Chapter 974 Prepare to act secretly
Country G tonight, a certain military base.

I saw two of country Y's search and rescue planes stop here.

Of course, GY and Y are also friendly countries in the first place, and it is their duty to provide convenience for Y's search and rescue operation.

Even, country G will provide free fuel for country Y's search and rescue aircraft.

Naturally, country G will not be able to do this kind of face-saving work.

What's more, under the current international public opinion, the whole world already knows that Country Y's Mir has lost contact.

Therefore, the international community has also participated and provided great convenience for this search and rescue operation in country Y.

It's just that under this general background, no one knows what country G has done secretly.

When the search and rescue personnel from Country Y stayed here tonight, Country G also made arrangements.

Just talking about the current search and rescue situation, when the personnel of the Y side mentioned... a medium-sized white freighter in the ocean is heading towards the country T, individual military personnel of the country G, secretly startled...


Soon afterward, someone secretly called their leader to report the situation.

It means... The search and rescue personnel of Party Y found a white medium-sized cargo ship in the ocean, sailing in the direction of country T...

According to the position of the ship sailing in the southeast of the ocean, it should have departed from the relevant adjacent sea area of ​​G country, or passed through the relevant sea area adjacent to G country.

To put it bluntly, I was worried about what the people on the white medium-sized freighter saw.

Such a sudden news in the middle of the night made the leader almost startled and fell off the bed...

"???" The boss instantly looked suspiciously surprised.

Secretly thinking... Could it be that there is still a fish that slipped through the net! ?

This is not a good thing!
After all, if the military plane bombing the uninhabited island is revealed, it will be a scandal that shakes the world!

Country G's reputation may be completely ruined!

Although the search and rescue personnel from the Y side stayed overnight in Country G tonight, they still had no idea what happened under their noses.

Even my heart is still full of gratitude to Fang G!

The next morning.

The representative of country G's military hurried to the head of state's office.

He hurriedly reported some situations to the head of state.

After hearing this, the head of state suddenly became a little angry, and glared at the representative of the military in panic...

Then it was the head of state's questioning, which meant: Didn't you say that it was safe! ?

At this moment, the representative of the military could only have a grim expression on his face...

However, in this situation, he did not dare to make his own claim.

After all, according to its description, the white medium-sized freighter was already in the relevant waters near country T.

If this is self-assessment and privately sends military planes to blow up, T country will definitely not be happy.

Originally, there were some contradictions and frictions between GT and the two countries, and there were still disputes over some islands.

After several years of communication and dialogue, the two countries maintained the current peaceful status quo, so if country G made such a move again, wouldn't it be provoking disputes between the two countries?
Besides, at this juncture, the international community is participating in search and rescue operations. If country G makes troubles again, won't it be looking for trouble for itself?
So, this matter... the representative of the military is still very measured, and he dare not make his own claims.

And no matter what is blown up, even if it is just a mineral water bottle, it is not advisable.

Because of sensitive {m}sensitive areas, who dares to make their own claims?

If country G is brought into a situation where it is beyond redemption, it will be a historical sinner!
This shows that the military representative is cowardly, afraid to speak, and the head of state is so anxious again...

Later, the head of state meant: When he knew about this last night, why didn't he act?
Suddenly hearing this, the military representative finally began to explain, meaning: that area already belongs to the adjacent sea area of ​​country T, and I dare not make my own claim.

The head of state was even more anxious, meaning: If no measures were taken last night, it must not work now!I dare not make this order on my own!
Then, the head of state asked again, meaning: Why didn't you report to me the first time last night?

The military representative said, meaning: When I found out about this last night, it was already more than three o'clock at night, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning, so I was afraid to disturb your rest, the head of state!

Taking the opportunity, the military representative explained: Even if I knew about this last night and ordered action immediately, it was too late.Because our military plane flew there, it happened to be dawn.It is no longer suitable for bombing operations.

Hearing such a situation suddenly, the head of state also has a headache...

Afterwards, he had no choice but to look at the military representative and ask, meaning: So what do you say now?
The military representative frowned and thought for a while, then said: There is only one way.Send people to country T and act secretly.

Führer: What if the operation fails?

The military representative: Over there in country T... secretly manage, the operation should not fail?If it was really a victim who landed in country T, the official of country T would definitely have first-hand information.At least country T officials will verify their identities.

The head of state thought for a while, and then said: Then you can figure it out!Remember... Never ruin the reputation of our country G!

At this moment in the morning, the Hilton Hotel in country G.

After breakfast, several women gathered in the room of the second child, Su Qian'er...

It seems that the old couple are still on good terms.

They all habitually like to gather in her room.

However, at this moment, they gathered together and did nothing but pay attention to some international public opinion.

The focus is still on some reports about Mir.

Now the morning report has come out. According to the report, the search and rescue plane of country Y has completed its flight yesterday, and the Mir has not been found in the ocean yet. According to inference, the Mir should have collided in the ocean. off the reef and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

The report also mentioned that no survivors have been found on the island in the relevant sea area, and it is possible that all members of the crew have died.

Looking at these sad reports, the beautiful eyes of the six women wrinkled...

"The captain won't... really hang up like this?" Qiong'er guessed.

The cute girl hurriedly said: "Bah! You crow's mouth! How is it possible? How could the captain hang up?"

Su Qian'er said with some annoyance: "Oh, don't you all guess blindly, can you? It's really annoying to guess like this! Maybe... the captain didn't go on the Mir at all? Besides ...Maybe the captain is still on a certain island before?"

Tan Jixia couldn't help but said, "I agree with the second child."


(End of this chapter)

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