Chapter 952 False
After staying for a while, when those women also came up the wooden ladder in front of the cave, they were immediately attracted by the four password boxes placed beside the entrance of the cave...

"Ou Maiga—" the young foreign woman named Alice was the first to say in amazement.

Immediately, the girl named Jessie and the woman named Sun Jiaying also looked shocked in an instant: "???"

Obviously, it's hard to imagine that there... there is such a lockbox here!
As for Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang, although they were also shocked, they were relatively calm.

Of course, they were all surprised by all of this...

It was seen that Captain Hua was squatting beside the entrance of the cave {d}, fiddling with one of the password boxes, as if trying to unlock it, so...they couldn't help but crowd around him...

After a long time of fiddling with this, suddenly, with a 'click' sound, the password lock was unlocked, and all of them couldn't help being inexplicably excited about it...

Then, I saw those pairs of eyes, all staring at Captain Hua Guo, who was about to open the cover of the password box...

Frankly speaking, at this moment, Captain Hua was also a little inexplicably excited.

After opening the lid of the box, at that moment, all of them saw their eyes suddenly brighten up——

But at the same time, he was a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe it: "???"

However, in fact, what they see now, inside the box, are indeed stacks of neatly stacked dollar bills...

All 100 dollar bills!

After a full tens of seconds, Katerina exploded suddenly...

"Oye—Brother Li Chen—now we're really posting—ha——"

Immediately, the girl named Jessie exploded in surprise...

"Yay, yay - now we can charter a flight directly - we can go to Dubai - oh haha ​​-"

Then, that bastard Ryder couldn't help squatting over excitedly, and put his arms around Li Chen's shoulder...

"Hey! Brother! What are you still doing? Now we have become a millionaire! Xiangche, beauty... Brother, you can have whatever you want!"

As for the young foreign woman named Alice, she was so overjoyed that she couldn't speak for a moment, she just kept grinning happily...

The woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying was also so happy right now that she didn't know what to say?

However, for some reason, Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang seemed unusually calm at this moment.

The calmness of the two of them is like the calmness of Captain Hua.

To be honest, although Li Chen, the international captain, was also shocked, he was unusually calm and composed.

In other words... ill-gotten gains are not desirable.

Therefore, at this moment, Captain Huaguo is thinking, if Nima's four combination boxes are all US dollar bills... I guess the origin of it... I have to weigh it!

And if the person who was shot dead by them has been guarding these dollar bills in this valley, then... there must be something wrong here!
There are so many US dollars in cash, and they are still guarding in this valley, almost a fool.

But judging from the man he saw yesterday, that guy didn't look like a fool at all.

Since he is not a fool, there must be a reason for this!

After a while, after they all realized Captain Hua's composure, then Ryder asked a little puzzled: "Hey, what's the matter, brother?"

Immediately afterwards, Captain Hua still didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand and drew {c} a big dollar bill...

Next, I saw him holding that US dollar bill, facing the light, to identify the authenticity?

After he frowned and looked carefully, he suddenly lost the dollar bill...

"???" Ryder and the others panicked and were puzzled for a while.

"Hey! Brother! Are you... treating money like dung?"

Unexpectedly, Captain Hua Guo confided: "It's fake."

"What—!?" Ryder was taken aback suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the young foreign woman named Alice couldn't help reaching out and pulled out a big dollar bill from it...

Afterwards, after she also discerned the authenticity, her complexion changed suddenly, as if she was no longer so excited.

Seeing the expression on that girl's face suddenly, Ryder seemed a little unbelievable...

Ever since, he hastily stretched out his hand and drew {c} a big dollar bill from it...

After he also discerned the authenticity, he immediately cursed: "Oh...Damn...Fuck..."

All of a sudden, their faces changed suddenly.

Katerina turned her head to look at Li Chen in disbelief, and asked, "Brother Li Chen, all fake!?"

Li Chen said: "I don't know? You need a piece of paper to check."

Immediately, the girl named Jessie said in amazement: "There are... so many... How can you test it!?"

At this moment, suddenly, the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said: "Oh, yes... I seem to remember that a few years ago... there was a news, it seemed that...someone robbed How many boxes of money did the crew use to make props?"

"???" A group of people suddenly became a little stupid, and at the same time they were inexplicably dumbfounded.

Because suddenly, they were all thinking, the buddy who was killed yesterday, could it be his mother who has been guarding counterfeit money in this valley for several years?

This is really a big joke!

Afterwards, the girl named Jessie finally couldn't help but glance at Sun Jiaying...

"Hey, Sister Jiaying, what country did you just say...that news...from?"

"???" Just then, Sun Jiaying was also stunned.

After she wrinkled her beautiful eyes, she said, "I can't remember the details. happened several years ago. I just remember...the police still want that guy. It's just that they didn't catch him later." , and then disappeared without a trace. Afterwards, there were no relevant follow-up reports.”

But Ryder suddenly said: "Hey, Captain Hua, open those three boxes and have a look?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen frowned, then turned his head to look at the three boxes.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't help reaching out and brought another box over...

However, he was thinking in his heart, probably...they are all counterfeit coins?
What the hell, how can there be so much for nothing?

How could it be possible... is there gold and silver money hidden on this island?

In fact, they also felt that they might all be counterfeit coins, so they didn't have the excitement and anticipation they had before.

But Captain Hua is very good at unlocking this lockbox.

If you really can't solve it, at worst, you can smash it open with a stone.

But at this moment, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang, who had no longer expected this, couldn't help standing here and looking towards the valley entrance...

When they suddenly saw that from here, they could just see the sandy beach outside the mouth of the valley, both of them were inexplicably startled: "???"

Could it be... that person yesterday... knew that we were on the island?
(End of this chapter)

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