgot how this knitting started?

She didn't care whether Captain Hua Guo was in a beautiful mood or not, but couldn't help asking: "Hey, Captain Hua Guo, just now... this rattan back pocket... how did you start?"


As for this moment, Ryder and the others are standing aside looking at the forest that has been burned by the fire at the mouth of the mountain...

Looking at the fire that was set yesterday, it was quite ruthless. It seemed that it had been burned all the way into the valley, but... no one knew about it?
No one in the outside world knows?
The more they think about it, the more they frown...

Suddenly, the young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help but said: "Oh... it seems... our current situation is still very bad? Maybe... we will really be trapped on this ghost island?"

But Ryder took the opportunity and said cheerfully: "Isn't this just right? The two of us can just develop our relationship on this island."

People are tired of being annoying, and this guy still doesn't forget to take the opportunity to flirt.

Therefore, the young foreign woman named Alice looked at him with inexplicable annoyance...

"Hey, Big Black, to hell with your feelings! I don't want to give birth to a Black boy in the future! Then... I will feel like I have given birth to a monkey!"

Suddenly hearing what Alice said, those women couldn't help but almost burst out laughing...


Even Captain Hua Guo couldn't help laughing.

Ryder: "...???"

After a while of embarrassment, there was nothing to do, and he had no choice but to say: "Hey! Girl! What's wrong with my skin color? I have a healthy skin color!"

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but gave him a supercilious look: "Hey! Big black man, stop flirting! Have you forgotten what the captain said? Let's work quickly! Don't forget, now our Food and water are running short!"

As the girl from the fighting nation spoke, she couldn't help turning around to find sharp stones...

I am going to get branches in the forest that has been burned by the fire.

Because the trees that had been burned by the fire were all bare, dark, and some had been scorched, so it would not be too much trouble to get some thicker branches or trunks now.

Besides, the forest after the fire is also bare, there are no firewood and rattan thorns, so it is naturally safer.

Of course, the more important thing is that this girl from the fighting nation is indeed practical.

Whatever it is, just do it.

Not at all ambiguous.

Seeing that Linna went to pick up sharp stones, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang also followed...

Seeing that the women of the family were all acting up, Ryder seemed a little embarrassed, so he said to Alice: "Hey, girls, let's take action too!"


Next, I saw a girl from the fighting nation, who was really tough, entered the forest that had been burned by the fire, and was using sharp stones to chop off some thick branches or trunks...

Even Ryder looked at it with admiration...

This guy couldn't help but whispered in Alice's ear: "Hey, girl, look, doesn't this look like a typical fighting nation girl?"

Seeing that such a beautiful girl suddenly looks so capable like a wild girl from a certain primitive tribe, suddenly, this young foreign woman named Alice is also deeply moved...

Because at least she realized that this is the girl who has been trained in survival on a desert island!
All just to live and live better!

After some deep feelings, she also expressed that she was not far behind and insisted on it...

I also began to learn to use sharp stones to smash some thick trunks and branches...

For the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying, she also had an epiphany, what is living!

In fact... Although she is very knowledgeable, she is almost a bookworm. All along, she has never known what it means to be alive.

After all, he has a good family since he was a child, and he is currently studying for a double master's degree in Country Y.

But, suddenly, she realized that her advantages were almost zero on this desert island.

Because now we have to learn this primitiveness and wildness.

At the same time, she also realized that many things are completely different concepts from her initial imagination.

It's like at first...she thought that her fellow villager named Li Chen was a fool, but now she realized that he is indeed a hero!
In fact, he is not stupid, he is even smarter than anyone else!
Because here, no one knows how to survive on a deserted island better than him.

Every step he takes is orderly, without panic...

Thinking of her boyfriend's death, she was deeply regretting...

Because if he had firmly believed in this fellow named Li Chen from the beginning, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened?
Maybe I'm in the team now... I won't be so embarrassed?

In fact, she still understands in her heart that she is not very popular in the team now.

In order to prove something, she also had to abandon the style of young women she once knew, and could only imitate them, using sharp stones to chop down those thick trunks and branches...

The blond girl named Jessie turned her head to watch everyone get busy in the jungle, and she was too embarrassed to squat there to watch Captain Hua weave the rattan back pocket.

Ever since, she got up too, and followed into the jungle to get busy...

Because Captain Hua Guo had already told them that the next step was to build an open enclosure, which required a lot of tree trunks and branches.

Because there are no knives now, we can only use this most primitive method.

In other words... there is strength in numbers.

As long as we work together, everything is still possible...

(End of this chapter)

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