The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 940 Prepare to Find Food and Water

Chapter 940 Prepare to Find Food and Water
After a while, after Captain Hua weaved two new rattan back pockets, he suddenly stood up and saw that there were many thick tree trunks and branches piled up on the beach. He couldn't help but smiled happily...

Look at a group of people who are still busy in the jungle, all of them are sweating profusely, and their bodies are blackened by those burnt branches. On their faces or on the bridge of their noses, or on the corners of their eyes, They were all smeared black, but he couldn't help but smile happily...

Because at least it proves that... this temporary international team, these players... are still very strong.

Perhaps one by one... have also recognized the reality, right?
That is to live, to live.

Especially... Unintentionally, I suddenly saw that fellow named Sun Jiaying... Seems to be getting better and better, and he was secretly happy again...

In fact, all of this had already been expected by him.

Because no matter how lonely the guy is, he will eventually be conquered by this reality.

After a while, seeing them walking towards the beach with some thick tree trunks and branches, the Hua Guo captain said, "Okay. Let's all rest for a while."

But, immediately, he said again: "Get ready, let's go into this valley together."

Because right now, the most urgent thing is to find food and water.

Regarding the construction of the convertible enclosure, this matter... can be postponed for a while.

Now it is just that they need to prepare the required materials first.

And Ryder couldn't help but said: "Hey, Captain Hua, aren't we going to build an open enclosure?"

Seeing that guy like that, Li Chen said: "Let's think about our food and water first."

Suddenly hearing this, the girl named Jessie couldn't help becoming a little excited: "Hey, Captain Hua, are we now... going to go into the valley to find food and water?"


"Oh... I think this is very cool! Maybe... maybe our island... will have some unexpected discoveries?"

It seems that it is still very attractive for exploring the mystery.

Afterwards, Li Chen stepped forward, picked out a thicker tree trunk from the pile of tree trunks, held it in his hand and made gestures...

After finishing the work, he said to them again: "Then all pick a tree trunk in your hand. At critical moments, it can still be used for self-defense. At the same time, it can also be used as a trekking pole."

Hearing what he said, and seeing the shape again, they all hurriedly gathered around to pick out the trunk...

Now it can only be the most primitive self-defense weapon.

As for Captain Hua, he turned around and put some empty mineral water bottles into his rattan back pocket...

The girl named Jessie turned around very actively: "Oh... let me carry one. I think... this rattan back pocket is very cool."

It can be seen that this girl... is also relatively new to some new things.

As for the remaining canned luncheon meat and a bottle of water, Li Chen put it in another rattan back pocket...

Seeing this, the young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help but turned around in a hurry: "Oh... I'll carry this on my back."

Seeing that everyone was quite positive, Li Chen smiled happily.

As for the remaining empty rattan back pocket, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying hurriedly put it on her back.

Regarding the bottle of sea salt they made, Captain Hua dug a shallow sandpit with his bare hands, buried it, and hid it in the sand.

Now this bottle is as precious as a treasure.

Afterwards, after they rested for a while, Captain Hua waved the tree trunk in his hand with a sense of ceremony, and said, "Let's go!"

So, next, under the leadership of Captain Hua, a group of people walked through the forest that had been burned by the fire...

Start heading into the valley.

While following the captain's footsteps, Ryder couldn't help but said, "Hey, Captain Huaguo, tell there any treasure hidden on this island?"

But Li Chen said: "You should first think about whether we can find food and water."

The young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help but said: "Hey, big black man, if you only want wealth and treasure, then I have a good suggestion, that is... you can dive to the bottom of the ocean, go to We went on the cruise ship that sank. I think there must be a lot of cash or gold and silver jewelry in the club's casino."

Ryder had no choice but to frown: "...???"

After a while, nothing happened, and Ryder had no choice but to say: "Girl, do you want me to die?"

Unexpectedly, Alice said: "I don't mind if you understand it that way."

Ryder: "..."

They couldn't help but burst out laughing...



At this moment, Country G.

As for the six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er, they had no choice but to return to the hotel temporarily.

Dakong Leasing... said that they will not be able to fly until next week. For this reason, the six women are also very worried...

After all, they have already arrived in country G, so naturally they still want to fly earlier.

Still want to go to the ocean earlier to see what's going on?
"Hmph! How annoying!"

Suddenly, the cute girl said anxiously.

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Then... sisters, what shall we do in the next few days?"

Tan Jixia said: "Of course we can only stay in the hotel and wait for the letter."

A few women were talking, but what they didn't expect was that the old man named Jiao En from Dakong Leasing suddenly called Su Qianer...

A few of them looked at the caller ID, and each of them hurriedly said: "Quickly answer the phone, second child!"

Afterwards, after Su Qianer got on the phone, the old man named Jiao En said on the other end, "Hey, beautiful Ms. Su Qianer, I have good news now, do you want to hear it?"

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help being startled excitedly: ", tell me!"

"Oh... this... of course I can tell you, but... the beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er, I need you to guarantee your personality and keep it absolutely confidential! Because this kind of news... not everyone can inquire about it, I think... with your intelligence and beauty, you should understand what I mean?"

Su Qian'er couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then she could only hurriedly say: "Don't worry, I will keep it secret! I guarantee it with my personality!"

"Oh... well, my beautiful Ms. Su Qianer! I just... through an old friend of mine, I found out... those guys... did find out that in the middle of the ocean... an island, said There is a man and two women, but, sorry... I don't know if that man is the Captain Li Chen you are looking for?"


(End of this chapter)

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