Chapter 978 has been reported
At twilight, country G, a certain military base.

The office area, one of the small conference rooms...

Under the light, two or three guys are discussing something furtively here...

Among them, the highest officer of the military is also there.

What they mean is that they have already settled with the people from the Coast Guard of Country T.

As soon as the white medium-sized freighter enters the waters of Country T, the ships from the Coast Guard will be dispatched immediately.

Anyway, the general meaning is that everything is under control.

However, regarding the white medium-sized freighter, what is the situation, who is on board, etc., they have not yet grasped these situations.

However, one of them was saying that the white medium-sized freighter belonged to the John family.

According to some information obtained in the early stage, that white medium-sized freighter seems to be the freighter that Master Juezhi drove to the ocean before.

It's just that I don't know why I suddenly started sailing in the ocean again?
Thinking about these things... the guys in the military are also very headache.

They also felt that something... seemed strange?
I always feel... In the ocean, there seems to be a group of people who have always existed?

But, who is that group of people, they have never figured it out?
However, the only thing that is certain now is that that group of people... should be on that white medium-sized freighter now?
It's just that the already in the waters near country T, and it's inconvenient for the military of country G to take any further action.

Especially at this juncture, in the ocean, so many rescue planes from the international community are flying randomly, and they dare not make troubles blatantly.

Now they can only place their hopes on the Coast Guard in country T.

However, just when these guys felt that everything was settled, suddenly, a guy hurried in with a newspaper...

I don't know which country the guy took some photos of the white medium-sized freighter sailing in the ocean.

Now it has been reported that it was discovered that there is some kind of ship still sailing in the ocean.

It is estimated that the people on this ship may have witnessed some of the circumstances of the Mir?
Seeing such a report suddenly, these guys were caught off guard for a while: "???"

This is naturally not a good thing for them.

More importantly, the report has clearly pointed out that this is a cargo ship from country G, which comes from a certain shipping company in country G.

Now... it seems that some paper can't hold the fire anymore.

The highest officer in the military suddenly became anxious...

This is an imminent matter.

Just when he was about to call the head of state to report the matter, suddenly, the head of state actually called him on his own initiative.

Suddenly seeing the caller ID, the officer frowned...

But there is no way, only to answer the phone.

Next, the meaning of the head of state is: how could this happen! ?

The officer frowned again...

Because now, he knew very well that the situation might be overwhelmed?
Later, the head of state asked again, meaning: Do you know who are the people on board? ?
No way, in order to comfort the head of state, the officer had no choice but to say, meaning: Please calm down!That ship...was actually owned by the John family.I think... maybe it's normal business dealings?Maybe we are all worrying too much?
In fact, although Lord John has been controlled and closed the small black house, the group companies under him are still operating as usual.

Its shipping company is also operating normally.

To put it bluntly, it has already been operated as a group. It is impossible for the group company to disappear just because Lord John is gone.

Because the group should operate as it should.

Next, there is no way, the head of state can only say, meaning: before tomorrow morning, give me an answer.

As soon as the phone was hung up, the officer also had a headache.

Looking at the people in the meeting room, there was nothing wrong with him, so he had no choice but to give an order, which meant: work!

After a while, several SUVs from the military were ready to sail to the shipping company owned by the John family.

I plan to go and find out.

Because of this... Maybe only the shipping company can explain it?


Right now, the Hilton Hotel in Country G.

Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women seemed to have a glimmer of hope after reading the relevant reports.

I always feel...that white medium-sized freighter that suddenly appeared in the ocean looks like their captain's technique?

In fact, sometimes, a certain intuition of a woman is indeed accurate.

Suddenly, the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "I don't think we need to stay in country G anymore? We should go to country T!"

Suddenly hearing what the second child said, the older Tan Jixia was also thinking about it...

After a while, the cute girl said directly: "Then let's go tomorrow... then let's book a ticket to fly to country T for tomorrow, shall we?"

Suddenly hearing the cute girl say the same thing, Qin Xiaowan said: "What if... there is no captain on that white medium-sized freighter?"

And Qiong'er hurriedly said: "There is a captain appointed!"

Immediately, all of them looked at Qiong'er in a daze...

Then, Qin Xiaowan asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Qiong Er wrinkled her beautiful eyes, thought for a while, and then analyzed: "I guess the captain originally wanted to land in country G? Maybe country G has done some evil deeds, making the captain feel that country G is unreliable , so we can only go in the direction of T country."

Then, Qiong'er said again: "We have been with the captain for so long, who is the captain, don't we know?"

Then, Qiong'er said again: "When the captain led us in the ocean, didn't he also take life-saving as the first element?"

It's just that Qiong'er's words are still not convincing.

Because her analysis... is a bit empty.

Suddenly, the foreign girl Lina suddenly said: "Oh...I thought of it, Mr. Li must still be on the Mir ship. When the Mir ship crashed, Mr. Li must have saved himself. Then... We are not Have you seen those photos? Have more than [-] or [-] people been shot to death on the island? I feel...Maybe it's because country G doesn't want to rescue them, it's troublesome, so..."

Suddenly, Lina's analysis seemed reasonable, so Tan Jixia asked, "And then?"

Lina thought for a while: "Then...then Mr. Li was lucky to escape in that massacre, so...he already knew the dangers of country G, so...he suddenly felt...he should go to T Congress will be more appropriate!"

Although Lina's analysis was not very accurate, the older Tan Jixia slapped her forehead and said, "I have decided, we will go to country T tomorrow!"


(End of this chapter)

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