The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 944 One person appeared inexplicably

Chapter 944

About this valley, there is a long and narrow slope of natural green land, which seems to extend inward...

Just looking at the mountains and forests on both sides, it feels a little eerie.

However, more than half of the forest on the left has been burned by the fire they set off.

After taking a look at the landform and terrain here, Captain Hua led the group of them, leaning as far as possible to the left...

Then continue to try to explore the valley.

Because the fresh water problem must be solved now.

But looking at... this stretch of natural green land has been extending inward, and there are no streams or ditches on the side. For this reason, Captain Hua can only frown...

It feels like... this might be a dry valley in Tamar?

Look up again and look at this day... It seems that there has been no rain in the past few days?

This is really a bit of grass eggs.

Because if there is a rainy day, it is enough to find a way to gather some rainwater.

Now, when she walked up and inward along this sloping natural green land, and reached a bend, the sharp-eyed Katerina couldn't help but suddenly became excited...

"Uh, brother Li Chen, look—there—the Traveler's Plank—"

Hearing this suddenly, he hurriedly looked in the direction of the girl's finger, and suddenly, the Hua Guo captain was finally happy...

Damn, it seems that fresh water is no longer a problem!
However, Alice, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying, the three women don't know why they are excited?

However, just when Katerina was about to happily lead the women towards the traveler's banana, she suddenly saw a person appearing in the green space above...

The man, unshaven, wearing a battered cowboy hat, was holding a shotgun pointed at the group of them...

Damn, that man didn't speak, but he looked a little cool, and his eyes were inexplicably deep and suspicious looking at them...

Ryder hurriedly raised his hands and said to the man, "Hey! Dude! Don't be impulsive!"

It's just that as soon as the words fell, it was suddenly shot by '嘡'...

It was Nima who shot the grass in front of Ryder's feet...


All of a sudden, I was dumbfounded and stupid.

Especially Ryder, his legs visibly shook, as if he had urinated.

The women's faces turned pale with panic, and they didn't dare to shout, they could only subconsciously hold their breath.

At the same time, trembling... looking at that person cautiously.

Frankly speaking, Captain Hua was a little flustered by this sudden scene...

After all, I don't know what kind of temperament and temperament that Nima has?
Suddenly, there were two clicks, and the man was loaded again, and the gun was aiming at them again...

But, immediately, the man frowned, and suddenly said: "#@%!*...?"


Li Chen and his group are stunned again, stupid...

Nima, I can't understand what I said at all.

Do Nima don't know which Martian language it is?

In desperation, there was nothing to do, and Alice had no choice but to try to say something boldly: "Do, you, speak, English?"

"???" The man seemed to be in a daze, and he didn't seem to understand.

Nima, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it, but that guy aimed his gun at Alice's chest...

Surprised by this, Alice, whose complexion was once pale, trembled all over, and suddenly urinated with a 'squeak'.

Seeing that guy's finger was about to pull the trigger, Captain Hua suddenly became furious...

Just when the guy was about to pull the trigger, suddenly, after a "嘡" gunshot, the women were frightened again...

However, soon, when they suddenly saw bright red blood oozing from the man's chest, the women were stunned again: "???"

Soon, I saw that person's eyes... He was aiming at their Captain Hua Guo with a ferocious face...

This frightened them again...

However, as soon as that person caught sight of their Captain Hua, he suddenly fell down with a 'poof'...

The person who fell down suddenly looked as if he was dying.

Just when they were still in a daze, suddenly, Captain Hua Guo walked towards that person...

After waiting for another second, they realized that the shot just now was fired by Captain Hua.

Then, their Hua Guo captain stepped forward, also looking cool, and bent down to pick up the shotgun.

At the same time, I didn't forget to pick up that cowboy hat and put it on my head...

This sudden move made them dumbfounded...

Suddenly Captain Hua with a cowboy hat on his head turned around and said, "Hey, Dahei—"

Ryder was a little confused: "???"

It wasn't until Captain Hua threw the shotgun towards him that he reacted in a panic and stretched out his hand to catch the shotgun.

It's just that the women are still looking into the valley...

I'm afraid that person has accomplices.

However, Captain Hua Guo swaggered back towards them and said, "It's okay."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Captain Hua was so sure, they were stunned for a while...

After a while, Jessie finally couldn't help but said: "Hey, Captain Hua Guo, how do you know that guy...doesn't have any accomplices?"

With such a question suddenly, Captain Hua could only frown...

Because this is an intuitive thing that can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Fortunately, all of a sudden, Katerina got up and said, "Okay, let's go, let's go get the water first."

Suddenly hearing this, Alice and the three women were stunned again, and immediately, Sun Jiaying hurriedly asked in a daze, "This...where is there water?"

For the sake of fellow countrymen, Li Chen still gave a gesture with his eyes: "Here, there..."

Sun Jiaying was stunned again: "Is there... is there water?"

And at this moment, Quan Huiqiao and the other three women had already had a drink there...

"Wow—this water—is so cool—"

Seeing it suddenly, Jessie rushed over: "Sister Linna, is there any water here?"

Katerina said, "Hurry up and get those empty mineral water bottles you're carrying."


As for this moment, Ryder couldn't help walking towards the dead man...

Roughly went to check the situation.

Afterwards, Ryder picked the man's head with the muzzle of the shotgun in his hand, and took a rough look at his facial features...

After seeing this clearly, that bastard Ryder suddenly said in a panic: "Hey, Li Chen..."

Hearing this sound suddenly, Li Chen turned around and took a look, then walked towards that direction.

Immediately, he asked, "What's wrong?"

That bastard Ryder said: "That day... the bombings of those planes were all aimed at this guy? Are we all behind us?"

(End of this chapter)

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