The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 977 Can't drop the anchor!

Chapter 977 Can't drop the anchor!

Next, under the leadership of Huaguo captain Li Chen's Zhang Luoyu, they went to bring out several boxes of canned luncheon meat.

Then unpack the {k} packing box and lay out cans of luncheon meat.

Next, using this can of luncheon meat, I placed the 'SOS' form on the boat...

After a while, if you look down from the sky again, the 'SOS' form on the boat is quite eye-catching.

As for whether this way of making a sound is effective... I don't know?
Anyway, now, I just hope that some rescue planes that are involved in the international community will be able to spot this scene in the ocean when they fly over.

In this case... the eight of them may also have the opportunity to talk to the rescue plane of the international community.

As long as it gets the attention of the international community, the information can be made public, and become an international public opinion, then...even the grandchildren of country G will have to weigh it carefully if they want to make trouble again.

However, after finishing all this work, Ryder and others are still questioning whether this method works?

Captain Hua Guo ignored their doubts for the time being, just wiped off his sweat, and then let out a long breath.

Just looking up at the sky, he couldn't help but frown again...

Damn, it's almost time for the sunset to go west...

This is a bit silly.

Suddenly, Alice couldn't help but said, "Hey, Mr. seems to be getting dark?"

However, Ryder looked at the sky, at the 'SOS' just put out, and then at Captain Hua, he couldn't help laughing: "Hey, brother, are we... …wasting all your efforts, and you’ve killed a dog?”

Seeing that guy like Ryder, Li Chen couldn't help but look at him gloomily, and then said: "I'm going to Mr. Ni, how about a smile?"

At this moment, Sun Jiaying panicked and stretched out her hand excitedly: "Hey - fellow - look - there is an island in front -"

Hearing this suddenly, everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of her finger...

I saw ahead, under the slanting light of the afterglow, there was indeed a small island.

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said: "Li Chenjun, why don't we anchor by the island? Let's not rush into the waters of country T, shall we?"

In fact, she didn't say that, Captain Hua also thought so.

It's just that the careless thing is that the anchor rope of this ship is gone, and the front and rear anchor ropes are gone.

Can't drop anchor.

In other words, even if the island berths, the ship cannot be fixed.

This is a troublesome thing for Nima.

After a while, that bastard Ryder thought about it, and finally answered correctly: "Hey, brother, I also suggest that we don't rush into the waters of country T. Because once we sail into the waters of country T, maybe we won't have a chance The rescue plane of the international community found it? So...I also suggest...we should anchor on the island first, and wait until we figure out the countermeasures."

Then, the guy said again: "Besides, this location is now close to country T, and those sons of bitches in country G don't dare to shoot here anymore. Because firing here means that the two countries are going to war."

How could Captain Hua not have thought of these things?
Only the ship has no anchor.

Afterwards, looking at Ryder, Captain Hua Guo said: "Then think of a way, how can our ship be docked?"

Hearing this, Ryder suddenly remembered: "Oh...Damn...Fuck...I forgot that this ship has no anchor."

The four women couldn't help but startled: "???"

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo asked, "Can't you drop the anchor?"

"En." Li Chen nodded.

Alice said: " seems that this is really bad!"

This showed that none of them had any ideas, so Captain Hua had no choice but to turn around suddenly after thinking about it, and was about to go back to the cabin, to go to the cockpit...

That bastard Ryder stared, quickly turned around and followed up: "Hey, brother, have you figured out a solution yet?"

Li Chen was walking ahead, while replying: "No."

"???" Ryder was a little dazed, thinking, why are you walking so fast?
After entering the cockpit for a while, Captain Hua Guo didn't care too much, and just said in a hurry: "Okay, leave it to me to take the helm."

Katerina and Jessie couldn't help being startled when they heard this——

Turning her head to look at him, Katerina hurriedly asked, "Brother Li Chen, are we going to anchor on the island ahead?"

"En." Li Chen nodded.

Afterwards, when Ryder and the others followed to the cockpit, they suddenly saw that Captain Hua was manipulating the ship and preparing to anchor on the island in front, so Ryder hurriedly said, "Hey, brother, it's not like I can't anchor. Is it?"

Li Chen said: "People are alive, aren't they?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, Ryder was stunned for a while, but he understood a little bit. It is estimated that this guy wants to keep giving some power, just keep the boat docked on the island.

It's just... this way is a bit tiring.

Because someone has to be in the cockpit to control it.

But this...seems to be an impossible solution.


Ahead, the island on the southeast side is not big.

The vegetation on the island is not very lush.

The hill on the island is purely a rocky hill.

But under the afterglow, the scenery is quite charming.

On the southeast side of the island, there is a small beach...

It looks like a virgin land that no one has ever been to.


Although I feel that I am very close to country T, but now I am in this position, looking around, it is still just a vast, remote sea area...

In addition, there is no sign of any T country for the time being.


Wait for a while, after Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, steered the boat and successfully approached the beach, he could only give a little power all the time, keeping the boat docked like this.

Once the power is not given, the Commodore ship will slowly be swayed back into the ocean by the waves.

It's just that the women on the boat finally saw the island, and they seemed inexplicably more at ease.

Because I have been sailing in the ocean, and it has always been a vast sea, I am really not at ease.

Of course, the most hopeful thing is to be able to land in country T as soon as possible.

That long-lost sense of land is now what they most hope for.

Especially for the four people including Captain Hua, they have longed for that down-to-earth sense of land.

After a while, Ryder brought in a case of dark beer, and couldn't help but cheerily said: "Hey, men and women, now we can finally have fun! Come on, drink to your heart's content Let's go! Tonight... let's have a carnival!"

Seeing that guy like Ryder, Li Chen is suspicious, probably this guy is trying to get drunk on that young foreign woman named Alice tonight...

It seems that this kind of European and American woman, after getting drunk, has a high probability of having a one-night flair?
(End of this chapter)

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