The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 973 If you want a girl, draw it yourself

Chapter 973 If you want a girl, draw it yourself

In fact, what will happen to the end of the ship, for the eight people on board, it can only be an unknown?

In other words, it is still a matter of not knowing tomorrow today.

All the worries and apprehensions now are just planning for the worst in advance.

To put it mildly, I want to make a worst-case plan in advance.

If it doesn't work, everything can only rely on self-help.


This was almost the same as Ryder's pondering, and Li Chen, who was about to come out of the cabin, asked, "By the way, tonight... can you hold on?"

Because of this, it will be another whole night.

Ryder, on the other hand, smiled: "Give me a girl, no problem."

Suddenly hearing this, Captain Hua Guo said: "I'll go to Uncle Ni. If you want a girl, you can go there by yourself. This matter...I can't fucking arrange it."

Speaking of this, Ryder became very depressed again: "Hey, brother, what do you say... What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Am I not good enough? Why don't those little girls like it? And me?"

This made Captain Hua Guo couldn't help but smile...

"This ask me, and I can't answer it."

And Ryder said again: "Brother, what are you laughing at? Six women... Brother, with your small body, can you bear it? I think... you may be the one who can't stand it tonight!"

Listening to the old gossip, Captain Hua Guo couldn't help but said: "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to go to the cockpit to have a look."

"Hey hey!" Ryder said hurriedly again.

Li Chen looked back at him and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Ryder smiled inexplicably and said: "You can tell that little girl Alice later, I said I have something to do with her, OK?"

Seeing this guy like that, Li Chen could only smile again: "I can bring it with me. I don't care if she comes or not."

"Hey! Brother! Tell me a good word, OK? Besides, just a little girl like Alice... I think... Brother, you can't bear it! Because this kind of big ocean horse is hard to ride, ha!"

And Captain Hua Guo said: "Go to Mrs. Ni, what kind of horse can't I tame?"

Immediately, he changed the subject: "Okay, let's stop talking. Let's think about business."


Afterwards, when Li Chen came out of the cabin, he happened to see a beautiful writer from Dongyang standing on the ship's corridor and turned around, facing him...

This really made him a little stunned for a moment, thinking what is this little girl doing here?

And looking at Li Chenjun at this moment, I saw that the beauty writer in Dongyang blushed inexplicably...

It was as if they had met each other for the first time, and there was a blush of love at first sight.

This saw her like that, but the trouble made him feel even more inexplicable...

I thought to myself, what does this little girl want to do?

Unexpectedly, the beauty writer in Dongyang pretended to be angry and said: "Why, you don't know me?"

Seeing her like that, Li Chen could only smile awkwardly: "It's not...your eyes..."

He hadn't finished his sentence yet, unexpectedly, the oriental beauty writer suddenly stepped forward, stepped forward to hook his neck, and pulled his head down. At the same time, she stood on tiptoe and raised her pink hair face, and kissed him all at once.

"???" Li Chen, who didn't catch his breath for a while, was very dazed, feeling as if his head was suddenly deprived of oxygen.

This really caught him off guard.

I've only seen men fuck women, but this damn... This little girl suddenly fucked him.

After he reacted, Pan subconsciously pushed her shoulders...

But the oriental beauty writers don't care.

Although the fragrant tongue is like a willow, the attack power of the four or two strokes of a thousand catties is quite powerful.

If the concentration is not enough, it will naturally be captured.

Suddenly, the captain of the Hua Country blushed.

In desperation, he had no choice but to put his hands against her shoulders in a panic, then turned his head to the side in a panic, and panted heavily...

Unexpectedly, the oriental beauty writer stood on tiptoe vigorously, caught up, and wanted to kiss again...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Captain Hua hurriedly said: "Wait a minute!"

The oriental beauty writer was taken aback for a moment, then took advantage of her unpreparedness, and kissed her passionately in a panic.

"???" At this moment, Li Chen was completely stunned.

I feel that I may be finished, and I will be captured by this little bitch.

This damn... so intense, who can stand it?

After all, he is a living person, not a statue. Feeling such passion, how can he not react at all?
But subconsciously, his hands still try to resist her shoulders.

After a while, when she finally let go, he hurriedly said: "Wait a minute. Listen to me."

However, an oriental beauty writer said: "I don't want to hear it."

"???" Li Chen was dumbfounded again.

Immediately, she said again: "Hmph! You must want to tell me that you and Sister Huiqiao are already husband and wife."

And Li Chen said: "No...then what...don't you feel that the boat suddenly shakes a little bit?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang was slightly taken aback: "???"

It seems that the ship is indeed shaking a bit suddenly...

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Li Chen turned around in a panic, and immediately prepared to walk towards the cockpit...

After Ito Chuanxiang reacted, she turned her head to look in panic, but she was a little dazed: "???"


Ships sailing in the ocean, don't they always shake from time to time?

But at this moment, Li Chen, who had already escaped, was thinking, fortunately, my father was quick-witted, otherwise... he would have been captured by that little oriental lady!

Although this seems to be a bit of pretending, it's really not what he wants to pretend.

It's just that he feels...he and Hye Kyo...absolutely needy couple, if it's true...seems a little sorry for her?

About actresses or not...not to mention, but Hye Kyo's feelings for him are indeed real.

Maybe he was a soldier, so in this regard, he is still relatively conservative.

I already have such a good wife, what else... don't you pretend to be?
It has to be like those YY online novels, one man and more women... Is it really good?
Man... Shouldn't he be responsible for his own woman?

You have to make yourself like a pig, aren't you tired?
Wouldn't it be nice to have a simpler life?

Huh?His uncle, I am thinking too much?

What if the oriental beauty writer... just wants to kiss us?

And right now, Ito Chuanxiang is depressed...

Suddenly, she curled her lips, and after a while of humming, she was thinking, hum, Li Chenjun, just wait!

No matter what... I want to be your woman too!

Hmph, can't be a big one, can't you be a small one too?

Occasionally petting others... What's the matter?
People are also women, do they also need hobbies?

(End of this chapter)

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