Chapter 969 Because You Look Good
The next day, early in the morning, two more military planes departed from a certain military base in country G...

Looking at the direction of flight, it should still be that uninhabited island in the ocean?
I guess I want to go and check the status of the uninhabited island after the typhoon?

Just this morning, several search and rescue planes also departed from Country Y.

What's more... Several search and rescue ships have also set off from the port of Country Y...

As for the search and rescue aircraft, it is natural to go first to check some situations in the ocean.

According to the current situation in country Y, the Mir ship left the port of country D for resupply, and has yet to arrive at the port of country T as scheduled.

During this period, it also passed through two or three countries, but according to the itinerary plan of the Mir, it did not stop at the ports of these two or three countries.

For example, if it passes through country G, it does not call at a port.

To be honest, what I am most afraid of is... an accident on the cruise ship in the ocean.

Because this will bring great trouble to the entire search and rescue work.

Moreover, after losing contact, there will also be a lag effect.

For example, if it weren't for the feedback from the port of country T, the Mir had not arrived in Hong Kong on time, and country Y hadn't grasped the relevant information yet.


This morning, regarding the six women temporarily staying at the Hilton Hotel in Country G, they could still only pay attention to relevant news reports.

Seeing that there was news in the report that the search and rescue team from country Y had set out to the ocean, the six women felt a little relieved...

At least Country Y's purpose will be relatively pure.

As for country G... To be honest, even if you are temporarily in country G, it is still difficult to understand the attitude of those political leaders in country G?

Of course, for these six women, although they are anxious, but... Is their captain alive?Is it related to Mir?Wait, this is just speculation.

In fact, what they are looking forward to more now is when they can fly?

Still waiting for a letter from Dakong Leasing.


In the morning, about ten o'clock.

The two military planes from country G flew to the uninhabited island in the ocean and circled for a few times before returning immediately.

The two military planes expressed satisfaction with the status quo of the uninhabited island in the ocean.

Looking down from the sky now, the building is bare, without any signs of life.

Especially after the typhoon, after the entire island was soaked in sea water, any traces of artillery fire disappeared and disappeared.

No man-made damage has been seen.

Especially the beach facing south, after being washed again, it is a brand new sign.

It's like a virgin land that no one has ever been to.

In this way, even if the Mir lost contact near here, or had an accident, it can only prove that there was no sign of survival after the Mir lost contact.

Moreover, even if the Mir is salvaged from the bottom of the ocean, it is just a pile of scrap copper and iron that cannot speak.

Of course, it's a bit embarrassing to realize the salvage!

After all, in this position in the ocean, if such a large cruise ship is will really take a lot of effort.

In the end, maybe... at most, to confirm that the Mir was indeed shipwrecked and sank to the bottom of the ocean?
Just like the Titanic in the past, it is still lying at the bottom of the ocean today.

Despite the development of modern technology and the advancement of various technologies, there is still nothing to do with such behemoths.



About this moment, the medium-sized white freighter has been hundreds of nautical miles away...

Still struggling in the ocean, sailing in the direction of T country.

Fortunately, he left the uninhabited island.

Otherwise, if any clues are found by the military of country G, it is estimated that his life is really in danger?
At this moment in the morning, in the cockpit, Katerina led Alice and three other women, steering the helm.

Regarding Captain Hua, he has gone to the cabin to replace Ryder.

Now Ryder can't stand it anymore, and has gone to sleep in the cabin.

Ito Chuanxiang is still asleep in the cabin at the moment.

After a while, when Quan Hye Kyo woke up, she couldn't help but ran to find Li Chen in the cabin...

Regarding this celebrity daughter-in-law of country H, after all, she is still young, so naturally... she also wants to find an opportunity to be alone with her husband, so boring.

At this moment, Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo...has nothing to do in the cabin, so he just dozes off on the duty station...

Quan Hye Kyo poked her head in and took a look, and saw that he was the only one in the cabin, but she couldn't help coming in lightly, and she didn't forget to turn around and lock the cabin door behind her.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what this charming daughter-in-law is thinking about.

When Captain Hua woke up, he felt as if someone had come in. He couldn't help but raised his head in a sleepy state, and then turned his head to take a look...

Seeing that his daughter-in-law had come in, he couldn't help being taken aback: "You...why are you here?"

Quan Hye Kyo frowned first: " it so complicated?"

"Then what do you think?"

After saying this, and looking at his daughter-in-law again, it seems that the Hua Guo captain can't fall asleep anymore?
It seemed that the young couple hadn't been intimate for a while, so, in such a space to get along alone, naturally they still thought about it a little bit.

Quan Hye Kyo seemed to see something in his eyes, so she pretended to be a charming daughter-in-law and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because look good." The Hua Guo captain got up happily while talking, and was about to hug her.

Seeing him like that, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but make a joke: "I don't think... it's because I'm good-looking, right?"

"Then what do you think..." Captain Hua Guo said while hugging her with a smile.

After being hugged by him, she pretended to be shy and said, "Uh... what do you want?"

Captain Hua Guo whispered next to her ear: "What do you think, daughter-in-law?"

"Hmph! I hate you, you!"


Right now, in the cockpit.

Suddenly, Alice couldn't help but said with some regret: "Hey... sisters, there are still two days... two days later... we will be docking in country T, when the time comes... shall we just Are you going to say goodbye to Mr. Li?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Katerina, who was at the helm, was also taken aback suddenly——

Subconsciously, she couldn't help slowing down slowly...

It was as if he suddenly didn't want to dock so soon.

At this moment, Jessie also suddenly wrinkled her beautiful eyes in disappointment: "Oh... this is really a terrible practical problem! I really don't want to be separated from Brother Li Chen yet!"

As for Sun Jiaying at this moment, although she felt a little sad secretly, she was thinking in her heart that at that time... she must be the only one who will be able to return home with the captain...

(End of this chapter)

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