The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 955 Why don't you take me with you

Chapter 955 Why don't you take me with you
Suddenly, after hearing such gentle, emotional, yet incomparably tragic words from the H country actress, I saw that the eyes of the Hua country captain were inexplicably moist...

It's not that I was moved, but I really feel that marrying such a daughter-in-law in this life... is worth it!

It's just that those women always felt a little sour in their hearts when they looked at the two suddenly flirting with each other, which seemed very unpleasant.

After a while, unexpectedly, the oriental beauty writer couldn't help but said: "Uh, Sister Huiqiao, if there is no monogamy restriction in heaven, you don't mind Li Chenjun marrying me too? Don't worry, I am willing to be small."

As soon as the words were finished, unexpectedly, Katerina hurriedly said as if joining in the fun: "Hey, there's me! You... how could you forget me?"

Suddenly, Katerina was busy saying this, and then Jessie also hurriedly said, "Can you take me with you too? I want to be with you too!"

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying couldn't help saying, "There's me!"

Unexpectedly... Alice hurriedly said, "Then you might as well take me with you."

"???" It's just that Ryder was suddenly stunned, and at the same time, he had an indescribable depression and discomfort.

"Hey hey! Did you...forget that I'm still there?"

Seeing the big man Hei talking so anxiously, the women suddenly felt a little funny and laughed...

Then, Alice said to him: "Who made you so dark, we can't see it."

"???" Ryder was depressed again.

Seeing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Afterwards, Katerina gave Ryder another inexplicable look: "What are you doing here to join in the fun? We are talking about our women. You are not a woman. Besides, Brother Li Chen doesn't like men."

Ryder hurriedly said: "I did you women forget me?"

However, Alice said again: "No one has forgotten you, it's just that no woman is willing to marry you."


Seeing that Ryder was so anxious, Li Chen couldn't help but smile again...

Originally, he wanted to say something to Hui Qiao, but the atmosphere... was so messed up that he didn't know what to say to Hui Qiao for a while.

Afterwards, after thinking about it, he couldn't help but said, "All right. Let's get down to business."

Suddenly hearing what he said, they couldn't help turning their heads and staring at him one by one...

Therefore, as the captain of the international team, he couldn't help but said: "Actually...we don't have to be so pessimistic yet. Maybe we won't die on this island? At this cave, there are The food we need. And water for now.”

But Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother, have you ever thought about it? In this situation, I feel... those bastards in country G should have blocked this relevant sea area for the time being. I don't think there will be any more ships coming. There will be another plane coming. So... how do we leave the island?"

However, Li Chen said: "Let's take a step at a time. I feel... After all, this place belongs to the ocean, and country G is not that awesome. They can't block it either."

Then, Li Chen continued: "At least one thing can be proved now, that is... country Y has suspected that the Mir has lost contact. Next... the Mir can't be found, and a big search and rescue will eventually be launched Action. Perhaps...possibly...the international community will also assist country Y in search and rescue at sea?"

Afterwards, as the international captain, he said again: "There is still a route that can be checked for the Mir's loss of contact. So... the hope for us depends on the search and rescue operation. But, remember one thing, we must not It fell into the hands of country G."

Hearing Captain Hua's analysis, all of a sudden, his eyes lit up again...

It was as if he suddenly saw hope again.

Then, Li Chen said again: "Although we don't know what kind of political game there is, country G... must want to cover up the fact that more than [-] or [-] people were shot!"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "When the time comes...we must expose the shameless deeds of country G!"

"Yes!" Jessie hurriedly said, "We must reveal the ugly side of country G!"

Just when Sun Jiaying wanted to express her indignation, suddenly, Captain Hua Guo asked, "Do we have evidence?"

"???" The women were suddenly stunned.

Immediately, Jessie hurriedly said: "We have all seen it, isn't this called evidence?"

However, Captain Hua Guo said very calmly: "We can't see it. It can't explain anything. We need to have evidence."

Then, Captain Hua Guo said again: "Even if we all say we saw it, what does it mean? Who will believe our words? You still underestimate the words and phrases of the politicians! Because no one will be able to prove what we said Is it true, understand?"

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help saying: "That's right! My brother is right! Just saying we saw it, no! It doesn't mean anything! Because what is needed is evidence, OK?"

Then, Ryder said again: "We said we saw it, and we can only create some international public opinion, that's all! But we can't do anything to those guys, understand?"

Immediately, Alice asked angrily: "Then we just swallow our anger like this?"

However, Captain Hua Guo said: "I just hope... that each of us can return to our respective countries safely! The other things... don't really mean much!"

Then, Captain Hua Guo continued: "As far as the facts are concerned, the Mir also hit a reef at night and sank. This is not a conspiracy by country G. As for...the twenty or thirty people were shot to death... I think... it shouldn't be the intention of the political leaders of country G? It's just that now... the political leaders of country G want to wipe this ass clean?"

Immediately, Captain Hua Guo said again: "I said so much, not to speak for anyone. I just think...we can still live for the rest of our lives, which is the best consolation! After everyone returns to their respective countries safely , just forget about all the bad things!"

Thinking about it again, Captain Hua Guo couldn't help but said: "Frankly speaking, I don't know about the four of you, but the four of the process of surviving on a deserted island, we did kill people and snatch boats, so ... I don't think... I don't think we are good people. In fact, looking at it from another angle... we are only living, and we are actually selfish. Now I can tell you frankly that we have not only killed people, robbed ships, but also bombed Wrecked people's planes. Now... I really just want to go home. Just want this to be over."


(End of this chapter)

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