Chapter 953 A Prophecy

While they were all watching Captain Hua Guo unlock the second password box, they vaguely heard the roar of an airplane over the ocean...

Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang, who were the first to hear this voice, couldn't help but startled vigilantly: "???"

But right now, Captain Hua Guo was concentrating on unlocking the lockbox, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The few of them watching were also focusing on Captain Hua's hands...

Then, when he heard that the movement was not right, Quan Huiqiao suddenly yelled in surprise: "Hey... Li Chen..."

Suddenly hearing his daughter-in-law yelling, Captain Hua Guo couldn't help being startled, he quickly turned to look at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "Listen..."

Hearing his daughter-in-law say such a sentence suddenly, Captain Hua Guo listened intently...

At this moment, those few of them couldn't help listening seriously...

Suddenly, the girl named Jessie couldn't help being surprised: "Is the rescue team here?"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw several shells roaring towards the sky...

Suddenly seeing that the formation was not right, the next second, a pair of eyes suddenly frightened...

Captain Hua Guo, who was extremely responsive, lowered his voice and shouted in a panic: "Quick! Get into the cave!"

At the same time, there were bursts of 'puff puff' explosions...

Just like a celestial girl scattered flowers, it exploded all over the island...

It seems that it is still a Nima grenade with an incendiary bomb. Wherever it explodes, a raging fire will soon be ignited...

Nima, this is obviously the rhythm of Tudao!
Fortunately, Captain Hua Guo reacted quickly, and after organizing them to dodge into the cave, he crawled over again and hurriedly moved the four password boxes placed at the entrance of the cave {d} into the cave...

Just after he completed this series of actions, he just saw several planes roaring from above...

At this moment, they who had been hiding in the cave could not see clearly.

Only Captain Hua Guo, who was crawling near the entrance of the cave {d}, could really see clearly...

Several fighter planes from Nima G country.

While flying around the island, another burst of shells flew down from Nima...

'Puff, puff, puff—'

Next, there was only such a burst of explosions, which was earth-shattering.

Suddenly, there was another bang of 'Peng'...

Nima, a cannonball was just thrown at the mouth of the cave {d}...


The seven people hiding in the cave felt timid and almost peed in a daze.

In fact, Captain Hua Guo, who was crouching near the entrance of the cave {d}, felt timid just now...

At this moment, although I don't know what's going on with Nima, Captain Hua is aware of it... Maybe the military of country G wants to destroy all the evidence?
After all, the waters where the Mir was in distress were close to country G.

Although I don't know the specific situation here, Captain Hua knows in his heart that this kind of thing... the military of country G can do it.

Suddenly, the wooden ladder in front of the cave was on fire, and suddenly, the women hiding in the cave almost screamed out...

Fortunately, the girl from the fighting nation reacted quickly, and hurriedly gave them a blank stare: "If you don't want to die... just hold back! Understand?"

At this moment, the big black guy (Ryder) is also a group of counselors.

The mighty majesty that was eager to try has long since disappeared.

As the mountains and forests on both sides of the valley were already burning, suddenly, many snakes had flocked to the green fields in the valley...

As the fire became more and more violent, the entire cave began to become stuffy.

The eight people hiding in the cave all started sweating...

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "These sons of bitches... Fuck—"

Since many birds and beasts were suddenly seen emerging from the green area in the valley from above, it was Nima who dropped several shells...

'Puff, puff, puff—'

When they suddenly saw a giant python in the valley being blown into the air, those guys on the plane became too happy to laugh...

Seems like it's exciting.

Frankly speaking, right now, Captain Hua has no temper at all.

Because there are only two words: no way!
Only a few words floated in my heart: Grass, what the hell!


After a while, it seemed that the mountains and forests of the entire island were on fire, so the shelling stopped.

But those planes haven't left yet, they are still flying around the island, and they seem to be still checking the situation...


Although the eight people were hiding in the cave, they could still faintly hear the roaring sound of the fire.

I even felt that the entire island was burning...

But, apart from holding your breath in shock and feeling all of this quietly, there is nothing you can do.

There are only two words to describe it: helpless!


It wasn't until about half an hour later that the planes were finally ready to fly away.

At this time, Captain Hua let out a 'hoo' and secretly let out a long breath...

Because I feel... my life should be saved?
However, until the several planes had flown away, for a long time, Captain Hua still seemed to be recovering.

Still crawling at the position close to the {d} entrance of the cave, motionless...

As far as this moment is concerned, his whole person and expression are indeed dull.

Because he has subconsciously felt that rescue is impossible.

Being able to protect your own life is already a blessing in misfortune.

This kind of situation... the ideology of how many brain-dead politicians are designated behind the scenes?
Maybe country Y knows where Mir lost contact?
As a result, country Y first politely made representations to country G.

But...the military wants to destroy everything, maybe it has something to do with the killing at the beginning?
After all, more than [-] or [-] people were shot and killed!
As for the seven people, they still didn't seem to be stunned at this moment, and they still didn't move at all.

But subconsciously, they still realized... Maybe Captain Hua really made a prophecy come true?
Maybe these eight of them are really dead now, and no one will know?
At the same time, they also began to understand in their hearts... Captain Hua's various predictive abilities and perception abilities are also super strong.

They even began to understand... No wonder the four of them had such a hard time surviving on a deserted island!

Because of the outside world, you don't know at all?

Don't know who wants them dead?

After a long time, that bastard Ryder finally couldn't help squatting down beside Captain Hua...

"Hey! Brother! Now... what do we...?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen turned his head to look at this guy, but for a moment, he didn't know how to answer?

I'm just very depressed...

An unspeakable extreme depression!

(End of this chapter)

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