Chapter 979
After a while, those SUVs from the G country military unscrupulously drove into the shipping company owned by the John family...

Some of the staff who were on night shift suddenly saw those SUVs driving in, and they all felt a little inexplicably uneasy.

Although they didn't dare to say anything, they still understood in their hearts... It's best to keep them at arm's length!
These guys... can't be messed with!

In fact, there were still some gossips in the group about Lord John's sudden disappearance.

Therefore, these employees no longer have a good impression of the military personnel of country G.

It even feels... the entire industry under the John family will be embezzled by these guys from the military someday in the future?

Maybe it will cause them to lose their jobs?

However, regarding the duty manager of the shipping company tonight, contact with these guys is still unavoidable.

Therefore, I can only come out obediently to receive these guys...

It's just that when asked about the white medium-sized freighter in the report, the duty manager was also confused and couldn't answer.

In fact, what does he, a duty manager, know about this matter?

Therefore, the manager on duty can only tell the truth that he knows...

It means... Regarding this cargo ship, it was driven away by Master Jue Zhi a month or two ago.

Later, the freighter never returned to the dock.

In fact, the manager on duty already knew that Master Juezhi had already died in the ocean.

What happened later, the shipping company could not participate in it either.

Although the shipping company wanted to send someone to the ocean to drive the cargo ship back to the dock, but later...the shipping company had to temporarily avoid all kinds of things in the ocean.

Therefore, that freighter has been in the ocean.

But what is the situation now, how can the manager on duty answer it?

After listening to the on-duty manager give a rough account of what happened and the ins and outs of the incident, this group of people in the military were also a little dumbfounded: "???"

The only thing that is certain now is that the freighter is definitely not a member of the shipping company.

However, it is not known what kind of personnel they are?
After these guys from the military looked at each other, they didn't seem to know what to do?


After a while, it didn't matter, the officer of the G country's military had no choice but to call the T country's maritime police department.

As for what was said in detail, no one knows.

Because it's all under the hood.

As for some of the brains of the Coast Guard in Country T, they also received a lot of favor fees in private.

The so-called... Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

So this matter... Country T's Coast Guard should also be very concerned about it.



This night, in the ocean, it was close to the small island of country T.

I saw that white medium-sized freighter still docked there steadily...

However, in order not to be so dazzling, the navigation lights and other lights outside the ship are all turned off.

Only in the cabin, some lights are on.

Regarding those eight people, they still gathered in the cockpit.

The so-called carnival, drinking, smoking, spanking, all in the cockpit...

Because the boat has to give some power to keep it docked in this position.

After all, there is no anchor.

That bastard Ryder...has always wanted to get that little girl Alice drunk, but who knows...this little girl from Europe and the United States can drink a lot, and she can't get drunk at all.

After drinking a few bottles of dark beer, the little girl became more and more excited as she drank.

However, it is indeed inexplicably happy.

After the little girl suddenly opened another bottle of dark beer, she couldn't help smiling and said to Captain Hua, "Hey, Mr. Li... Should we have a cup?"

Although it was just a joke, but the style of this European and American girl is really charming...

Seeing this, Jeon Hye Kyo felt a little jealous.

Fortunately, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, I said...Alice, I think you should respect Mrs. Li. If you really want to have a drink, let's have a drink, OK?"

Taking the opportunity, Captain Hua Guo finally couldn't help but said: "I also think you two can really have a cup. Actually... Dahei... Really is not bad. Man."

Unexpectedly, after Alice looked at Ryder, she said, "Oh... I think it's better to forget it. Clinking glasses is still fine."

Seeing this, Captain Hua had no choice but to secretly shrug his shoulders at Ryder and spread his hands...

It means that people look down on you, and I'm going to be the same.

As a result, Ryder was also really depressed, frowning...

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying came over waving a wine bottle: "Come on, fellow, I'll give you a toast alone!"

Seeing the sincerity on the face of this little girl from Shanghai, Li Chen seemed to be hard to refuse.

So, he hurriedly smiled, and then waved the wine bottle in his hand: "Okay, come on, fellow!"

Taking the opportunity, Sun Jiaying looked at him sincerely and said, "Thank you, fellow!"

Hearing what she said suddenly, Li Chen smiled indifferently: "No. Maybe it's not the time to say thank you? Frankly speaking... I don't know what will happen when we dock in country T tomorrow?"

Sun Jiaying said: "Then I also want to thank you!"

Then, she said again: "Actually, I have already prepared for the worst. So no matter what... I still want to thank you for allowing me to live in the ocean for a few more days! And... for these few more days... ...The sincerity made me understand more, understand more! Even if what happens tomorrow...I have no regrets in this life, really!"

Then, she continued: "Isn't there a saying in Huaguo that... success depends on people, and planning depends on heaven. So no matter what... you, as the captain this time, are already the pride of our Huaguo people! At least that's what I think of!"

Suddenly hearing this, Jessie hurriedly said: "Brother Li Chen, absolutely...very, good! The, most, cattle captain!"

However, Captain Hua Guo actually said jokingly: "Speak Chinese, I don't understand foreign language."

Alice really thought he didn't understand, so she hurriedly said: "Jessie are great! The best captain!"

Suddenly, that bastard Ryder couldn't help but said: "Hey hey! I little girls...don't forget, this most awesome captain of Huaguo was elected by me! Don't you also Should I thank you?"

Suddenly seeing Ryder like that, Alice finally couldn't help giving him a different look: "If we dock safely tomorrow, I can consider having a drink with you."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Ryder was suddenly so happy: "Really!? It's a deal!?"

"Of course. It's a deal."

Ryder was suddenly as happy as a child: "Hey! You... all heard?"


(End of this chapter)

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