Chapter 967 Strange?

After half an afternoon, country G, a certain port.

Three so-called search and rescue ships have set off from here.

The destination, the waters near the uninhabited island in the ocean...

In fact, country G has predicted the approximate crash location of the Mir.

However, in order to show off, to show that the whole country G attaches great importance to the Mir, and at the same time to show the friendship to Y country, of course, also to show openness and transparency to the international community, in the spirit of humanitarianism, therefore, the three Before the so-called search and rescue ship departed from the port, several international public opinion reporters were specially invited to follow up and report the whole process.

Among them, there were two journalists from country Y stationed in country G who were invited to board the ship.

Before leaving, various reports came out first...

It even comes with real-time reports...

The main points of these reports can be summed up in just a few points. The first is that country G attaches great importance to the loss of contact with the Mir in country Y; the second is that just after the typhoon, when the ocean environment is still unclear, Country G will immediately conduct a search and rescue operation; the third is... Country G guesses that the approximate location of the loss of contact may be near an uninhabited island; the fourth is... the friendship between GY and GY will last forever, Die-hard allies; the fifth is...It is expected that on Thursday morning, rescue ships will be able to reach the relevant waters where the Mir lost contact.

All fools understand that while this is a show for country Y, it is also showing to the international community how much country G attaches importance to this aspect.

The performers, despite their poor acting skills, still fooled people all over the world.

Sometimes, the power of politicians is indeed a hundred times more terrifying than natural disasters of nature.


Right now, the six women staying at the Hilton Hotel in Country G are also paying attention to such reports.

The cute girl Miao Keke is still happy: "The rescue ship from country G has finally set off, yay!"

However, Qiong Er wrinkled her beautiful eyes: "Huh? They...will not reach the sea area where the Mir lost contact until Thursday morning?"

Because she was thinking in her mind, today is Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... It will take four or five days to go...

In fact, it does take such a long time.

Rescuing ships and sailing in the sea are naturally not as fast as airplanes.

It is true that it is quite difficult to search and rescue such a cruise ship that loses contact in the ocean.

If the rescue ship departs from country Y, it will take even more time.

Not to mention four or five days, even fourteen or five days may not be able to reach it?

Afterwards, the older Tan Jixia thought to herself, when the situation becomes clear, it will be four or five days later...

This is so... I really want to be rude.

The second child, Su Qian'er, also wrinkled her beautiful eyes...

Qin Xiaowan was also very worried.

The foreign girl Lina was also depressed.

Afterwards, Qiong'er suddenly couldn't help but suggested: "How about... Let's just spend a few days in country G first? They all said that the islands in country G are beautiful!"

However, the second child, Su Qian'er, said: "Have we been in the ocean for more than 80 days, haven't we seen enough of the island scenery?"

This is true.

What's more, I really don't have much interest in playing now.

But staying in this hotel all the time... It's like living a day like a year.

This trip to country G was really a torment for the six women.

It even feels... more uncomfortable than staying on the island!
At least when he stayed on the island, he had Captain Li Chen by his side.

Moreover, that Captain Li Chen can always conjure up some surprises or hopes as if by magic.

Right now, it feels like there will be no hope in general.

Think about it too, after four or five days, the day lily is cold.



Right now, Huaguo, that remote small county in Qingchuan Province - Qingchuan County.

The remote mountain village in the county - Chicken Claw Village.

When it was almost dusk, I saw Li Chen and his father sitting on the threshold, puffing on the smoke, and half-talking to himself: "Strange? In the past few days... Ke Ke, that girl... why hasn't she Are you calling?"

Li Chen's mother, who was sitting on the chaise pier beside him, said, "If you don't call, you won't call. Maybe...the girl is getting married too?"

Then, his mother said: "It's fine if you don't call. It will save us from thinking about Chen'er all the time. It's been such a long time...Chen'er... Maybe he won't come back?"

Hearing this suddenly, his father fell silent, and then just lowered his head and smoked the pipe...

Regarding the matter of his son, he was afraid to mention it, so he didn't dare to mention it.

After a while, he had no choice but to change the subject and said: "Is that weird? That girl Qian'er... hasn't called in the past few days?"

Then, he said again: "Actually, those girls...are not bad, but I think...that girl Qian'er is more sensible and generous."

Next, the uncle muttered to himself again: "But let's talk about marriage... Xia'er or Wan'er are good, those two... are expected! They are both expected to have a baby boy! Save money on milk powder in the future! "

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen's mother said: "Bad old man, why don't you say... If Chen'er marries a foreign wife, the whole village will be envious?"

Li Chen's father couldn't help laughing: "Actually, that foreign girl is not bad! It's also expected! It's too expected!"

Then, his father said again: "Actually, Qiong'er is okay too!"

His mother suddenly rolled her eyes and said, "Okay! Dead old ghost! Let's think about... what shall we eat tonight?"

Hearing this suddenly, his father said: "What else do you want to eat? Just eat something. I don't have the heart to think about what to eat."

However, after a while, suddenly, his mother couldn't help crying again...

His father watched and didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "Why are you crying again?"

His mother was crying, and then suddenly choked up and said, "My Chen' said...he...why did he have such a short life?"

His father's face darkened when he heard this, but he had no choice but to say: "Okay. What's your short life? You... Huan Chen'er, isn't he? Qian'er has already said that he will definitely come back!"

Then, his father said again: "Qian'er also said that even if he doesn't come back, he must be found!"

His mother said: "You listen to those girls... can you make sense? What's the matter with Chen'er... Don't you know it, you old ghost? How can he come back?"

"Then maybe one day...he will really come back?"

So, his mother said: "If he really comes back, if he says... he wants to take me to the city, I will go to the city, and then I will stay by his side and watch him every day!"

His father said: "I can't go! What are you going to do? Make trouble? Besides... What are you looking at? He... He's grown up, he has his own world!"


(End of this chapter)

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