Chapter 976 Find a way to speak out

When it was about two o'clock in the afternoon, I saw the two planes from country G returning from the sky above the ocean...

For the eight people on board, whenever they saw that the plane was from country G, their hearts still trembled and their hairs felt inexplicable.

Because after all, I don't know if those grandsons of country G will do any evil actions again?
This damn... The ship was sailing in the ocean, and it was hard to avoid it, because there was nowhere to hide.

However, seeing that the two planes from country G had returned and departed, the eight people on board let out a long sigh of relief...

It feels like there shouldn't be any messes?
However, Alice still couldn't help but asked with a trembling heart, "Uh... Mr. Li... it should be... all right?"

Before Li Chen could answer, Katerina couldn't help curling her lips and said, "Hmph! I really want to shoot down those two planes from country G just now!"

Suddenly hearing what she said, the big guy is... not smiling, not smiling?

I just thought... this is indeed a girl from a fighting nation!

But, to be honest, with the temper of Captain Hua, he really wanted to take down those two planes from country G.

It's just that the reality is that if they really do that now, it's just an egg hitting a stone.

Moreover, if they take the lead in making such a reaction, they will definitely be sunk in the ocean by the gunfire of country G.

Don't do such a stupid thing!

Now, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, the lives of the eight people are still important!
In other words...the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood.

If the lives of the eight people are gone, and everyone is dead, then everything will be meaningless.

After a while, when Ryder suddenly came to the cockpit, he couldn't help being angry: "Oh...fuck... those bastards from country G! I really want to smash their heads! Fuck! "

This shows that Ryder is also like that, Captain Hua Guo didn't know what to say for a while?
However, he still realized something in his heart. This matter... Maybe it's better to keep a low profile.

What's more, I still have to think about it... What are the intentions of those grandchildren in country G?
Only when you understand these things can you face them calmly.

All of a sudden, Captain Hua felt that...maybe he will land in country T tomorrow, maybe some grandsons will make some moths out of him?

But, if you don't dock in country T... then maybe in this ocean, there will still be endless?
Thinking about it, it really gives me a headache...


Stayed until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly, I saw two or three rescue planes from other countries passing by in the sky...

Of course, these rescue planes should only be aimed at Mir?
And their ship... sailing in the ocean, there is nothing unusual, so naturally it will not attract too much attention for the time being.

It's just that Captain Hua Guo was thinking... It seems that the Mir matter has become a big deal?
So... from this point of view, country G should... and shouldn't dare to make any more messes in the ocean?
It's just that after landing in country T, what will happen, I don't know?

In fact, right now, what the eight of them need most is to speak up.

The so-called speaking out is to let everyone know the situation of the eight of them, to let everyone know that they are all survivors in the ocean.

Only if this is done, then it will be absolutely safe to dock in country T.

It's just that now... the stupid thing is, the eight of them can't talk to the outside world now.

Those planes were all passing by Tamar in an instant, and no one came to talk to them.

Thinking about this matter... Captain Hua Guo was thinking, what method should he think of?
It must be known that the eight of them need rescue!

But... put it in the ocean, there seems to be nothing to do?
After pondering over and over again...Suddenly, the captain of the Hua Kingdom had a whim...

Ever since, he couldn't help but said to Ryder: "Hey, Dahei, come with me."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Ryder was a little confused: "???"

However, before Ryder could react, Captain Hua Guo said again: "A few more women."

Suddenly, the women were also a little confused: "???"

This afternoon, it was Jessie at the helm.

Therefore, Li Chen simply said: "Linna and Jessie are in the cockpit. The rest follow me."

It can be seen that while he was talking, he hurriedly turned around and got out of the cockpit. In desperation, they had no choice but to keep up...

Ryder, who was the first to catch up, asked, "Hey, brother, what are you trying to do?"

Only then did Li Chen reveal: "Let's go and move out the food and whatnot. See if we can put an 'SOS' on the boat, understand?"

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder was still a little confused: "Hey, brother... do we... need rescue now?"

Li Chen said: "Why don't you need it?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ryder frowned and thought about it, and suddenly felt...seems like there is indeed a need?
After all, the eight people now... are indeed survivors in the ocean, like refugees.

Just thinking about it, Ryder said again: "Hey hey hey! Brother! Our ship... is fine!"

Seeing that this guy still doesn't understand, Li Chen said: "Mr. Ni! Don't you feel that the Mir has become an international event now? Hasn't the international community already participated in the rescue? And what we need to do now is to speak up immediately, understand? We must let the international community know the existence of the eight of us, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ryder seemed to half understand...

But, immediately, Ryder said: "Brother, maybe our way of speaking may not be effective?"

Li Chen said: "Fuck, Mr. Ni! If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

Then, he said again: "Don't let the outside world know the existence of the eight of us, then the eight of us may really be fish on other people's chopping boards, understand?"

Ryder said: "Brother, I understand what you mean. But, what I want to say is, if we are busy for a long time and no one sees everything we do, then wouldn't it be a waste of work?"

Suddenly hearing what this guy said, Captain Hua became a little annoyed: "Hold the grass, Mr. Ni! You get out! It's fine, you go to the cabin by yourself! I don't need you, okay?"

And Ryder immediately wondered again: "Hey, brother, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?"

Li Chen said: "Don't you think it's troublesome? Aren't you afraid that we will just be busy for nothing?"

There was no way out, and Ryder had no choice but to say: "OK! Let's work together! We don't mind the trouble together, so... OK?"


(End of this chapter)

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