Chapter 968 You Are Scum
In the twilight, in the ocean.

Looking from a distance, I saw that lonely ship, with its navigation lights on, still struggling, sailing towards the endless night...

At this moment, even though the lights were on on the boat, it always seemed a bit insignificant in the boundless ocean.

It seems that it will be swallowed by the night at any time.

However, Alice and the three women, who had slept all afternoon, became energetic at night...

Right now, the three women are in the cockpit, following Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women to learn how to steer and control the ship.

Relatively speaking, the girl named Jessie is slightly more receptive.

As for Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo... in the middle of the afternoon, he also found a bunk in the cabin and took a nap.

Because he knew that he might not be able to sleep at night?
After all, women still lack experience in sailing in the ocean.

During the day, I feel a little more at ease.

However, maybe sticking to it for three days and three it almost enough?

If I remember correctly, when they boarded the Mir, the guy named Kerry said that they would be allowed to disembark at the port of country T in five days.

So next... there are three days and three nights... almost?

Since he still had to worry about some things in the cabin, Captain Hua went to the cabin to take a look when he woke up.

I saw Ryder dozing off at the guard desk...

However, during the normal operation of the ship, there is not much important matter here in the engine room.

It's just to prevent a certain link from failing.

After Captain Hua entered the cabin, he didn't rush to wake up Ryder, and let him continue to sleep.

After all, I understand that this guy is also tired.

After taking a general look at every aspect of the cabin, and seeing that there was nothing unusual, Captain Hua Guo was about to turn around and go out.

In fact, every link in this kind of cabin is relatively complicated. If you are not a professional, you will feel very confused when you come in, and you don't know where to start.

Moreover, novices can't be taught in a while.


Until Captain Hua turned around and went out again, that bastard Ryder didn't know it yet, and was still dozing heavily there.

To be honest, the guy fell asleep, and there seemed to be less fun on board.

After all, this product really looks like a pistachio.


After a while, when Captain Hua Guo came to the cockpit, the six women turned their heads and took a look. Immediately, their hearts were filled with joy...

"Ah! Brother Li Chen!" The girl named Jessie was the first to say in surprise.

Alice couldn't help being surprised: "Oh... Mr. Li!"

Sun Jiaying was even more inexplicably happy: "My fellow..."

It seems that now, one by one... as soon as they see Captain Hua, they seem to be less calm and reserved.

Obviously, they are getting acquainted gradually.

At the same time, they all began to believe in the Hua Guo captain.

Of course, the more important point is that Li Chen has proved with practical actions that Hua people are reliable as captains.

What's more... His various actions seemed to have touched or conquered the hearts of the women.

It's just... Seeing the eyes of a group of women, this Hua Guo captain seems a little embarrassed...

"You...why are you looking at me like that?"

However, at this moment, out of nowhere, that bastard Ryder appeared mysteriously again...

"Hey! Dude! Beautiful women! Shouldn't we... have dinner?"

Li Chen looked back, but couldn't help being taken aback: "Hold the grass, are you... are you awake?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Ryder was also taken aback: "Have you just... been to the cabin?"

"Nonsense. Otherwise, how would you know you were sleeping?"

Immediately, Li Chen was stunned again: "Damn! Are you still drooling while sleeping? Hurry up and wipe off the saliva before we talk!"

"???" Ryder suddenly became embarrassed.

Seeing how big Hei is, the women couldn't help being happy again...

Ryder had no choice but to smile awkwardly, showing his big white teeth, and after wiping his saliva, he asked, " it gone?"

The women felt disgusted and frowned...

And Ryder didn't care, he just picked up the bottle of Remy Martin he was carrying, and said to Li Chenle, "Tonight... how about we do this?"

The women couldn't help being startled when they looked at it, and they were shocked for a while, thinking that there is still this on the boat?

"Oh... my god... XO?" Alice was very surprised.

Taking the opportunity, Ryder joked: "Yes, that's right, girl! You can say XO, and I can do OX if you want! Ha!"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice blushed embarrassingly: "Hey! Big black man! I said XO, not fork O! It's not O fork, OK?"

The women laughed inexplicably shyly...

Li Chen couldn't help but smile, and then said to Ryder: "Master Ni! I still have a boat tonight! After drinking this... don't you have a boat?"

However, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother! Don't spoil the fun, okay? Let's just have a little drink, okay?"

Hearing what he said, Captain Hua thought about it, and then he had no choice but to say: "Then... okay. Let's go."

Then, he said to Ryder: "But... let me tell you, don't drink too much! Now in the ocean... it's not a joke! Don't get carried away!"

However, he said again: "It doesn't matter to you, the key is that the four of us... have been fucking for almost a year, and now we are short of the last shiver, understand?"

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother! Who on this ship doesn't want to dock?"

Captain Hua Guo also said again: "Then damn it, don't be fooled by a bottle of wine."

Alice immediately stood up: "Oh... yes! I agree with Mr. Li! Mr. Li is right! I think so too!"

It's just that Ryder was sad again, and hurriedly said: "Hey, girl! Mr. Li already has a wife, okay?"

Unexpectedly, Alice said: "His wife doesn't mind, what do you mind?"

This made the women couldn't help but burst out laughing again...

That bastard Ryder was very helpless, and couldn't help spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders: "Oh...what's wrong with this world? Why do you women want to fall in love with a man? Don't you know...a scumbag... In fact, are you women doting on it?"

It's just that, Captain Hua doesn't like to hear it: "Uncle Ni! Who's a scumbag?"

Seeing what happened, there was nothing wrong with that guy, Ryder had no choice but to smile apologetically and apologetically: "Hey, brother! I didn't mean you, OK?"

Mrs. Li (Jeon Hye Kyo) couldn't help giving Ryder a very unhappy look: "Hmph, you're such a scumbag!"

Next, the women said in unison: "Yes, you are a scumbag!"

Ryder: "...???"

(End of this chapter)

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