The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 954 Li Chen, Let's Accept Our Fate

Chapter 954 Li Chen, Let's Accept Our Fate
At this moment, country G has officially responded to country Y...

But the gist of the response is that the Mir may have died in the ocean, but the location of the death is not yet clear?

At the same time, he said that country G has assisted in the search and rescue in the waters near the country, and if there is any latest progress, country Y will be notified as soon as possible.

Of course, in addition to this, some beautiful words were also said.

For example: I deeply regret the loss of Mir.

Another example: the loss of contact with the Mir may not be in the adjacent waters related to country G.

In short, it's just some beautiful words on the political level, let's talk about country Y for now.

At the same time, it is also showing the superb art of throwing pots.


In fact, for now, Country Y has no action.

Because it is only a suspected loss of contact for the time being, it has not been confirmed that it has lost contact.

Because country Y is still trying to get in touch with the Mir, the current display shows that the Mir has entered a no-signal area.

Although modern technology is advanced, sometimes things go wrong.

Moreover, in fact, there are several countries that the Mir passed through during this voyage.

Country G also grasped this point, and also felt that Country Y should not be able to determine which country's adjacent waters the Mir lost contact for the time being.

As far as the facts are concerned, country Y is actually contacting, communicating and negotiating with many countries.

These countries also stated that they would immediately assist country Y in search and rescue.


At this moment, Dakong Leasing in country G.

The old man named Jiao En received some top-secret news.

It's just about these news... the old man is still pondering and weighing whether to disclose it to the ladies in Huaguo.

After all, the old man was also afraid that something big would come out.

After all, these matters have already involved matters at the national level.

Although the old man hates those young politicians very much in his heart, there are some things... the old man still has his own measure.

At this moment... the old man was thinking, after all this, even if Captain Li Chen of those ladies is still alive, it might be impossible to return to Huaguo again?


Right now, the six women temporarily staying at the Hilton Hotel in Country G have been closely following various reports about the Mir.

Also hope this thing goes well.

But now, it seems that Mir's whereabouts has become a mystery?

There are even reports that some people are speculating that the Mir may have approached an island in the ocean, preparing to avoid the impending bad weather.

In fact, the weather forecast for the past two days has been warning that perhaps this weekend, there will be a super typhoon sweeping across the ocean, which may form a huge tsunami.


As far as the weather of this day is concerned, after noon, the weather also changed suddenly.

After turning from sunny to cloudy, gradually, it was covered with dark clouds.

Regarding the actions of the military of country G, they are so straightforward because they are worried that the weather will be unfavorable, so they will avoid long nights and dreams.

The photos and the like obtained from John's family have been completely destroyed.

As for that short video, Lord John has destroyed it himself.

After all, more than [-] or [-] people were killed, and country G naturally didn't want to take the blame.

In short, as long as it can be shown that the Mir was a natural shipwreck, then it has nothing to do with country G.

The pot was thrown away completely.


At this moment, the representative of country G's military is secretly meeting with the head of country G.

Said nothing was lost.

Next, let country Y go to search and rescue in the relevant sea area, don't be afraid.

Even if the international search and rescue team is involved, they are not afraid.

Because in the end there were no survivors, no one could tell clearly what happened in the ocean.

If the Mir was really killed, it can only prove that... it has sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Beyond that, nothing will be proved.



At this moment, in the ocean, on that uninhabited island.

It can be described as charcoal.

Because the whole island, those jungles are still burning...

This time, it was really a fire that burned the whole house.

What kind of birds and beasts... nothing.

It is completely safe, and there is no need to worry about wolves and the like.

It's just that after burning so bare, where will the eight of them go? This will be a question?

At this moment, Li Chen and the eight people had no choice but to temporarily stay in the cave on the mountainside.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is a lot of water on the back of the cane.

Suddenly, Captain Hua, who was a little thirsty, opened a bottle of water and poured it into his mouth...

After pouring a pass of water, he could only let out another long, gloomy 'hu'.

To be honest, he doesn't know what to do next?
He just felt... It was impossible to leave the island temporarily.

Because country G must have blocked this relevant sea area for the time being.

No planes will come, no ships will come.

Now in this cave, because there is no wooden ladder in front of the cave, and he can't go down for a while, Captain Hua has no choice but to sit down here by the entrance of the cave {d}.

Seeing this, the few of them finally had no choice but to sit down on the left and right sides of the Hua Guo captain.

Obviously, everyone has felt the seriousness of the situation.

All of a sudden, when the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying turned her head and looked gloomyly at fellow villager Li Chen, she expressed her incomprehensibility and asked, "Uh, fellow... why did they... do this!?"

But before Li Chen could answer, that bastard Ryder said gloomily: "Oh...I said...little girl, don't you understand? Killed, this matter... If {b} is exposed, country G will definitely take responsibility, understand, OK?"

But Alice said inexplicably: "By the way, when we landed on the island, why did someone shoot us? What happened to us? What did we do wrong?"

Suddenly, Katerina said: "Unlucky."

But at this moment, in fact, Li Chen, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women still understood a little bit, maybe it was because of the previous things?

But... Maybe I told Ryder and others about those things, but they might not understand?May not understand?
So think about it, the four of them are too lazy to talk.

After a while, Quan Huiqiao, who was sitting next to Li Chen, turned her head to look at him, and she suddenly said inexplicably pessimistically: "Li Chen... let's accept our fate! But... I can die with you. It's also the happiest and most romantic thing in my life! Really! I don't regret being your wife in this life at all! If I can go back... I will quit the showbiz indefinitely! Because I don't want to Being affected by those troubles, I will love you steadfastly in this life! Li Chen... Remember, I will be your wife all my life! I am willing to give up my status as a star for you, and I will only wash and cook for you for the rest of my life, and serve you well You! Because you are the person I love the most in this life, there is no one! There will never be one!"

(End of this chapter)

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