The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 964 A little envious, a little jealous!

Chapter 964 A little envious, a little jealous!
After a while, when the group of women also came to the cockpit, before they understood what was going on, they saw the blond girl named Jessie rushing forward, hugging Captain Hua, and kissed him fervently. go up...

"???" Ryder on the side was a little confused, but also a little envious, and also a little inexplicably jealous.

Think about it, too, he has some credit to some extent, doesn't he?
Why does that girl only kiss Captain Hua?

At this moment, those women looked at it, also a little confused: "???"

Especially Mrs. Lee (Jeon Hye Kyo), she felt somewhat uncomfortable.

As for Li Chen himself... In fact, he was stunned for a while.

I thought... what's wrong with this girl?
Why...why did you kiss me as soon as you came up?

To be honest, she kissed so intensely that he almost couldn't breathe.

It's just that... this little foreign girl... also has a tongue like a willow.

After the passionate kiss, Jessie still laughed excitedly and said: "Brother Li Chen, you are really awesome! I have nothing to say! I just kiss you hard !"

Unexpectedly, that bastard Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey hey! There's me too!"

However, after all the women turned their heads to look at Ryder, each of them couldn't help but burst into inexplicable smiles...

"...Why!?" Ryder was very depressed, spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders.

After Alice burst out laughing suddenly, she said, "You're too dark to keep your mouth shut."

I don't know if this foreign young woman is deliberately trying to offend the big guy, but after she laughed, she couldn't help but turn around and give Captain Hua a "boo" kiss...

Although the foreign young woman just pecked like a chicken, it made Captain Hua startled for a while...

It seems that the scent of the lips of this young foreign woman is a bit different?
It seems to have a kind of glutinousness?
This made Ryder so angry that his liver hurt a little.

"Hey! Girl! Why!?"

And Alice inexplicably laughed at the big black man...

At this moment, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying was actually very impulsive, and wanted to go up and kiss her fellow villager, but she was a little embarrassed to see so many eyes staring at her.

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, Katerina stepped forward, while the little girl said angrily: "Hmph! You all kissed my elder brother Li Chen, no, I want to kiss too!"

This girl from the fighting nation really hugged her and kissed her directly.

It's just that Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang watched, but they both wrinkled their beautiful eyes: "???"

Afterwards, Captain Hua finally couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Okay, okay. It's okay. Stop everything. It's almost done."

And Ryder was depressed: ", are you a typical example of being good when you get cheap?"

Unexpectedly, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly said like a little wife at home: "Humph! Is it cheap? I don't think it's cheap, okay?"

While talking, she handed the shirt to Li Chen with distress, and said: "You should hurry up and put on the shirt!"

Only then did Captain Hua realize that he was still shirtless.

So... as he got up, he said, "Hey, Dahei! You come over here and take control of this ship! Give it some power, just stay aside!"

And at this moment, when Captain Hua Guo got up, Alice and the other women were inexplicably itchy...

It was only then that they saw clearly that the captain of Hua Guo was actually a muscular and handsome man.

The strong muscles all over the body really made the women suddenly feel a sense of man's strength.

This is like when a man sees a beautiful woman, he is always a little bit bewildered.

After the big black guy took over the helm and Captain Hua turned out of the cockpit with his clothes on, the blond girl named Jessie couldn't help but whispered in Alice's ear: "Hey, Alice!" Sister Si, Captain Hua Guo is really handsome! That muscle mass... makes everyone's heart itch!"

After Alice was stunned for a moment, she felt an inexplicable itch in her heart, but she said in Jessie's ear: "Oh...beautiful girl, are you a nympho?"

In fact, at this moment, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying is also somewhat inexplicably nympho.


But at this moment, taking the opportunity, Captain Hua simply went to take a look in the cabin of the ship.

Seeing that there were suitcases in one of the bedrooms, he opened it and saw that there were clean clothes, so he simply found a set of clean clothes, took a shower by the way, shaved and tidied up. for a moment.

When he returned to the cockpit, the women's eyes suddenly brightened——

All of a sudden, the Hua Guo captain turned out to be so handsome!

So handsome!

Seeing their eyes, Captain Hua was a little embarrassed: "Hey, you...why are you all looking at me like this?"

However, what I didn't expect was that Alice couldn't help but said to Quan Huiqiao: "Hey, Mrs. Li, do you mind if I want to sleep with Captain Hua?"


Ryder almost vomited blood.

My heart is that anxious again!

"Hey! Ladies! Of course Mrs. Li would mind! If you really want to sleep, then please sleep with me! I'm single, okay?"

Seeing the big black man suddenly, these women couldn't help but burst out inexplicably happy...

In order to resolve this embarrassment, Captain Hua said: "Hey, hey! That's it! Don't be silly! Have breakfast!"

Suddenly hearing this, they saw clearly that Captain Hua was holding a few cans of luncheon meat in his arms...

Seeing it suddenly, Katerina quickly stepped forward and reached out to take the two cans...

Afterwards, Jessie also rushed forward, reached out and took two cans...

Then, in the cockpit, Captain Hua Guo opened a few cans of luncheon meat and said, "You can eat whatever you want for today's breakfast. Eat as much as you can. Until you are full."

However, the weather outside the ship is still a bit careless.

Still gloomy and dark...

However, the wind has become much less, and the rain has also been much less, as if the rhythm of the breath?

But in the ocean, the waves are still rough.

The tide has not ebbed yet.

After a while, suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang seemed to remember something...

"Hey, Li Chenjun! This do I feel...have I seen it before?"

Hearing what Ito Chuanxiang said suddenly, Jeon Hye Kyo seemed to remember something...

"That's right! Li Chen... still remember, when we left the island with the pavilion, on the way... didn't we see such a big white boat?"

Hearing what the two of them said suddenly, Captain Hua Guo was really impressed...

At that time in the ocean... and avoided this ship...

It's just, this night...was it washed here by the tide?
(End of this chapter)

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