Chapter 946
Just at this moment in the evening, the Hilton Hotel in Country G.

Several women gathered in the room of the second child, Su Qian'er, and were studying the islands in the ocean. Suddenly, the old man named Jiao En from Dakong Leasing called again...

"Hey, hello, good evening, beautiful Ms. Su Qianer!"

Suddenly hearing the old man's call and greeting him so warmly, Su Qian'er was a little dazed...

However, subconsciously, I still feel... This old man seems to be quite warm-hearted?

Maybe I really met a good person?

After thinking about it, Su Qian'er had no choice but to respond with a smile: "Hi, Uncle Jiao En! You don't mind if I call you that?"

"Oh... thanks! Of course I don't mind! I'd love it if you called me that! Because the truth is... I'm such a bad old man!"

Immediately, the old man said again: "But, I still hope to help you beautiful ladies!"

Hearing what the old man said, Su Qian'er could only hurriedly say: "Thank you! We sincerely thank you!"

On the other end of the phone, the old man smiled happily: "OK. Let's...let's get down to business. Let's get down to business. I think...if you beautiful ladies are free this evening, you might as well come to Wharton Cafe .It’s not far from the hotel you’re staying in. If you’re sure to come, I can wait for you in Room 5, OK?”


After a while, after Su Qian'er hung up the phone, several women were busy asking what was going on?
Su Qian'er was actually a little confused, and she didn't know what the old man was trying to do with his secrets?
After that, she had no choice but to tell the truth: "This old man wants us to go to Wharton Cafe now. He said he is waiting for us in Room 5."

Immediately, Su Qian'er hurriedly emphasized: "However, this old man is quite cute. He repeatedly emphasized that this is a famous coffee shop in country G. I guess... the old man is also afraid that we will worry about safety issues?"

Hearing what Su Qian'er said, the women were stunned again...

Afterwards, they all looked at the eldest Tan Jixia...

For such an important decision, it is up to the big Tan Jixia to make up his mind.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness and other aspects, the eldest Tan Jixia is indeed superior to them.

After all, she was also a woman who had been a soldier.

But at this moment, the older Tan Jixia was thinking, she was not afraid of anything on the island, she just went to a coffee shop, what is there to be afraid of?

So... Tan Jixia also said: "Second brother, you tell that old man, we will go there now."


About half an hour later, Wharton Cafe in country G, single room No. 5.

When the six women came here as promised, the old man named Jiao En never forgot to keep a smile...

Then mysteriously, he took out a few photos...

"Several beautiful ladies, please take a closer look at these, to see if there is your Captain Li Chen among them?"

Immediately, the old man emphasized: "But, you can't take these photos away, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, the six women were instantly excited...

Panic took those few photos, and then they all looked at them carefully...

What these photos captured was exactly the tragic situation after Raymond and his gang killed wantonly on the uninhabited island at that time...

That is to say, on the beach, there are corpses strewn all over the place.

In fact, these photos were also taken by... Raymond's group at that time.

I just don't know where the old man got it from?
However, one thing can be proved, that is, this old man is quite awesome.

He can get this kind of secret information.

The six women, looking at those appalling photos, were all shocked...

It's just that, after they looked over carefully several times, they still couldn't find the figure of their captain among the corpses.

Although there are a few oriental faces among them, none of them are their captains.

As for the women whose corpses lay on the beach, several of them have also carefully looked over several times, but there is no sign of the H country actress.

There was no sign of Nina either.

Neither Nina's sister Nicole nor her brother Nihao were found.

In the end, after the six women met each other's eyes, they all shook their heads...

Then, looking at the old man named Jiao En, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "Excuse me... where did you get these...?"

The old man smiled mysteriously: "Oh... this... can I keep it a secret?"

In desperation, Tan Jixia could only nod her head: "Of course!"

Then, the old man smiled again: "There... isn't your captain here?"

"No." Tan Jixia shook her head.

Immediately, Su Qian'er hurriedly said, "Wait, Uncle Jiao En."

"Tell me." The old man hurriedly replied.

So Su Qian'er asked, "Which island in the ocean did this happen?"

Such a question, the old man is also a little confused...

"Oh...sorry, my dear Ms. Su Qian'er! These guys didn't capture the whole picture of the island, so I can't tell for sure. I'm so sorry!"

Then, the old man said again: "Actually... many islands in the ocean are basically similar. They are just different in size. In this photo... there is only one beach, so it is really difficult to judge."

Hearing what the old man said, the six women don't know what to do?

Suddenly, all of them were frowning, so the old man named Jiao En said: "Oh... beautiful ladies, please don't be so depressed! I have some good news for you, that is... next Monday ...we should be able to fly?"

Suddenly hearing this, the six women became happy again...

Then, the old man said again: "However, first of all, we can only fly to Hukou Island to see the situation. Because the ocean is too big. Those islands...we can't fly all at once, I hope you can understand!"

Then, the old man said again: "However... Hukou Island is very dangerous. There are many unknown ferocious beasts. have to be mentally prepared. Of course, but please rest assured that we will be equipped with guns and ammunition. But... the cost aspect……"

Before the old man finished speaking, Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "Uncle Jiao En, don't worry, the cost is not a problem!"

The old man just smiled: "Then... OK! I would also like to serve some beautiful ladies! This makes me very happy, really!"

While talking, the old man put away those photos, and then said: "Then we will be like this tonight. When we officially fly next week, I will introduce our pilot to you. And the safety officer. Don't worry, everyone Beautiful lady, we are all professionals. If there is anything wrong, you can file a complaint at that time, OK? Don't worry, we still have a record in country G, and we will never mess around!"


(End of this chapter)

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