Chapter 959

Tonight, Country G.

When it was almost dead of night, the old man named Jiao En from Dakong Rental decided to call Ms. Su Qianer from Huaguo.

At this moment, Su Qian'er had actually fallen asleep.

Just not asleep yet.

When the phone rang suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, then reached for the phone, and suddenly saw that it was from that Uncle Jiao En, she couldn't help being startled again: "???"

I thought to myself that this big night... what else is the old man doing?

But think about it, it feels like there should be something important?

So, immediately, she answered the phone in a hurry: "Hello, Uncle Jiao En!"

"Hey, hello, beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er! Didn't disturb your rest?"

"No." Su Qian'er said hurriedly.

Then, the old man said, "Are you alone now?"

Su Qian'er was stunned again, and then said: "Yes."

"Oh...that would be wonderful."

Suddenly hearing what the old man said, Su Qian'er was taken aback again, as if she didn't understand what the old man meant?
Immediately, the old man hurriedly said: "Oh, don't get me wrong, beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er. I just have something I want to talk to you alone. Of course, it's just on the phone, right now."

Su Qian'er was taken aback for another moment, and then said: "Then tell me."

So, the old man said: "Beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er, listen, now... things may be a little bad. Maybe it will be bad for your captain?"

But, immediately, the old man emphasized: "Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Because now you and I don't know what's going on with your captain? Where is he? Or... is he still alive? It's just a hypothesis, I hope Su Qian Ma'am, you understand, what I’m talking about is just a hypothetical...assuming that if your captain boarded the Mir, then...the Mir may actually have sunk to the bottom of the sea? So...I feel that your captain is still in danger?"

Suddenly hearing what the old man said, Su Qian'er's heart immediately thumped, as if something had been smashed into pieces.

Then, the old man said again: "But...beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er, I can keep this matter a secret. Because you have to know, at this this stage, there is no question about whether the Mir has sunk to the bottom of the sea. There's no conclusion, no news, so... I hope this... it's kept secret, you understand?"

Only then did Su Qian'er nodded hurriedly, and responded, "Understood. I understand."

"That's... very good. Very good. I know, too, that you're a very smart lady. But... there's another very bad thing, and that's... you should remember that I showed you those The photo, about the [-] or [-] people who were shot and killed in the photo, may be the survivors on the Mir? But now... Now that the Y country has spoken out, then I think... those stupid politicians in the G country will definitely think Cover it up like it never happened, you know what I mean?"

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qianer's heart skipped a beat again...

Next, the old man said: "But, beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er, listen, this matter... we can't stop it. Do you understand what I mean?"

Su Qian'er had no choice but to nod her head again: "Yeah, I understand."

Then, the old man suddenly changed the subject: "Oh, well, the beautiful Ms. Su Qian'er. That's all. I won't disturb your rest. But, I want you to know all this. As for the next decide to fly It has nothing to do with not flying, really! But please rest assured, we will provide you with the highest quality and most professional service at any time! You don’t have to go to your captain, we can also show you Let’s take a look at the island scenery of country G, these are all fine.”


After that, when she hung up the phone, Su Qian'er didn't know anything else, but she knew that during this trip to country G, she really met a good person.

This old man named Jiao En is indeed a good man.

Just thinking about my captain's affairs, this heart is terrible!

Obviously, she certainly understood what the old man said.

It's just that now... some things are really beyond their control.

However, assuming that his captain is still alive and boarded the might be a very bad thing?

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became...

In the end, she had no choice but to call the eldest Tan Jixia's room...

"Sister Jixia, are you asleep?"

On the other end of the phone, Tan Jixia said: "Where can I sleep? Listen, it's still raining outside. It seems... the wind is picking up again. Maybe it's really going to be a typhoon?"

Suddenly hearing what the older one said, Su Qian'er was in a daze, and then said: "Just now... Uncle Jiao En called me again."

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "What did he say?"

So, Su Qian'er said: "Come to my room. I'll tell you again."


Afterwards, after Tan Jixia came to the second child's room, the second child told the elder brother what the old man Jiao En said just now...

After hearing all this suddenly, Tan Jixia was also stunned, not knowing what to do?

The second child asked, "Can we think of anything?"

After Tan Jixia continued to be dazed for a while, she said, "What can I do? There is no way!"

Then, she said again: "Do you think this is a TV series? You can let your imagination and self-willedness make a big fuss?"

Then, she couldn't help but said: "We are just acting on our own now. And... we are just a hypothesis about whether the captain is alive or not. Who dares to say that the captain must be related to the Mir?"

This is what the older one said, so the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "That means... we can't do anything now?"

Tan Jixia stared blankly again, and then said: "Perhaps the only thing we can do is to wait? When the wind has passed and Dakong Leasing says we can fly, let's fly to the ocean again and see the situation." Bar."

However, Su Qian'er said: "If by that time... What if the captain is gone?"

Tan Jixia couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then said: "What do you mean... are you sure that the captain is on the Mir?"

But...Su Qian'er couldn't help shaking her head again: "Not sure. I'm not sure."

Tan Jixia said: "If you're not sure, then there's nothing you can do.'s useless to think so much now."

Suddenly, the second child said a little annoyed and irritable: "'s really annoying! This...what is this shit? We...are we really so passive? We're just a little bit serious. Is there no other way?"


(End of this chapter)

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