Chapter 958 Timely rain!
Right now, Country G.

The six women who were temporarily staying at the Hilton Hotel still gathered in the room of the second child, Su Qian'er.

However, the six people at this moment are all gathered in front of the window to watch the rain...

Looking at the cloudy sky and the pattering rain, the six women were also very worried.

It always if they have caught up with any kind of bad luck.

Now in country G, not only can't fly for a while, but also caught up with all kinds of bad things.

Now we have caught up with such a bad weather.

"There won't be a typhoon, right?"

Suddenly hearing the cute girl half-talking to herself, one by one... I feel even more distressed.

However, Qiong'er suddenly couldn't help but half-talked to himself: "I always feel... the captain seems to be on some island near country G, but we can't find him now. He doesn't know We are in country G now."

These words made the women even more worried...

The foreign girl Lina suddenly said, "Oh...what's the matter?"

However, Qin Xiaowan said: "If the captain is really alive, he should have thought that we were all dead. He should have thought that we were all buried in the ocean."

The eldest Tan Jixia said: "Needless to say? If he really sees some of us, he will be very surprised. He will definitely feel haunted."

However, the second child, Su Qian'er, said: "Oh, you guys...don't keep talking about this.'s really annoying."


At this moment, the political leaders of country G at the national level looked at the heavy rain and felt very happy.

Especially the military representative, muttering to himself, meaning: God help us.This heavy rain will wash away everything in the ocean without leaving a trace.This is really a timely rain.

In fact, after the heavy rain, some traces on the island in the ocean will indeed disappear like a miracle.

If there is another typhoon, the ocean tide surges, and the island is washed away again, then there will be no signs of it.

Obviously, this is the effect that the political leaders at the national level in country G want.

Even if the Mir is found again, it will only be on the bottom of the sea.

Although there are thousands of people on the Mir, it is impossible to find a living on the bottom of the sea.


But even though it was already torrential rain, at this moment, Country G was already taking action.

The John family naturally suffered.

Although John's family is awesome, but in real life, they still can't compete with the power of some dignitaries.

When Sir John was suddenly taken into the car by some savage guys in the heavy rain, the old man knew in his heart, maybe this is really the end?

Although the identities of these savage guys have not yet been revealed, the old man still understands who is pretending to be a ghost.

Even so, it was too late, and nothing could be done.

It's just that the old man suddenly understood what it meant to set himself on fire.

He has traversed country G for decades, but in the end he screwed himself up.

Speaking of showing your sharpness, some things... are too domineering, too arbitrary, and too terrific, and there will be no good end after all.

Frankly speaking, this old fact, it is not a pity to die.

Because of all kinds of bad things, this old man has done it.

It's just the identity of the tycoon, covering everything up.

Especially in middle age, this Lord John has assassinated some MPs who disagreed with each other.

He also slept with the mistresses or wives of some MPs.

In order to obtain some plots or piers, this Lord John has also used all kinds of indecent means.

In short, there are many dark and dirty things, so I won't express them one by one.

However, the old man still understood in his heart that his defeat in this life was at the hands of his two sons.

I can be regarded as a hero, but the two sons... are really fucking bastards.

If it wasn't for my eldest son not doing his job properly and insisting on finding keel fossils in some ghost ocean, maybe all of this would not have happened?
As for his second son... he is a drug dealer in Tamar.

In the end, he became an internationally wanted criminal.

As for where he hid later, even the old man didn't know?

Finally, in the heavy rain, when the old man was locked in a small dark room, the old man knew that everything was over.

As for not killing the old man now, it is because some dignitaries still have records.

Because the matter of the Mir could not be covered up in the end, it was natural that Lord John would come out to apologize.

In fact, the fact that the twenty or thirty people were shot to death was actually caused by the John family.

This Lord John...has ended up in such a fate, and there is nothing to sympathize with.

Of course, as for the methods used by some politicians in country G, it is indeed a bit dark.



In the ocean, the heavy rain did not stop for a while.

Finally, before I knew it, it was dark.


Regarding those eight people, they can only stay in the cave halfway up the mountain for the time being...

The heavy rain is wanton, and the weather has become a bit cold.

In the cave, there is no firewood.

Gradually, the eight of them had no choice but to curl up in the dark cave, and no one could see the other.

Only listening to the rain is still falling...

This feeling is indescribable.

The point is, is life or death still uncertain?
All of a sudden, the Ryder bastard was yelling, "Oh...fuck—what the hell—"

Suddenly, the big man in Hei was venting, and then the young foreign woman named Alice asked, "Hey, Big Hei, are you still afraid of the dark?"

"What...!?" Ryder was depressed.

Alice said: "I mean... you are so dark anyway, are you still afraid of the dark?"

This made those women couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Ryder was so depressed: "Oh...I said...girl, does the darkness have something to do with my skin color?"

However, Alice said: "Uh, big black man, where are you talking? Why can't you see your big white teeth?"


Now, those women burst out laughing.

Suddenly, even Captain Hua couldn't help giggling...

Reluctantly, Ryder couldn't help but said: "Hey, Captain Hua Guo, I said... can you take care of this bitch?"

Unexpectedly, Captain Hua Guo said, "Who can take care of your affairs?"

Immediately, Katerina hurriedly echoed: "Yes. Brother Li Chen is right. Fighting is love and scolding is love. You two are flirting, who can control this matter?"

However, unexpectedly, Alice hurriedly said: "Hey hey! Please don't talk nonsense! I won't flirt with the big black man, OK? Also, I warn you little girls, if you talk nonsense again Be careful, I will put Captain Hua Guo to sleep tonight! Anyway, it’s so dark, you can’t see what I’m going to do with Captain Hua!”


(End of this chapter)

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