Chapter 945 The fog is heavy!

Suddenly I heard Ryder asking like that, to be honest, this Huaguo captain also has doubts in this regard?
Because the guy who has been shot looks like a fugitive in a major case.

Analyzing from various angles, this guy... is really vicious.

Moreover, very cautious.

And, very suspicious.

Because, Li Chen had noticed this since Alice had a conversation with this guy before.

Because this guy doesn't have the slightest sympathy for a woman like Alice.

All this guy sees is caution and killing.

Since he couldn't understand Alice's language, the guy was about to shoot and kill.

Based on his appearance, this guy...should be from country G?

And this guy has been hiding here, obviously for many years.

Maybe that yacht...was the same yacht that this guy was on when he landed on the island?

But, as for this guy... what did he do?Why keep hiding here?

This is unknown?

As for now, those women are already enjoying themselves at Traveler's Banana.

After knowing that this kind of traveler's plantain has a lot of fresh water, Alice and the other three women also became joyful.

"Oh... this is really amazing! It turns out that there is... so much fresh water stored here!"

But Jessie couldn't help asking: "Hey, sister Linna, may I ask... how do you know that there is a lot of fresh water hidden in this plant?"

Before Katerina answered, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said: "Actually, we didn't know before. It was Li Chenjun who told us."

However, Katerina hurriedly said: "No. Brother Li Chen didn't tell me. I just picked up some knowledge about this before I prepared to travel with my boyfriend."

Immediately, Jessie asked curiously again: "Then... where is your boyfriend?"

Katerina replied lightly: "It has stayed in the ocean forever."

It seems that when she mentions her boyfriend again, the Russian girl is no longer so sad.

Because subconsciously... this Russian girl has already relied on that Hua Guo captain...

Now I feel that having him is enough.

The past is the past.

It's good to have people by your side.


After a while, when Alice noticed that Captain Hua Guo and the big man in black were studying the guy who had been killed in the grass, she couldn't help turning around curiously...

"Hey, Captain Hua Guo, this guy... what's going on?"

Suddenly seeing Alice coming to ask, Captain Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then gave her a rough look...

Afterwards, he said: "We don't know the specific situation?"

Even so, Alice couldn't help but thank you in a hurry: "Oh yes, Captain Hua, thank you!"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Captain Hua also replied: "No need."

However, in Alice's heart, she is still very grateful...

Because she naturally understood that before, if Captain Hua hadn't shot decisively in time, maybe she would be the one who fell down?

Next, although I felt that there was still something to be studied in this valley, it was getting late, so the captain of the Hua Kingdom was making arrangements, preparing to return to the seaside at the mouth of the valley.



After a while, the country G will be illuminated by the lights.

An underground disco...

Under the powerful music and the shining lights of the dance floor, I saw a group of men and women shaking their heads...

At this moment, in one of the boxes, I saw that guy Raymond hugging left and right.

Those girls, except for their dark complexion, are all on point.

As for those girls, all kinds of clothes are also very revealing...

Just when the atmosphere was just right, four or five unidentified guys came in suddenly...

Looking at those four or five guys, the waiters at the disco, etc., they all looked stupidly, and no one dared to move easily.

Including those internal security personnel at the disco, they didn't dare to move easily.

Those four or five guys, swaying and swaggering, went straight to the box where Raymond was...

When the door of the box was pushed open suddenly, that fellow Raymond was startled and was about to draw his gun, when there was a 'pur' sound and a shot hit his wrist...

The gun that was shot just now was obviously wearing a silencer.

Those four or five guys moved very quickly, and in the next second, Lei Meng was knocked to the ground in an instant.

Next, under the watchful eyes of a group of people, those four or five guys swaggered away Lei Meng...

It wasn't until the group left with Raymond that the owner of the disco dared to vent: Oh! Fuck——

Immediately, an internal security officer rushed to the boss's side, and then whispered in the boss' ear...

The general meaning is to ask, is there trouble starting?
The owner of the disco has a dark face and doesn't say anything...

Because he knew that the guy just now was from the military of country G.


Raymond, who had been taken into the car, suddenly cursed...

At the same time, they are also questioning, who are they?

In fact, he still knew clearly in his heart and knew who it was.

It's just that he didn't understand what he had provoked?


It wasn't until the end that they were taken to a remote place, an unfinished real estate of a certain sea view house, that group of people pulled Lei Meng down and beat him violently...

After the beating, the gang threw out some photos and asked Raymond, where were these taken?
Suddenly, Raymond suddenly understood what was the reason.

However, Raymond was very blunt, saying that he didn't know this.

Because he was thinking in his heart, maybe that old man John... is going to mess with him secretly?
But these things... He didn't dare to reveal them.

Because once exposed, he might die immediately?

So now, he knows very well that he has to bear it even though he gritted his teeth!

This shows that this guy has a tough mouth, and that group of people is annoyed, so he gave Lei Meng another fat beating...

Who would have thought that Raymond was drunk and drugged tonight, so he wouldn't have been beaten at all.

Suddenly, the guy suddenly coughed with a sip of blood, and then he never responded again.

It wasn't until they suddenly felt something was wrong that the group stopped beating.

Then, one of the guys reached out to check Raymond's breath, but he was a little panicked...

Suddenly hearing that guy say that Raymond is dead, all of a sudden, this group of people were dumbfounded: "???"

This fucker...maybe it's true that there will be no proof of checkmate forever?


At this moment, a group of people secretly sent by Lord John also went to the disco to find Raymond.

It's just that they were dumbfounded when they heard that Raymond had been taken away by a group of unknown people...

For this reason, they had no choice but to quickly report the situation to Sir John...

Hearing such a situation suddenly, Lord John was immediately alerted. It should be people from the G country military who secretly dispatched?

This is not a good sign...

(End of this chapter)

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