The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 980 Ready to sail into the waters of country T

Chapter 980 Ready to sail into the waters of country T

For Alice's words... If I dock safely tomorrow, I can consider having a drink with you. Therefore, Ryder is also very caring, and wakes up early the next morning.

After waking up this morning, I came to the deck outside the cabin, and suddenly saw the red sun showing a smile on the eastern sea level, and this guy was even more jubilant...

"Oh... this is the legend... Do people feel happy on happy occasions?"

Because the weather feels good, the probability of landing safely is still relatively high.

In addition, the ship moored here for one night last night, and the personnel also rested for one night, and the state of exhaustion has also eased.

The current mental quite sufficient.


However, as far as last night was concerned, Alice and the other three women were on duty all night in the cockpit.

Because the ship has no front and rear anchors, in order to ensure that the ship remains docked, the three women were arranged to be on duty in the cockpit last night and later.

Been giving a little power to keep the ship anchored here last night.


At this moment in the morning, Katerina and Ito Chuanxiang had gone to the cockpit to take over, and Alice and the other three women went to sleep in the cabin.

As for this moment, Captain Huaguo Li Chen...and his wife Quan Huiqiao haven't woken up yet.

I guess... the young couple finally slept together in the same room last night, probably because they were tired?

Wait for a while, when Ryder was in a hurry to get to the cockpit and set sail, he happened to meet Captain Hua Guo coming up from the cabin...

Suddenly seeing this, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, Captain Hua, last night... Did you and your wife work hard?"

Seeing this guy like this suddenly, Li Chen was too lazy to go back to him.

He just went his own way, ready to go out and see the situation.

And that bastard Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother, I have just seen it and observed it, and the situation is very good. Today... will be sunny."

Li Chen still didn't say anything, and went out as usual...

Seeing it, there was nothing wrong with it, and immediately, that bastard Ryder hurriedly followed out like a follower.

After arriving outside the cabin, looking around, looking, and looking around, Captain Hua Guo couldn't help but frown inexplicably...

Although the weather is good, it seems... the atmosphere is not so good?

Seeing his frown, Ryder said again: "Hey, brother, what's wrong with you? Why do you have to frown in such a good weather? Are you imitating your Hong Kong star Tony Leung? Are you pretending to be deep? ?”

Seeing this guy like this, talking endlessly, Li Chen finally said: "Are you pretending to be deep? Don't you it suddenly too quiet?"

In fact, this morning, it was indeed a little quiet.

The rescue planes of the international community were not flying all over the sky as imagined.

Ryder said: "Brother, we have been in the ocean for so long, when is it not so quiet?"

This is true.

It is indeed the environment that I feel every day, and it is quiet.

Either a few fighter planes from country G suddenly came, and there was a burst of inexplicable and indiscriminate bombing...

Seeing that Ryder is like this, for a while, Captain Hua Guo didn't know what to say?
It's just that in my heart... I always have a bad feeling?
Here, after all, it's a small island close to country T, so it's so quiet?

According to...the delayed effect of the Mir's wreck in the ocean, shouldn't they and will also consider...the possibility that the Mir was also wrecked in this sea area?
This question, for a while, is really worth thinking about...



In fact, last night and later, country G did issue a temporary announcement, which means that it has been roughly confirmed that the Mir lost contact in the waters near the uninhabited island.

Because the uninhabited island is located towards the south, underwater, there are two or three hidden reefs.

As for country G, the sudden announcement last night was naturally intended to guide the rescue forces of the international community to concentrate in this sea area.

As for... what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, only country G knows for sure.

Due to this announcement, the rescue forces of the international community are indeed preparing to concentrate in the relevant waters near country G.



After a while, the small island near country T.

On the white medium-sized freighter next to it...

Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, stood in front of the railing outside the cabin, smoked a cigar, looked, looked, looked, and then had no choice but to turn his head to look at Ryder beside him...

Afterwards, he said, "Okay, let's get ready to set sail."

Because there is no other way, I can only consider setting sail.

Then he went to the cockpit.

The Ryder guy hurried to the cabin.

Afterwards, after the ship set sail again and was about to sail towards country T, Li Chen, as the captain, couldn't help but ran to the engine room again...

This time, he had no choice but to say to Ryder: "Hey, Dahei. He is about to sail into the waters of country T. There should be a wireless signal slowly. The phone should be able to go out. You try to make an international call. Rescue calls. Keep calling. Remember, once you get through, you must say that we are the survivors of HX714 last year, understand?"

Then, he said again: "As for what to do next and how to say it, I think you also know it. It is to tell the other party our location. Then tell the other party what kind of ship we are on. And..."

Before he finished speaking, Ryder hurriedly said: "OK! Brother, I understand! Don't worry!"

Immediately, the guy added: "Do you think I'm like those silly girls?"


In fact, in order to ensure the lives of the eight people, every method can only be tried next.

Otherwise... Once it is revealed that it is related to the Mir, is it really possible to lose your life?

Of course, although it is only an illusion, there must be a plan in advance.

Otherwise... When the ship from the Coast Guard of Country T came to intercept it, and foolishly said that it was a survivor of the Mir, who would know what would happen next?

What's more, with this kind of thing, with Captain Hua's rich experience, if the grandsons of country G really want to make trouble... they can easily deal with the people of country T's maritime police station.

Because if you put some money in private, there is nothing you can't do.

That's why... Later, I decided to bring the counterfeit money from that lockbox.

Although those dollar bills were fake, they were still very dazzling when opened.

So... Maybe at a critical moment, it can still start to work?

Sometimes... things like money are even more useful than guns.

(End of this chapter)

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