Chapter 962 Are You Alright?
However, just when the women were anxiously worried about Captain Hua, suddenly, that bastard Ryder finally became a man...

I saw this guy suddenly plunged into the vast sea with a 'poof'.

"???" In an instant, the women were stunned again.

I wonder who jumped down again! ?
Captain Hua Guo, who was already swimming ahead, suddenly heard the sound of diving behind him, and he couldn't help but look back worriedly...

However, I saw Ryder chasing him and swimming over, while still not forgetting to laugh...

"Hey! Brother! We... good partners!"

"???" This made Captain Hua Guo startled.

However, he was thinking in his heart that this guy has finally shown himself.

At this moment, the six women at the entrance of the cave {d}, after seeing that it was the big black man who jumped down, they were still a little worried. After looking at Captain Hua Guo, they seemed to be a little relieved... …

After all, there is a big black guy with the captain now, and the two of them have taken care of each other anyway.

Fortunately, as the sky gradually brightens, it seems that the wind and rain are about to die down?
But this morning... the entire sky was still gloomy and dark...

Take a look at the vast waters, the two men are swimming towards the floating white boat two or three nautical miles away, to be honest, the six women at the mouth of the cave {d} are still very worried...

Even, each has a heart.

Because the scene in front of me is really too thrilling!

Not to mention anything else, just looking at this vast sea area, each of them was trembling with fear and felt terrified.

Suddenly, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but said anxiously: "Are they... all right?"

In fact, she was more worried about Li Chen...

Because after all, they are fellow villagers.

However, Katerina still had a big heart, and said, "'s okay. For Brother Li Chen... Pediatrics."

In other words, whoever's man hurts.

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "How can there be so many pediatrics? What if..."

Before Quan Huiqiao finished speaking, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "Is Li Chenjun trying his best?"

But at this moment, both Alice and Jessie were so moved that they didn't know what to say?

It's just that they both felt that... this Hua Guo captain... at the critical moment, he was really hardworking!


And at this moment, in the vast waters, that bastard Ryder did not forget to smile while swimming, and said: "Hey, brother, are you okay?"

While swimming, Li Chen rolled his eyes at this guy: "Don't worry, you can't do it, I can do it."

That bastard Ryder laughed: "Don't worry, I'm also a firm man!"


Just like that, while swimming towards the big white boat, the two of them still chatted a bit...

It's just that both of them are still a little confused about the big white boat floating in the ocean. feels...there is no one at the helm on that big white boat?

Also, no motor sounds were heard.

Just floating in the vast waters like that...

It seems that there is no one on board?

As for where did it come from?

This seems to be more of a mystery.

It was as if I just woke up, and saw the scene of the rising tide and the boat rising in such a daze...


After a while, when Jianyou approached, that bastard Ryder said in amazement: "Hey, brother, there seems to be no one on this boat?"

Li Chen said: "Where is Guan Yu? First board the boat and have a look."

Frankly speaking, this scene this morning was really like a dream.

It wasn't until he swam to the ladder on the stern side that Captain Hua Guo felt... all this seems to be real again?

I can't control that much anymore, I grabbed the ladder and hurried up...

Immediately, Ryder also followed over...


Now, at the mouth of the cave {d} in the distance.

When the six women saw that the two men had already boarded the ship, they couldn't help but startled excitedly——

"Yeah—it worked—"

Katerina was the first to jump up in surprise.

Immediately, Jessie couldn't help laughing, and said sincerely: "Oh...Brother Li Chen... Really awesome! OX!"

Suddenly, Alice couldn't help laughing from the bottom of her heart and said, "Oh...this is really the most awesome captain I've ever seen! Captain Huaguo...really a man!"

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but say: "Cheer for us Chinese people!"


At this moment, Li Chen and Ryder, who had already boarded the big white boat, were still a little dazed for a while...

However, after another second, Ryder cheered first: "Hey! Brother! It seems that we are lucky! This is a medium-sized freighter!"

But Li Chen said: "Don't be too happy first."

Immediately, he changed the subject: "Okay. Let's go and see the fuel tank first."


After that, the two hurried to check the fuel tank...

When he saw that there was still half a tank of fuel left, that bastard Ryder cheered again: "Hey, I said... Brother, it seems that we really have to applaud our luck, ha!"

As far as this moment is concerned, Li Chen, the captain of the international team, finally couldn't help showing a happy smile...

Perhaps this is really Tamar's good luck!

Immediately, he took a look at Ryder, and said, "Okay, you go to the engine room. I'll go to the cockpit."

"OK!" Ryder gestured happily.

Because such medium and large ships are equipped with engine rooms, some operations have to be completed in the engine room.

Fortunately, Ryder is also good at this aspect.

Next, the went to the engine room, the other went to the cockpit, and after a while of fiddling, they started the ship...


At this moment, the six women at the entrance of the cave {d} suddenly heard the sound of the motor of the boat starting, and suddenly, they couldn't help cheering again...

"Oye - looks like we're finally saved - there's hope - lol -"

However, Alice suddenly wrinkled her beautiful eyes in wonder: "Oh? Will Captain Hua still be able to drive a ship?"

As soon as these words came out, Katerina couldn't help but said, "It's not just a ship? The plane is fine."

Suddenly, Jessie also became surprised: "Oh—oh my god—"

Sun Jiaying couldn't help being very surprised: "Captain Li Chen... what did he do before? He can do anything?"

Unexpectedly, Jessie said: "Oh... sister Jiaying, brother Li Chen... isn't he from your hometown? Don't you understand these things?"

"???" Sun Jiaying suddenly looked embarrassed, as if she didn't know what to say?
However, from beginning to end, Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang have always maintained a calm...

Because for the two of them, it might be too early to feel happy now?

After all, the two of them have seen too many uncertain factors in this ocean.

In short, at the moment before the shore has completely landed, all happiness is premature...

(End of this chapter)

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