Chapter 960 Alice's Bad Story
This time of night, in the ocean.

The rain still hasn't stopped.

It just seems to be a little smaller, and the rain is not so urgent.

But the sound of rain is still pattering...

However, it's just a dark night where you can't see your fingers, and you can only listen to its voice.


As for those eight people, they were naturally still in the cave halfway up the mountain.

In the middle of the night, when the wind at the mouth of the cave {d} suddenly began to whistle, the women couldn't help but feel timid...

Especially when the cold wind was blowing straight into the cave, everyone couldn't help shivering...

"Uh, Li Chen..."

Suddenly, such a voice came out.

If you listen carefully, it is the voice of H country actress Jeon Hye Kyo.

Li Chen didn't say anything at first, and after waiting for a while, he suddenly replied: "What's the matter, Hye Kyo?"

So, Jeon Hye Kyo said, "The wind seems to be getting stronger?"

Afterwards, Li Chen also said: "The prelude to the typhoon."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, those women suddenly exploded...

"Hey, Captain Hua, will it be a tsunami?" Alice was the first to ask tremblingly.

Li Chen said: "I don't know if there will be a tsunami? But the tide is certain."

Immediately, he said again: "Perhaps we... are actually lucky. Even if the Mir ship did not sink that night, then we should be floating in the ocean now, so... we cannot escape the bad luck tonight."

Suddenly, after hearing what Captain Hua said, one by one... all of a sudden they fell silent again.

It seemed that Captain Hua was right.

After a while, Jessie asked: "Hey, brother Li Chen, then...are we... all right in this cave tonight?"

Li Chen didn't respond immediately.

After waiting for a while, he said uncertainly: "It should be all right? The terrain here is not low."

In fact, as far as their position on the mountainside is concerned, the terrain is indeed quite high.

After a while, Alice couldn't help but said: "Hey, Jessie, why do you call him Brother Li Chen now?"

Jessie replied, "Because Lina is called that too."

After waiting for a while, Alice suddenly said in surprise: "Uh? Where's the big black man? Why is there no sound?"

Then, Captain Hua made a 'click' and lit the golden zippo lighter...

A sudden light, vaguely, illuminates some situations in the cave...

That guy Ryder was actually Nima fell asleep.

Since eight people were crammed into such a hole, Ryder had to fall asleep with his back against the wall on the left side.

And the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying also fell asleep.

The sleeping position is similar to that of Ryder, with their backs leaning against the cave wall on the left.

With the help of the faint light, after taking a rough look, suddenly, the beauty writer in Japan couldn't help but say: "Why do I feel that the two of them... are a good match?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Katerina couldn't help but said, "I think so too, heh!"


After a while, when Captain Hua felt that the lighter was hot, he had no choice but to suddenly extinguish the lighter with another bang.

Then, inside the cave, it was dark again, so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

After a while, Quan Huiqiao couldn't help groping, and leaned into Li Chen's arms...

It smelled like his daughter-in-law's hair, and Captain Hua couldn't help feeling a little chicken jelly.

Although I am already familiar with this smell, but such ambiguous contact, it is still difficult to suppress the chicken jelly.

However, listening to the whistling wind from the mouth of the cave {d}, it seemed that he lost that mood again.

The wind seemed to be getting stronger.

The forests on both sides, after being set ablaze by the fire, those dry branches are being snapped off by the strong wind...

The more I listened, the more terrifying I felt.

"Hey, sister Ito, I can't sleep, what should I do?"

Suddenly hearing what Linna said, Ito Chuanxiang replied: "Ask brother Li Chen."

"Oh, brother Li Chen has sister Hye Kyo!"

So, Ito Chuanxiang said: "Then I don't know what to do?"

But Jessie suddenly couldn't help but said: "Hey, sister Alice, tell me your story?"

Alice said: "My stories are all bad."

In fact, there are really bad stories.

Because she is already divorced for the second time.

Although divorce is as common as breaking up in Western countries, it is still an invisible spiritual blow to women after all.

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said curiously: "Alice, you should be married already?"

"Oh . . . it's hard to say!" Alice replied.

Taking the opportunity, Jessie said again: "Then tell me, Elder Sister Alice."

After waiting for a while, Alice suddenly confided: "My first marriage... only lasted for three months, and then that damned bastard... there was someone outside. Oh... how bad!"

Then, she said: "The second marriage was even worse, that is a liar! He said he didn't smoke or drink, but... After he tricked me into bed, he not only smoked, but also drank heavily, and... Gambling! Oh... I can't stand a bastard like that!"

So Jessie asked, "What about the third paragraph?"

"Oh...No! There is no third paragraph yet! I'm just divorced and single now! But...I'm already disappointed in marriage! I think...I won't get married again in my life?"

After hearing Alice's bad story, they all fell silent again.

After waiting for a while, Katerina said: "But I still want to get married. But the premise is...he must be a man like Brother Li Chen."

Suddenly, Captain Hua Guo couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Don't. I'm not a good man either. Because I smoke and drink occasionally."

Hearing these words suddenly, the women couldn't help but burst out laughing...

So, Alice hurriedly said: "Oh...No! Captain Huaguo, I'm not talking about you! Frankly speaking... I don't mind if you smoke and drink! It's just...I think... Hye Kyo will definitely mind me Join in!"

Suddenly hearing this, Captain Hua Guo said: "This is too messy. That's fine. Let's all go to sleep."

In fact, at this moment, Jeon Hye Kyo had already fallen asleep in his arms, and she didn't know what they were talking about.

To be honest, although this is an actress from country H, she is actually quite simple in her heart.

She didn't have too many other ideas.

If this is what she believes in and who she believes in, she will never hesitate.

After a while, Katerina, who still couldn't sleep, couldn't help but muttered to herself again: "Sister Hui Qiao is really happy! Why does brother Li Chen belong to her?"

It's just that after she finished speaking, she suddenly heard that there was no response, and she couldn't help but said, "Hey, are you... all asleep?"


(End of this chapter)

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