Chapter 956 Test of Concentration
After listening to Captain Hua Guo's words, suddenly, I saw one by one... After staring blankly, they all became silent——

Although at this moment, everyone suddenly felt a little heavy in their hearts, but after a while, it seemed like they couldn't say anything.

It's just that they both seem to realize that maybe Captain Hua is right, and that each of them can return to their respective countries safely, which may be the current top priority.

They are put it bluntly, they are all poor people living on a deserted island. Uncle doesn't love grandma, and no one cares about life or death, so...Only I care about myself and cherish my own life!

Fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, and fighting against people is really a bit overwhelming.

Suddenly thinking about the guy they shot to death yesterday, suddenly, Ryder and the others also felt... Maybe my group really aren't really good people?
It's just that now I stand on my own ground and have to do that.

Thinking about this, and after looking at Captain Hua Guo again and again, they still seem to feel that... Captain Hua Guo is calm, objective, and fair.

Suddenly, she looked up at the sky, and suddenly saw that it was already covered with dark clouds. Alice couldn't help being surprised: "Oh... bad... it seems that there will be a heavy rain!"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, the few of them noticed the sudden change in the weather...

However, Captain Hua looked at the burned bare mountains and forests on both sides, and couldn't help but said gloomily: "Now there is no use for a heavy rain. What should be burned has been burned up. "

At this moment, Katerina suddenly wrinkled her beautiful eyes shyly: "Hey, brother Li Chen, I want to pee, what should I do?"

"???" This made them startled.

Then, seeing a pair of eyes, I couldn't help looking at the girl from the fighting nation...

This scene is indeed a bit embarrassing and embarrassing.

Now in this cave, I can't go down.

Because the wooden ladder in front of the cave is gone.

Looking up at the increasingly gloomy sky, Li Chen, the captain of the international team, could only frown...

Thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with it, so he had no choice but to gesture to the left side of the {d} entrance of the cave, and then said to Katerina: "Just go and pee there, don't worry, we don't want to look at it."

"???" It's just that Katerina was shy and her eyes were tightly knit...

After all, there are seven or eight of them here, and she said she didn't want to watch her urinate, but how could she have the nerve to see these seven or eight of them here?

Suddenly, that bastard Ryder smiled: "Hey, chick, just hold back."

Seeing Ryder like that, Captain Hua couldn't help but say to him: "Go to Mrs. Ni!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the writer of Oriental beauty gave Ryder a dissatisfied look, and said to Katerina: "Why are you so ashamed? Really! Go! Go over, I'll pee with you!"

While talking, the oriental beauty writer turned around and walked towards the left corner of the cave {d} entrance...

"???" That bastard Ryder turned his head and looked over in a daze...

Seeing that guy like Ryder, Li Chen said again: "Hey! What the hell are you looking at? The woman just pissed, what's there to look at? If you want to drink, just go and use your mouth Go ahead!"

"...???" Ryder suddenly blushed again.

After he realized something, he was too embarrassed to look any further, so he could only stare straight ahead, looking towards the mouth of the valley...

It's just that this guy is thinking in his heart, that girl is really brave, she is really willing to let go.

At this moment, I really heard a burst of squeaks, and Ryder couldn't help but feel an inexplicable jelly in his heart.


Seeing the uncomfortable look of the big black man frowning and frowning, Alice couldn't help but burst out laughing, ha!
Seeing that Sister Ito took the lead to solve it there, Katerina was not so ashamed, so she also turned around...

Seeing this, the Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying couldn't help turning around after frowning her beautiful eyes in embarrassment...

Because she actually wanted to relieve her little hand a long time ago.

Seeing that they all went there to solve the problem, the girl named Jessie also turned around as if she was joining in the fun...

Suddenly, the grandeur, the whirlwind, listening to the sudden movement, even Captain Hua couldn't help frowning...

Damn, these little girls...

When Ryder suddenly saw him frowning, he couldn't help laughing again, and then said in Captain Hua's ear: "Hey, brother, are you itchy too?"

However, Captain Hua Guo said stiffly: "Are you itching? Now it's all fucking like this, how can you have that kind of thought?"

They were talking, but suddenly, Jeon Hye Kyo also turned around...

This is obvious, and Alice suddenly got up: "Oh... I can't hold it anymore."

Hearing such a voice suddenly, and then suddenly seeing that chicken jelly that Ryder is so special, Li Chen couldn't help but gloat, and giggled happily...

Afterwards, Ryder whispered in his ear: "Brother, this is a damn test of strength!"

"Ha!" Li Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Then, he whispered in Ryder's ear, "Just get used to it."

"Oh... brother, it's really hard to get used to it!"

Li Chen couldn't help laughing again, and then said: "That's enough. Let's get down to business."

"???" Ryder was a little confused.

Then he asked, "What else is there to do now?"

So, Li Chen said: "Think about it too, analyze and analyze, what kind of opportunities will we have to leave the island next?"

However, Ryder said: "Brother, I really can't work in this kind of ghost place."

"Damn it! Uncle Ni! Then when will you be able to recover?"

Ryder said: "With aircraft and cannons, I can work."

"I'll go to Mr. Ni! Just dream about it!"

Ryder could only frown sullenly, and then said: "Brother, I still don't understand. You said...the political leaders of country you have hydrocephalus?"

Li Chen said: "This is not hydrocephalus. This is the expansion of power and desire. Aren't these politicians in the West all foolish? Don't they all think they can move the earth?"

Ryder couldn't help but said: "Brother, why don't we just fight back, fuck it!"

"I'm going to Mrs. Ni! What are we going to do with other people's airplanes and cannons? Do you think this is a movie? The protagonist will never die?"

Then, Captain Hua Guo said again: "Besides, in this play, who the hell is the protagonist, don't you know?"


(End of this chapter)

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