The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 975 Arriving in Country T Tomorrow

Chapter 975 Arriving in Country T Tomorrow
At this moment in the morning, in the middle of the ocean.

I saw that white medium-sized freighter still struggling forward...

After suffering for two consecutive days and two nights, some of the eight people on board were exhausted.

Even the captain of Hua Guo... also felt that his physical strength was seriously overdrawn.

There is no way, he is running at both ends after all.

He had to keep an eye on the cockpit, over there... Ryder couldn't stand it alone, and he had to replace it every now and then.

Just this morning, in the cockpit, at the helm is Jeon Hye Kyo.

However, she was also trying to cheer herself up, hinting to herself that if she endured any longer, she would soon land in country T.

However, it takes a day and a night to really reach country T.

After a while, when Katerina came to the cockpit to take over the helm, Jeon Hye Kyo, who was already extremely sleepy, couldn't help but ran to the engine room.

Because she knew that Li Chen was on duty in the cabin right now.

At this moment, Li Chen, who was in the cabin, began to feel a little secretly happy, even a little excited...

Because this time... it is really approaching country T!

Stay up for another day during the day today, and then stay up for another night tonight. When it dawns tomorrow, you will officially sail into the waters of country T.

It is no longer the waters near the T country.

He was happy in his heart, when he suddenly saw his daughter-in-law pushed open the door, poked her head in and took a look, he couldn't help being startled with a little joy——

Seeing him like that, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but say coquettishly: "Why are you so happy?"

While talking, this charming daughter-in-law walked in, but she didn't forget to turn around and lock the door behind her.

It can be seen that, after all, the young couple naturally long to be together more and make out.

Looking at her, Li Chen couldn't help smiling inexplicably happily again: "Tomorrow we will officially sail into the waters of country T, instead of the waters adjacent to country T. Are you happy? Are you happy?"

Seeing him suddenly happy like a child again, Quan Huiqiao smiled and said, "Anyway, if I'm here where you are, I'll be happy."

Hearing what his lovely daughter-in-law said, Captain Hua Guo couldn't help but put his arms around her when he got excited, and kissed her suddenly...

He was just getting excited, but the actress from country H shyly whispered in his ear: "I... that one is here."

"???" Captain Hua Guo couldn't help frowning depressedly.

This is really a bit of a disappointment.

Seeing his frowning all of a sudden, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help giggling maliciously...

Then, in order to satisfy his momentary interest, she had no choice but to whisper in his ear shyly: "If you are not afraid of being dirty..."

Suddenly, she heard her say that, so Captain Hua also said, "My wife, what are you afraid of?"

"Hmph! Scoundrel!"


Now, the cockpit.

"Uh, Sister Ito, I may be going to country T tomorrow, what should I do?"

Suddenly hearing Katerina who was at the helm say so, Ito Kawaka who was beside her also frowned with some regret...

It was supposed to be a very happy thing, but thinking about the upcoming wave of goodbyes, I couldn't be happier.

Then, Katerina pursed her lips inexplicably, and said again: "Huh! Brother Li Chen is really too much! I know that I am only bored with Sister Huiqiao all day long!"

This is somewhat like adding fuel to the fire.

Because the more she said that, the more Ito Chuanxiang felt inexplicably uncomfortable, and it was very unpleasant.

After a while, Katerina couldn't help but say again: "Hmph, before I get off the boat, I'm going to beat Brother Li Chen!"

Hearing these words, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being startled, then turned her head and stared blankly at this girl from the fighting nation...

It seemed that she realized that this was indeed a girl from a fighting nation!
Not only dare to love and hate, but also dare to speak.

Just when Ito Chuanxiang was about to say something, suddenly, Alice and the three women came in...

"Morning! Sister Ito! And... Sister Linna!"

Jessie was the first to greet her lively.

Immediately, Alice hurriedly said: "Hey, Linna, let's take the helm now."

Katerina said: "No need. I just took it from sister Huiqiao."

As for...Sun Jiaying, she always felt like she couldn't talk to her.

At the same time, she also realized that their feelings towards her... seemed to be deeply rooted?

After all, she was once tainted and defected from the team.

This also made her deeply realize that a moment of cleverness might end up harming only herself?
Afterwards, Jessie couldn't help but said, "Tomorrow we're going to dock in country T, doesn't that mean... that we're going to say goodbye to brother Li Chen?"

Suddenly hearing this, Alice also had a headache: "Oh... this is really bad news!"


As for Ryder, he was fast asleep in the cabin at the moment.

He stayed up all night in the cabin yesterday and went to bed in the morning, but he also expressed his understanding.

It's just... as soon as his bastard fell asleep, the joyful atmosphere on the boat seemed to be less.


At this moment, looking around, it is still a vast sea area, a sea area without boundaries.

This way, I have never even seen a small island.



Country G in a while.

There were still two rescue planes, which departed from country G.

In fact, under the banner of rescue, I want to fly to the sky above the ocean to see if there is really such a ship sailing in the ocean?

Of course, even if there is, no action will be taken.

After all, at this juncture, the international community is watching.

Many countries have joined the search and rescue team one after another, so at this time, wouldn't it be self-inflicted to deal with the matter?


About twelve o'clock in the morning.

Li Chen and the others were on the boat, and saw two more planes passing by...

But seeing the national flag pattern of country G, they felt a little inexplicably uneasy.

Especially a few women, they are really like frightened birds.

"What should I do?" Alice was the first to worry.

To be honest, when asked what to do now, Captain Hua could only frown...

Because in this ocean, what can we do?
People are on the boat again, and there is nowhere to hide.

However, seeing the two planes headed towards country T, Captain Hua said with some uncertainty, "It should be all right? Don't worry too much."

Then, he said: "Besides, there are rescue signs on the plane, I think...they shouldn't dare to do something so blatantly?"

But, then, he emphasized: "However... No matter what, we can't fall into the hands of people from G country!"


(End of this chapter)

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