Chapter 957 Can't smoke!
Although country Y is already doing its best to organize a search and rescue team to search for and rescue the Mir, but in the face of sudden changes in the weather, the search and rescue team can only wait for the weather to improve for the time being.

Because of the bad weather, search and rescue cannot be carried out.

The more important thing is... After all, in the ocean environment, no jokes are allowed.

The meteorological team has been warning, so the search and rescue team can only be on standby for the time being.



Almost halfway through the afternoon, in the ocean, there was a sudden heavy rain...

The whole sky suddenly became black and oppressive like twilight.


At this moment, that uninhabited island.

Halfway up the mountain, in that cave...

I saw the eight people in the cave suddenly all frowning sullenly...

Each of the brows has a "Chuan" shape squeezed out.

Especially looking at the front of the entrance of the cave {d}, the heavy rain is pouring like pouring, and each of them is frowning...

Coupled with the dark and oppressive sky, each of them felt heavy in their hearts, and it was his fault for being depressed.

Right now, who doesn't know what to say?
I can only watch the rain rush down...


After staying for a while, Captain Hua Guo thought about it, but couldn't help pouring out the counterfeit money in a lockbox.

Then I saw him open the password box, put it at the entrance of the cave {d}, and catch the rain...

This made those few of them stare, but couldn't help but startled suddenly: "???"

It seems that they are all thinking, is there such an operation?
And at this moment, Captain Hua Guo didn't say anything, but couldn't help reaching out, took a lockbox over, and was about to unlock it...

Because there are still three lockboxes that haven't been unlocked yet.

As for what is contained in the three lockboxes, I don't know yet?
The few of them looked at it, and couldn't help but gather around, and continued to watch Captain Hua Guo unlock...

Anyway, being idle in this cave is also idle.

I saw Captain Hua Guo squatting there and fiddled for a while, and then there was a 'click', and the lockbox was unlocked again...

Immediately afterwards, the girl named Jessie still couldn't help but said excitedly: "Isn't this box filled with counterfeit money?"

Captain Hua Guo expressed that he had no sense of expectation, and directly lifted the lid of the box...

It's just that I suddenly saw another box of US dollar bills, one by one, and I still couldn't help feeling a little inexplicably excited!
But this time, Ryder was the first to reach out and draw {c} a big dollar bill from it, and immediately began to identify the authenticity...

After a rough identification, I saw that his brows were immediately furrowed: "Fuck—"

Seeing him like that suddenly, Captain Hua didn't even bother to ask, it must be Nima's box of counterfeit money again.

However, Alice still couldn't help reaching out and took out {c} from it, and then she also checked the authenticity...

Afterwards, her beautiful eyes were also furrowed: "Oh...why are they all counterfeit money?"

Suddenly, Katerina replied: "How can there be such a beautiful thing?"

Suddenly listening to this, and then thinking about the guy who was killed by them yesterday, Jessie couldn't help but said depressedly: "Could it be that guy from yesterday... don't you know that this is all counterfeit money?"

There is no way to answer this question.

No one can answer.

Therefore, Captain Hua didn't bother to say anything, and directly dumped the counterfeit money in this box.

Then, he opened the password box again and placed it near the mouth of the cave {d}, also used it to catch rainwater.

Because now, fresh water resources are very precious to them.

After all, all the mountains and forests on the island have been burnt down, leaving only bare hills, so fresh water resources will naturally be in short supply.

And yes, I don’t know where to think about it?
So take this opportunity, let's not worry about the amount of water, let's fill up a few boxes of water first.

Next, before Li Chen reached out, that bastard Ryder hurriedly handed him another lockbox...

"Hey buddy, look at this again."

Li Chen stretched out his hand to take it, and this time, he fiddled with it a few times, and it unlocked with a 'click'...

This made them look at it with admiration.

Everyone was thinking, isn't this Hua Guo captain too awesome?
What did he do before...?

Ryder couldn't help laughing: "Hey! Brother, with your unlocking technology, it's a pity that we don't become gangsters!"

But this time, after lifting the lid of the box, Captain Hua suddenly felt his eyes light up...

Suddenly, Ryder almost jumped up happily: "Haha... brother! Smoke! There is smoke!"

Not only are there two cigarettes, but there is also a golden zippo lighter beside it...

Captain Hua Guo was so happy, he couldn't help but reached out to pick up a cigarette and opened it.

Immediately, he threw a pack of cigarettes to Ryder...

"Here, damn it!"

Then, he opened a pack of cigarettes by himself, and couldn't wait to put one in his mouth.

Reaching out to pick up the golden zippo lighter, there was a 'click', and it was on. He was so happy again, so he hurriedly lit the cigarette before talking.

After taking a deep breath of the cigarette, he was taken aback again, grasping the grass, this... Nima!It doesn't seem to be smoke, does it?

Just when Ryder took the lighter and was about to light a cigarette, Li Chen hurriedly reached out and snatched the lighter...

Ryder frowned sullenly: "Hey, what's the matter, brother?"

Li Chen's face was dark: "You can't smoke! Nima, the powder is rolled inside!"

Hearing this, Ryder was taken aback again, and then hurriedly took a closer look at the cigarette in his hand...

Seeing that the roll inside was indeed powder, he was suddenly depressed: "Oh——Fuck——"

As for Captain Hua himself, he hastily extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

This thing... If Nima becomes addicted to smoking, it will be really ruined by Nima!

In order to prevent anyone from touching this thing again, Captain Hua hurriedly brought over the pile of counterfeit coins, and immediately set them on fire...

Then the two cigarettes were immediately destroyed.

This made the women look at them, and couldn't help admiring the Hua Guo captain...

Especially the girl from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying, only then did she understand what a real hero is!real man!
You can't touch it, this Hua Guo captain will never touch it!
No matter how addicted he is to smoking, he won't touch this thing!

Because this Hua Guo captain is very clear-headed, as long as he touches this thing... he will be finished.

So it's really useless to be in the ocean for so long.

At this moment, Katerina moved the third box to the entrance of the cave {d}, and continued to use it to catch the rain...

Obviously, women also know that water is indeed precious.

(End of this chapter)

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