Chapter 965 The tide is low
Afterwards, after thinking about it again, Captain Hua was too lazy to delve into the origin of this ship.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, now, the ship is theirs.

Afterwards, after eating and drinking enough, the captain of Huaguo lit a cigar, and at the same time couldn't help but said to Ryder: "Okay. You are still wet, go to the cabin to find Put on clean clothes and take a shower."


After the big black man went out, the six women couldn't help but surrounded Captain Hua again...

Now, especially women like Alice, they feel more and more that... this Hua Guo captain is super handsome.

"Uh! Brother Li Chen, this boat... how do you steer it?"

Suddenly hearing the girl named Jessie's question, Captain Hua frowned inexplicably, and then said: "Don't worry, I will teach you. Because in this kind of ocean, you need to be on duty. Alone In the cockpit, definitely can't stand it."

Immediately, he couldn't help but said: "However... there is an engine room on this ship. The engine room also needs to be guarded. It is necessary to check whether the ship is running well from time to time? Some operations have to be done in the engine room."

As he spoke, he continued, "However... the engine room is too complicated. I guess I won't be able to teach you in a while."

Hearing what Captain Hua Guo said, I saw these women... looked at him with worshiping eyes again...

Suddenly, Alice couldn't help but wondered: "Oh... Mr. Li, there is still one thing I don't understand, that is... how do you know everything?"

Taking the opportunity, Sun Jiaying also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! I am also very curious!"

It's just that Captain Hua Guo frowned in distress...

Fortunately, at this time, Katerina hurriedly replied: "Oh, brother Li Chen is a genius. Because...he was a soldier. It seems to be a very powerful soldier."

Suddenly hearing this, Alice was even more respectful: "Hua Guo soldiers!?"

Captain Hua Guo said in a low-key way: "It used to be. But... I have already retired from the army. Now I am an ordinary person like you."

However, Jessie hurriedly said, "Oh...No! Brother Li Chen, you are not ordinary at all, okay?"

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, Captain Hua Guo said in a very downcast way: "I'm such a poor guy that I can't even afford a cruise ticket, so why am I not ordinary? I can get on Mir." , it’s just that the Mir carried out humanitarian assistance to us, that’s all, understand?”

Suddenly, the woman from Shanghai named Sun Jiaying couldn't help but hurriedly said: "I don't think so! I think... Whether a person is ordinary or not, you can't use money to measure it!"

Immediately, Alice also hurriedly said: "Oh, yes! In our are not ordinary! You are priceless! You are our captain of Huaguo!"

However, suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang suddenly said: "Okay. Let's think about how we will sail in the ocean next?"

Hearing such questions suddenly, one after another... Only then did he panic and return to reality.

Immediately, Captain Hua said, "We definitely can't go in the direction of country G."

"Then..." Alice asked hurriedly.

"The next stop of the Mir is Country T." Captain Hua said, "We can only go to Country T along the route of the Mir."

Immediately, Captain Hua Guo said again: "By the way, you... all remember now: after landing in country T, we must unify the caliber, saying that we are all survivors of HX714, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, Jessie couldn't help asking a little cleverly: "Brother Li Chen, it's us...can't mention the Mir thing anymore?"

Katerina hurriedly said: "Nonsense! You still say Mir... looking for death? You can only say that it is the survivor of HX714, and then wait for the {z} government of China to come forward, understand?"


A group of people were chatting in the cockpit. Suddenly, a big wave swayed over, and the ship swayed violently...


In the next second, the women leaned forward and back, screaming ahhh.

I don't know what happened, but the young foreign woman named Alice actually lay face-to-face with Captain Hua...

When the two had such an intimate contact by accident, Captain Hua Guo was a little confused and embarrassed: "???"

After Alice realized it, she stared at him in shock for a while, and then saw a blush suddenly appear on her pretty face.

At this moment, Captain Hua only felt that... this foreign girl is very fragrant and soft.

The eyes of the two... At the moment they intertwined, they both glowed red.

In the next second, Captain Huaguo finally understood why Ryder had a soft spot for this foreign lady.

It turned out that the sense of a little different.

Later, when the ship suddenly retreated into the ocean with the big waves, Captain Hua panicked, as if the tide was about to ebb?

Thinking that the matter was important, he had no choice but to hurriedly say to the young foreign woman: "Hey, Ms. Alice, you are like this... I can't steer the boat."

Alice was stunned for another moment before realizing that... she was actually distracted, and her thoughts were surging.

She didn't know if she fell in love with this man a little bit?

It's just that she understands that Mrs. Lee (Jeon Hye Kyo) is still on the sidelines.

Immediately, after a shock, she hurriedly stood up as reserved as possible...


Afterwards, it turned out that the tide had started to recede, so Captain Hua Guo suddenly gave him enough power, so he couldn't help but drive the boat to the ocean...

"Okay! Let's go!"

However, the water level is still too high now, so Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help worrying and said: "Hey, Li Chenjun, are you sure you want to start now?"

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo was also worried: "That's right. Li Chen...will it be too dangerous to start now?"

Hearing that the two of them were so worried, Li Chen said: "Don't worry. It's fine. Just sail slowly for a while."

Then, he hurriedly said: "That's right. You all go to the cabin now. Go there and be safe. Because when the tide is low, the ship may shake a lot in the ocean."

However, Alice worried again: "Uh! Mr. Li, are you sure you're really all right? We really won't capsize?"

Clearly, the women are still concerned.

After all, the ebb tide is a bit sharp at this moment, and the boat is shaking a bit.

However, Captain Hua Guo suddenly noticed that this young foreign woman... seems to have suddenly changed her name, and no longer called him Captain Hua Guo, but Mr. Li...

After a while, he was holding the rudder steadily, and then said: "Don't worry. It's okay. You just need to listen to me now, go to the cabin and stay quietly, OK?"


(End of this chapter)

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