Chapter 961 Flooded
After that, at some point, it seemed that Katerina also fell asleep.

Although the weather was extremely bad that night, with strong winds and heavy rain, the sound of the wind at the entrance of the cave {d} kept whistling, and the sound of the rain kept pattering, but for these eight people, in the middle of the night, It is really exhausted.

After they all fell into a sound sleep, after that, they don't know what happened?

Anyway, in such a dark night, I couldn't see anything.

I don't know what's going on in the ocean right now?
It's just that the waves are roaring and roaring, as if roaring like a tsunami...

That huge whirring sound seemed to be higher than the waves...

It seems to be getting more and more intense!
It's just that for the eight people who are already asleep in the cave, they don't know anything?

However, in the words of Captain Hua Guo, this is considered very lucky...

But think about it, yes.

At least on a night of bad weather like tonight, there is still a cave to live in, sheltered from wind and rain.

And it is relatively safe in this halfway up the mountain.



Country Y was quite anxious tonight.

Some people even stayed up all night.

Especially the members of the meteorological team, feeling very anxious about the sudden bad weather...

Because this kind of weather continues, it is quite unfavorable.

Rescue teams will have no way to carry out search and rescue or rescue operations.

Now about the Mir... nine times out of ten something went wrong?
Because it has not yet arrived at the port of country T as scheduled.

Because the Mir's next stop is to dock at the port of country T for supplies.

As for the fact that it took so long to realize that the Mir might have crashed, it was because sailing in the ocean was basically in a no-signal area, so it was difficult to get in touch in time.

It's just that according to the scheduled time, according to the information fed back from the T country port, the Mir has not yet arrived at the port on time.



About two or three hours later, in the ocean...

There is finally a ray of light in the sky...

Looks like it's dawn.

It's just that the wind and rain still haven't stopped.

However, the rain is still much lighter.

But in the wind, the rain was still rushing.

In the ocean at this moment, that uninhabited island has almost been submerged for a large part...


Halfway up the mountain, in that cave, the eight people who were still sound asleep seemed unaware that the seawater was at the mouth of the cave {d} that was about to be submerged...

Now, looking around from the cave, the entire valley has long been submerged, and all that can be seen is an endless expanse of water...

Other than that, there was nothing to see.

The waves surged wantonly, giving people a sense of endless fear...

It feels like this cave will also be directly filled with sea water.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise and a big wave, and a wave of water was startled at the mouth of the cave {d}...

"???" Ryder suddenly woke up with a shiver...

Immediately, I saw the guy sitting up suddenly in a panic, and looking at the entrance of the cave {d} in a daze of sleep...


This guy's eyes were suddenly terrified, and at the same time, he was almost scared to pee!

After fully waking up and reacting, this guy couldn't help cursing: "Fuck——"

At this moment, on the side, Sun Jiaying, a woman from Shanghai who was suddenly awakened, looked at the entrance of the cave {d} in a daze, and in the next second, there was an explosion...


Immediately, the young foreign woman named Alice sat up in a panic: "Oh...what's the matter? What's the situation?"

Apparently, the foreign girls are still sleepy for the time being, and haven't seen the situation at the entrance of the cave {d} clearly.

After she turned her head and took a look at the past, the next second, it exploded instantly...


Next, I saw that those few were all awakened.

After everyone saw the situation at the entrance of the cave {d}, there was a burst of "ahhh" screams, but they were in a mess...

"Brother Li Chen—what should I do—"

"Captain Huaguo—what shall we do now—"

"Ah - Captain Huaguo - we are about to be flooded -"


Frankly speaking, Captain Hua, who had just been awakened at this moment, was also stunned for a moment.

Suddenly seeing the situation outside the mouth of the cave {d}, his eyes were also terrified...

The fucking... it's all drowned here!

After a long while, Captain Hua Guo suddenly got excited, and hurried to the mouth of the cave {d}...

At the same time, he panicked and asked, "Do you... all know how to water?"

"No." The Shanghai woman named Sun Jiaying was the first to shake her head in a daze.

Then, she hurriedly added: "If there is a life problem."

Captain Hua: "..."

It seems that he can only be speechless.

What the there even a life jacket?

Suddenly, Ryder came to Captain Hua in panic...

"Hey bro! Now... what do we...?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but this time, Captain Hua almost scolded his mother.

Think about it too, what can he do in this kind of situation?

I can only pray that the tide does not continue to rise.

However, at this moment, the sharp-eyed Katerina suddenly ran to the mouth of the cave {d}, and pointed at it in a panic...

"Hey—brother Li Chen—look—there—"

Looking in the direction of the girl's finger, I saw a big white boat floating on the water about two or three nautical miles away...

This made everyone's eyes brighten instantly——

It feels like a rescue!
And Captain Hua Guo didn't seem to believe his own eyes, so he blinked his eyes vigorously, and then looked...

Because he always felt that the scene was a phantom, similar to a mirage.

However, when he saw clearly again that it was indeed a big white boat, he couldn't help but secretly startled again...

Next, he hardened his mind and thought, it seems that there can only be one adventure?

Otherwise... Maybe it's really fucking hopeless?
Thinking about it, he suddenly got up and didn't care about anything else, he took off his shirt in a panic, and then took off his trousers...

"Listen up, all of you: stay in this cave obediently!"

As soon as the words fell, he jumped into the seawater with a 'poof'...

Suddenly seeing this, they all panicked: "???"


Just as Quan Hye Kyo yelled, she saw her husband swimming in the direction of the big white boat in the ocean...

But immediately, Katerina still couldn't help but yelled anxiously: "Hey—brother Li Chen—be careful—be careful—"

This sudden scene was indeed too worrying.

"Hey—Captain Huaguo—don't fight so hard—come back—"


(End of this chapter)

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